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What dog food gives you the best "bang for your buck"?

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  • #54804 Report Abuse
    Halina H

    I have 2 dogs that I want to feed a quality dog food to, but like many, I’m on a tight budget. What dog food out there gives you the best quality ingredients for the best price point?

    #54807 Report Abuse

    It’s not available in my area, so I haven’t tried it, but a lot of the regulars here are really happy with Victor’s. If you can find it locally, it’s a great price, but not if you have to have it shipped. Since I really like the benefits of food rotation, I like having multiple options. Earthborn and NutriSource often have really good prices too.

    #54812 Report Abuse

    Hi Halina, Victor is a great food. If you can buy it local, it’s a budget friendly food. The grain free formulas, and 1 grain inclusive formula (Active Dog and Puppy) are rated 5 stars. I pay just under $40 for 30lbs of GF Ultra Pro 42. Some of the formulas are available in smaller bags too. Here’s a link to Victor’s site. http://www.victordogfood.com/ Check out the dealer locator for stores in your area. 🙂

    #54814 Report Abuse

    I agree with Victor if you can find it in your area, nutrisource is also reasonably priced and fromm classic.

    #54823 Report Abuse

    It depends on what you want in a food..ie grain free..corn free etc etc. I usually feed Arcana fir dry but rotate Victors Nutrisource, Hi trek on a rare occassion as well as Prozac when I am too lazy to go to the boutique pet store.

    #54825 Report Abuse

    Melissa, your autocorrect has behaved just about the worst I have seen, except for mine that keeps trying to sign me “Party” even though it’s one of the ones that is supposed to learn which words you commonly use…and I don’t do parties. I was even careful to do this post on a different machine…Stupid computers.

    #54826 Report Abuse

    Depending on the area, NutriSource may or may not be budget-friendly. Diet rotation is both good for the dog AND good for the budget, because it allows you to take advantage of sales and what not. If shopping online is an option, Petflow.com , chewy.com , wag.com and petfooddirect.com are good websites that often have great sales. Brands like Victor, Dr. Tim’s, Earthborn Holistic, Wysong, and Tractor Supply’s 4Health are all good brands and reasonably-priced too. On those websites mentioned above, you can type “sample” or “trial” and see deals for sample-sized or even full-sized bags of food. I would check them out weekly.

    #54829 Report Abuse

    Melissa, I’ll have to try Prozac for my shy dog, maybe it’ll help her meet strangers on walks

    #54835 Report Abuse

    Or meet Party girl BC at her parties. Lol

    #54853 Report Abuse

    ROFLMAO. I hate the freaking autocorrect on my phone. I can’t even imagine where it came up with Prozac as I don’t think I have EVER typed that word at least not from the phone, lol.. For the record, No, I do not give the dogs Prozac when I am too lazy to go to the boutique pet store…That should have read “Pro Pac”…The worse part of my phone is that I can re read what I wrote, its fine, and then once I hit the enter or send, it changes it..argh!!!

    As for bargain foods, remember to check that they do not have a frequent buyer club. Nutrisource has a buy 10 or 12, get one free for the general consumer : ) Every little bit helps!

    #54856 Report Abuse

    Melissa, we figured you meant Pro Pac. Just couldn’t help ourselves. You know our sense of humor sometimes gets the better of us and just couldn’t help messing with you. lol

    #54880 Report Abuse
    Halina H

    Thank you all for your helpful suggestions. Found a retailer for Victor’s, I will have to see what they charge. Will look into NutriSource as well. Thank you and my dogs thank you.

    #54884 Report Abuse


    I really was tempted by Hi Trek. I wanted to make a joke about tribble food or something, but it just wasn’t coming. I also wondered why it couldn’t have autocorrected to High Tech, because I’ve always wondered what to feed my computer. And that Arcana will come in handy for the Halloween witches to feed their black kitties.

    #54887 Report Abuse

    High Trek, and Arcana are not available I all areas. Some of you will have to settle for plain old Acana and Hi Tek. Lol

    #54889 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    I was wondering where to buy bags of Prozac.

    #54890 Report Abuse

    Lol! Auto correct seriously annoys me sometimes but I would be lost without it. While typing that one sentence, I used spell check on one word and autocorrect on another. I am a horrible speller.

    #54891 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Me too! Heaven forbid I have to actually write something.

    #54892 Report Abuse

    I can’t spell correctly, but I always know when something is wrong. Often autocorrect doesn’t even know what to suggest, but I have a pretty good dictionary app. Every once in a while I find I want to use a word that neither one knows what to do with. My latest was saity(sp). You know, that feeling of satisfation when you have eaten enough. I still don’t know how to spell it, but I know it isn’t saity, at least I think I do.

    #54907 Report Abuse

    I always have trouble with the word suddenly. For some reason spell check rarely knows what suggest the way I spell it, sunndly.

    But, back on topic, the Nulo brand has a canned food that is really good priced considering its quality. Nulo Freestyle Grain-Free is 2.99 a can at the local store, and $31 dollars for 12 cans on chewy.

    #54916 Report Abuse

    I’ll have to check that out.

    #54921 Report Abuse

    I bought a bunch of Nulo when the local store was discontinuing it. My dogs did not do well with it.

    #54924 Report Abuse

    Aack! Sorry Dog Obsessed! I was scrolling through comments with my right thumb and I think I must’ve accidentally hit “report” on your comment.

    I really wish there was an option to confirm that you want to report a comment, but you just barely touch that button and it’s done and cannot be undone.

    #54927 Report Abuse

    @DogFoodie It’s fine! It happens! I agree, there should be a “confirm report” thing. Once Lily was on my lap while I was scrolling, and I realized her paw was on my trackpad because the page went crazy!

    What was the problem? Did it upset their stomach, or cause allergies?

    #54929 Report Abuse

    BC. Satiate. Satiated. That’s how I’m feeling right now as I just had some peach pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. I should know better, I’ll be up all night but insomniacs usually are. LOL

    Bobby Dog. If you find where to buy the bag of Prozac count me in. LOL again.

    #54931 Report Abuse

    Hi Dori, nope, not the word I wanted, but the one I would settle for! I just had to rearrange the way I worded a sentense. Satiation would have worked though…I needed the noun form.

    #54955 Report Abuse

    Omg Melissa, I was roaring reading your post!

    For the OP, Dr Tims is a good prices food & some come in larger bags.

    #54978 Report Abuse

    Dog obsessed-it gave them stomach and intestinal issues. And the burps were disgusting, lol.

    #54979 Report Abuse

    Inked Marie-lol. I have to say I think that was the worse spell check/autocheck has done to me. It supposed to learn words from what you use, but I went through last night and deleted a bunch of words that I KNOW it didn’t learn from me!

    #54982 Report Abuse

    You can do that?!?!

    #54994 Report Abuse

    @Mellissaandcrew Okay, thanks, I will keep that in mind. I might still try the food with Lily but I will stop if it upsets her stomach. She is sort of moderate in terms of sensitivity, She requires ~1 week for transition from food to food.

    #55002 Report Abuse

    Melissa, if my iPad learns words from me, I’m in deep trouble lol!

    #58355 Report Abuse
    Leisa D

    Satiety is the word you are looking for!

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