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The Whole Dog Journal

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  • #27422 Report Abuse

    I just received my magazine The Whole Dog Journal the article by the editor Nancy Kearns called Moderation,Don’t lose sight of the forest for the trees is very good. Some of you on here are very good and give excellent advice but the holistic way sometimes is not always the best way!

    #27428 Report Abuse

    That’s why integrative vets are so great, the best of both worlds.

    I know someone that used both a holistic vet and a traditional vet. She recently had a problem with her dog that she took it to the holistic vet for. The treatment didn’t work and the dog got worse, so she told the holistic vet that she wanted to take the dog to her regular vet. The holistic vet told her she had to be either all the way in or all the way out. She wouldn’t see the dog anymore if the owner took the dog to the regular vet. The owner decided that being able to use the regular vet when needed was more important than seeing the holistic vet, and went on her way. The dog quickly got better with conventional treatment. Somtimes it is what is needed and even holistic vets should be able to see that.

    #27431 Report Abuse

    wow..It would have taken me about 30 seconds to exit that office and move on. Whether or not a vet agrees with the owners choice, its still the owners right to decide conventional or holistic.

    #27434 Report Abuse

    Everybody would know why I was leaving too.

    This poor lady was afraid that she did the wrong thing because the holistic vet gave her such a bad time.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by theBCnut.
    #27436 Report Abuse

    I’d have left that office, too. We have a holistic vet but you have to have a conventional vet as well. She doesn’t do surgeries, x rays, stuff like that.

    #27437 Report Abuse

    Oh, I just keep learning from everyone, this is so great! 🙂 Thank you all!

    I am now looking into local clinics that offer holistic medicine and/or conventional. We have a conventional vet 5 min. from our apartment, but now I would like to explore the holistic side too.

    I read that Banfield Pet Hospitals (usually affiliated with PetSmart stores) offer both types of veterinary medicine. Is anyone familiar with their services and to what extent their “holisticism” spreads?

    #27438 Report Abuse

    I’ve only ever heard bad things about Banfield. They are very commercial. They are all about getting you in the door so they can sell tons of product. I’ve never heard a positive comment about them.

    #27439 Report Abuse


    Oh, hm… Interesting. Yeah, I have never actually used their services, so I don’t know… I just saw it on their website…

    I guess I’ll see what others say too and just look for better options nearby… The only downside is, we may be moving soon to an area with not too many things around, and the closest (under 60-min drive) pet hospitals are all Banfield ones… Which yields my next question, how important is it that your vet is close by, and how far away is too far for a trip with mild-moderate concerns?

    #27443 Report Abuse

    That is subjective. My favorite vet is easily 45 minutes away. It’s a pleasant short drive for my dog that loves to ride in the car. It’s an eternity in hell when I take the cats. The closest emergency vet is about 65 minutes away. You’d be surprised how fast I can make it when the dog in the back has seizures, and I’m really not usually one for speeding. That one is too far, but there is nothing to do for it. Where I live, there is nothing close by, but I love my space, so I learn to live with it.

    #27445 Report Abuse


    Thank you for sharing your experience. I really having things (stores, entertainment places, interstate, school, vet, hospital, etc.) close by so that would be a change for me…

    The other thing is, Bruno gets car-sick 90% of the time, so traveling long distances (read over 15 min of driving) with him is… well, a bit of a pain for both of us… But I guess I play it by ear and adapt to the circumstances. 🙂

    #27446 Report Abuse

    I used to have a German Shepherd that got carsick like that. I had to stop every 10 or so minutes and get her out then continue on our way. I found a couple things that worked for her. First, I always put her right in front of the air conditioner vent so she always had a breeze in her face. Second, I discovered over time that she did best with a small snack on her stomach, too much and she would heave and too little and she would heave. Finally, I found that ginger snaps helped her to not get nauseous. Ginger is an antinausea food and it works in dogs too. Each of these things helped a little bit, all 3 stopped the problem altogether.

    #27447 Report Abuse


    Thank you for the advice! I have also noticed something similar, I have to get the amount of food in him JUST RIGHT for him not to vomit all over my seat. He has thrown up just bile before, and his breakfast/dinner before (all of it). So I just need to get him to eat a bit and keep it down for at least a few minutes before riding in the car.

    Bruno also loves the breeze! He sticks his face as close to the vent/AC as possible and I think this maybe helps him some. He also has a “booster seat” for small dogs that can be adjusted at a height from the carseat itself and has a clip to keep him from going all over the place. I haven’t figured out yet if he is better with or without the booster seat.

    I knew of ginger, but never thought of it to give Bruno to help with his nausea! I may make some homemade ginger dog biscuits, or give him small amounts of ginger snaps. Let’s see if this helps!

    Thanks a lot! 🙂

    #27449 Report Abuse


    Here’s a locator to help you find a holistic vet near you: http://www.ahvma.org/Widgets/FindVet.html

    The list isn’t all-inclusive though and I’m sure there are others out there.

    Here’s a locator to help you find a vet who practices TCVM near you:

    This widget is through the Chi Institute and lists their alumni.

    #27450 Report Abuse


    This is so helpful, thank you! 🙂 🙂

    #27455 Report Abuse

    You can have more than one vet. I have three. I have my usual one who is great but not someone I use for surgeries. Then, I have the closest one who is part of the VCA vet hospitals, they have all the bells & whistles and since they are open more hours than my usual one, I use them sometimes. Lastly, my holistic vet.

    Get a notebook for all of your dogs info. Save all your invoice, if you have bloodwork, urinalysis, fecals etc done, ask for a copy of the results. That way, you have all info to share with all vets.

    #27457 Report Abuse

    I used gingersnaps for a dog who got car sick. Worked great!

    #27467 Report Abuse


    Thank you for the advice! Yeah, I like keeping record of Bruno’s medical history anyway, so that is covered. And I have found a few holistic vets around, and I also found out that Bruno’s current doctor is certified in acupuncture! 🙂

    Also, I am definitely getting him some ginger snaps when we are traveling anywhere far!

    #27474 Report Abuse

    I’ve been receiving the Whole Dog Journal for many years now. I had never gone to a holistic vet but some friends of mine who work with rescue used one along with the rescue’s regular vet. When I decided to never go back to my regular vet after some bad things happened while using him I started going to the holistic vet (which is 45-50 min. drive away). I love them! They are actually integrative. The do chiropractic, acupuncture, Chinese medicine diets, etc. They carry premade raw and Nature’s Variety in their clinic and actually know about other foods! I do titers now for my dogs, except for rabies which is 3 years. They are small but they are good. I also have been to our local emergency vet, which thankfully is only 15-20 mins. away. Oh, and I have also used ginger snaps for upset tummies :).

    #27524 Report Abuse


    Thanks for your feedback! I found a beautiful-looking integrative clinic about 50 min away, so I may look into switching to them/adding them on to Bruno’s current vet.

    And yay for gingersnaps! I will get us some soon!

    #27525 Report Abuse

    That good….I would check into them, if I were you. I also keep folders for each animal with all their vet invoices/records in them. I have 2 therapy dogs and have to keep up with their records for sure.

    #27550 Report Abuse


    Yes, I will look into them certainly. And I also keep all of Bruno’s record in an envelope (not a folder, but close), so they are easily-accessible and convenient! 🙂

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