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What is my dog allergic to?

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  • #75553 Report Abuse
    Smokey Dog

    We’ve had our dog a week and have been trying to transition him into a partially raw diet. I have fed him chicken, eggs, yogurt, spinach, and BLUE dog kibble the last couple days. He has had an allergic reaction, but I’m not sure if it’s from something in the grass in the backyard or because of his food. He doesn’t itch that much but he has small to large red spots on his paws, stomach, and ears. We thought it was going away, until last night when he seemed to have an especially bad reaction to something (I had recently fed him part of a Perdue chicken). Could anyone give me some advice?

    #75605 Report Abuse

    Hi re-start the raw diet again, an elimination diet, just feed 1 protein, a meat he hasn’t eaten before & stick with green veggies, broccoli, celery, bok choy, beans etc these veggies must be blended in a blender made into a pulp, I stop the blender just before the veggies are liquid… dogs cant digest raw veggies like us, we chew our food, where dogs just swallow & don’t break down the veggies, that’s why you see corn or carrot in their poo…here’s the maintenance diet my boy was put on thru a Animal Naturopath if you scroll down there’s a Allergy diet…I had to pick 1 protein, 2-4 veggies & 1-2 fruits, I picked kangaroo mince, broccoli, celery, carrot & a apple, to start with, peel all veggies cut up then put thru a mini processor….I feed 1 cup meat & 2 spoons of the blended veggie/fruit mix 1/2 capsule probiotic dairy free, 1/2 capsule digestive enzyme added to the meal…then later you can add fish oil capsule
    … I froze the left over veggie/fruit mix in 2 spoon sections & was told don’t mix thru the meat & freeze, freeze separate & just take out the night before, my boy weights 37lb so he was eating 1 cup Kangaroo & 2 spoons veggie/fruit mix for breakfast & the same for dinner… I’d stop the egg & chicken, my boy got red hot paws after trying chicken & egg, that’s why its best you add just 1 new food a week, so you will know what food he is reacting too…. http://www.naturalanimalsolutions.com.au/natural-diet.html
    for the rash I bath in Malaseb medicated shampoo every 5-7 days while they have the rash or itch & you leave shampoo on for 5-10mins the Malaseb relieves the skin….

    #75643 Report Abuse
    Smokey Dog

    Wow thanks for your input! Very descriptive and helpful

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