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Toppers/Added Nutrition

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  • #45051 Report Abuse
    Zach M

    I just want to get some ideas of toppers for kibble. My friend won’t go raw, but wants to ensure that he is feeding well. I suggested some stuff I learned from HDM, like salmon oil and coconut oil, as well as adding things like meat. I want to get some of your guy’s opinions on adding toppers to kibble. All suggestions are welcome.

    #45063 Report Abuse

    Hi Zach-
    I give my dogs canned every morning with their breakfast. In the evening they get either sardines, eggs, dehydrated, or frozen raw nuggets with their Kibbles. If we have healthy leftovers, I’ll throw those on too!
    I think it’s really healthy to add to dry food. Good luck!

    #45070 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Hi Zach M –

    I like to suggest toppers that are high in both moisture and protein as these are two things that kibble is generally lacking. These are some of my favorite suggestions to make for toppers:

    -Cage-Free Eggs (omega ‘3’s)
    -Tinned Sardines (omega 3’s)
    -Canned Salmon (omega 3’s)
    -Plain Yogurt (probiotics)
    -Plain Kefir (probiotics)
    -Raw Goat’s Milk (buy locally is it’s available or both Answer’s and Primal sell raw goat’s milk for dogs that has the additional benefit of added probiotics)
    -Cottage Cheese
    -High Quality Canned Foods
    -Re-hydrated Freeze-Dried Foods
    -Meat (use lean leftovers, purchase meat that’s on sale or items such as gizzards or heart that are fairly cheap

    Remember that if using unbalanced extras, they should account for 20% or less of each meal (if using balanced additions such as canned food or commercial raw this rule doesn’t apply).

    #45100 Report Abuse
    Zach M


    Do I give my dog whole eggs, or just the shells? Thanks for the answers C4C and Hound Dog Mom!

    #45101 Report Abuse

    I do not give my dogs the shells. I separate the yolk from the whites and give the yolk raw and lightly cook the whites. My dogs are about 80 pounds each and they get two eggs twice a week.

    #45105 Report Abuse
    Zach M

    So I just give my dog the raw yolks and slightly cool the egg whites? I’m not trying to question you and be rude but why don’t you give the eggshells? I just want to extend my knowledge.

    #45106 Report Abuse

    Steve Brown is considered by many to be one of the authorities on raw feeding. Here’s and article from this site: /choosing-dog-food/raw-dog-food-fat/

    Down toward the bottom of the page, you’ll read where there is mention of the e-book, the ABC Way. Here’s a link to that also: http://www.seespotlivelonger.com/home/sll/page_41/see_spot_live_longer_the_abc_way___electronic_down.html

    The download costs $2.95, but it’s great for learning about healthy toppers and even how to replace meals, once weekly, with fresh whole foods and the benefit that it can have. It’s a great download for the money!

    #45108 Report Abuse

    I give my Bailey a few raw, cage-free chicken or duck eggs per week. I feed her the whole egg, shell and all, and she loves it. I also use tinned sardines, yogurt or kefir, pumpkin, etc.

    Here is a good article about feeding your dogs eggs. There is also a ton of good info on the rest of the site.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Cyndi.
    #45115 Report Abuse

    Hi Zach-

    I remember either hearing or reading something that said that if you are feeding eggs as a topper to kibble to not feed the shells as it will cause the meal to be out of balance with too much calcium. But, to only feed with the shells when it is part of a homemade diet to increase calcium levels to where they need to be.

    I’m sure you will get more opinions. You just have to do your research and experiment with what you think is best.

    Good luck!

    #45116 Report Abuse

    That does make sense C4C, I should have mentioned that I feed raw. Thanks for clearing that up! 🙂

    #45117 Report Abuse
    Zach M

    Thanks guys! I feel so smart now!

    #45119 Report Abuse

    You always were Zach! : )

    #45120 Report Abuse
    Zach M

    Aww, thanks Betsy!

    #45125 Report Abuse

    Hi Zach-
    You might want to check out the down load that Betsy mentioned above. The see Sport Live Longer for $2.95. There are some good recommendations in that little book for people that feed kibble.

    #45127 Report Abuse
    Zach M

    I will download that. I’m so pumped!

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