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Reply To: Supplement: Nutra Thrive

#157885 Report Abuse
Jerold K

I bought Nutra Thrive Canine Nutritional Supplement directly from the company after I saw an infomercial touting its benefits with a horse called “Sly.” The message in the infomercial was POWERFUL. The ingredients brought “Sly” the horse back to life after he was on his way to dying.! My dog was not dying. In fact he was and is very healthy. I thought to myself this product will just make him healthier. On June 19,2020, I started feeding small amounts to my Jack Russell/ Chihuahua by mixing it in with his other regular food. Within 3-4 days , I noticed that my dog had black diarrhea. I also noticed that he was scratching his anal area with his teeth. I noticed that his anal area was red. I immediately took him off the supplement. I thought everything would return to normal. I did not at that time check his entire body. I thought the redness was confined to his anal area. Then on June 29th, I saw that he had red blotches on his flank and stomach area.( I have pictures, but I do not think I can attach them here.) (I did send the pictures to the company.) I WAS IN A PANIC! I got on the INTERNET and started to research the issue. After my research, I thought it could be ringworm. I took him to a vet and to my surprise, it was not ringworm, but a strong a strong allergic reaction to something. I told the vet about my use of Nutra Thrive. He concluded it must have been something in the ingredients that caused that reaction. I was dumbfounded!
Anyway, the vet gave him a cortisone shot , put him on antibiotics for 2 weeks, shaved his stomach and flank area so I could apply gentacalm on his body throughout the day. He also has a cone around his neck so he cannot scratch his anal area. My dog is not happy! UNBELIEVABLE! The vet bill was $298.99! PRIOR TO THIS EVENT, MY DOG HAD NEVER BEEN TO A VET FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN TO GET HIS YEARLY SHOTS. I have owned him for 4 years. He is 10 years old.
I would strongly suggest to any dog owner that if your dog develops diarrhea, IN MY OPINION, STOP USING THIS PRODUCT IMMEDIATELY!
I called customer service and asked for a refund because my dog had terrible diarrhea. The girl was very understanding and said she would issue a refund. I had no problems with the company with my request for a refund. I mailed back the jar which was 95% full because I had used very little.
I also sent an E-mail to customer service telling them what had happened and requested that they reimburse me for the vet bill. A person named Aldo replied and stated that he apologized for the ‘inconvenience” that has caused me and my pet. He calls a $298.99 vet bill and the miserable condition my dog finds himself in an “inconvenience.” UNBELIEVABLE! I wonder what he would say if the shoe were on the other foot and it was his dog that had this problem.
And of course he gives the standard line that they always suggest speaking with your “preferred” veterinarian for the best advise. THE INFOMERCIAL THAT I SAW NEVER SUGGESTED THAT! If that is their position then every ad they run should state that the customer should see their “preferred vet” first before they buy the product. Of course if they did that they wouldn’t sell any product because the vet would most assuredly say do not buy the product. The vet would sell them their own product. WHO ARE THEY KIDDING! Their whole business model is to bypass the vet. IF IT WERE OTHERWISE, THEY WOULD TRY TO SELL THEIR PRODUCT THROUGH THE VET!
Aldo never mentioned anything about the vet bill by the way.
The ingredients in Nutra Thrive caused harm to my dog and The company should reimburse me for my vet bill of $298.99! I understand that they do not sell their product to harm pets. That is not their intention. However, when their product negligently causes harm to a pet, they are liable for the damages. If they care about pets like they say they do. they should pay up.
A STRANGE THING HAPPENED WHEN I GOT MY REFUND ON JULY 7,2020. The refund was issued by a company called “California Pet Partners.” I looked up who runs that company. The name I found was Martin Goldstein. Martin Goldstein is none other than DR. MARTY who sells his own line of dog supplements. WHY AM i GETTING A REFUND FROM DR. MARTY FOR A PRODUCT THAT IS SOLD BY DR. RICHTER! STRANGE!