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see photos of dogs who lost their legs in accidents

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  • #45789 Report Abuse
    jasper p

    see photos of dogs who lost their legs in accidents
    see photos here

    #45797 Report Abuse

    Aren’t they all so beautiful & so lucky to have parents that went out & spent the money on so they could walk again, alot of dogs & cats are put to sleep, The first girl has retired now, she always went to special disability schools & put on a show for the disable children…

    #45891 Report Abuse

    That first dog, and the 4th or 5th down is Faith, she’s amazing!! <3

    #45895 Report Abuse

    They don’t even seem to know they’re “different.” : )

    Thanks for sharing, Jasper.

    #45897 Report Abuse

    That’s her name Faith, there’s also another dog that looks like Faith, she was found roaming the streets of Africa, she had half her face cut off & was having trouble eating, a beautiful lady saw her & brought her here to Australia, so vets could rebuild her nose & mouth, then she was adopted by another lady…
    It just shows how dogs & cats cope so well with a disability, never feeling sorry for themselves & other animals excepting them like there normal, I wish humans were the same but we arent..

    #45899 Report Abuse

    Sue, I saw pics of that dog you’re talking about. So very sad to see her like that but she is doing pretty well, huh? I didn’t realize Faith retired and there are a couple other pics of her there too, once when she was just a puppy. There’s also a pic of a boxer on a beach. That dog only has 2 front legs. I saw a video of him running and playing on the beach and he was pretty quick too, lol!

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