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- This topic has 11 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 1 month ago by
InactiveButch seems to feel much better, no more bleeding into the skin, eating his raw B.A.R.F. from California well, always hungry, probably from the one half pill 10 mg every other day of Prednisone. But one thing has appeared suddenly, little bumps all over, like when he had the hives at the vet, upon closer inspection, they look like the mast cell tumors. One on his chest has grown to nickel sized in a week! I title this note ringworm because at the same time, the cat we rescued three years ago had ringworm by his eye from the injury (we rescued off the highway after he was hit by a car). That was the mess of the year three years ago when ringworm spread throughout our home, now this is complicated, we thought the cat brought the ringworm with him but due to the injury and being compromised, thin, wormy etc. when rescued. This was not the first incidence we had with ringworm, 15 years earlier we rescued a kitten from a broken down barn area and she was compromised and emaciated, we bring back to health and she gets ringworm. We muddled through that got everyone well, we always have multiple animals from rescuing, you know what I mean. Anyway, fast forward to now, the cat who was rescued from three years ago, has been swatted by buddy cat (we have five cat members in family, ranging ages 9 to 2 years, neutered and cared for, not overvaccinated!!) and had a scratch by eye, treated with Veterycin eye wash I keep on hand. Seemed fine, then now Butch is sick and cat’s eye appears to have ringworm again! I know it can stay around, no matter how you try to clean. So here we are back with ringworm, and Butch with his compromised immune system and at first I thought his bumps were the ringworm again, that is how he showed signs of it three years ago, like raised thick scabs! Horrible, but now the spots are all these skin tag looking warts which when looking on line really look like the mast cell tumors. The last I want to mention here is how it turns out I was the ringworm carrier all along!!! I had worked for Fort Wayne Animal Control 1985 to 1992 and immediately got a strange rash on my body, no dermotologist could figure it out at the time, so I lived with it all these years. This last ringworm incidence three years ago, I put the ringworm medicine all over me too, and lo and behold it cured that rash!!! It had been ringworm all along and NO dermo could figure that out even with cutting biopsies out of my flesh! Can you believe that, vets told me to put down those cats because ringworm was so hard to conquer and it is but could you imagine if I had killed those cats and here I was the cause!!
MemberIt’s rare that ringworm gets properly diagnosed. Often they start treating it as if it’s ringworm and if it responds, it’s ringworm.
MemberThat’s horrible!!!
Ringworm came in to my house several years ago with a foster puppy. The puppy had been exposed while staying overnight at another foster home before coming to me. By the time it was all said and done, he had something like 17 lesions on his 6 month old little body and an adult male foster dog ended up with one or two. Not one of my dogs (I had 4 at the time) developed a lesion. All mine are raw fed and I bathed everyone with their shampoo and a few drops of oil of oregano when I saw the first lesions on the puppy. For about two weeks I used water with about 10 drops of oil of oregano and would spritz them all over. Haven’t had a breakout since then.
Others in the rescue I foster for have successfully used neem oil and need shampoos to get rid of ringworm. I’ve heard tea tree oil works too.
Oh, I also feed my own garlic. Not sure if the most benefit came from the garlic or from the oil of oregano oil?
Jackie B
MemberHuman yeast infection meds (like Monistat) can cure ringworm in dogs. Kind of gross, but less expensive too.
MemberJock itch stuff does too, lotrimin drops are easy to deal with.
InactiveThank you for all thoughts, I hadn’t known there were responses in this spot (I am so computer and forum stupid!). I go to vet today with cat to be sure ringworm, I even have the black lite to look with but according to vets not all ringworm glows neon green. It is such an insidious yukky thing. Will let you know what vet says and I am mentioning the Monistat to her. Thanks again for all helpful suggestions. Beth
Jackie B
MemberThe vet will probably have a commercial pet cure to sell you… Maybe you should look into a supplement for your pets. Like Solid Gold Seameal (which I use for my dog’s joint, hair, and skin health) or Missing Link (just bought some but don’t have an opinion on it yet). A little extra health boost might prevent some future outbreaks!
InactivePoor cat is on fluconazole liquid one time a day, he hates me already, I cannot even look at him and he runs, I hate this. He was very sensitive to people anyway, I have two orange big boys who love you no matter what, almost act like dogs, but little Iggy, is that blue grey color and is so shy, he was the hit by cat baby we grabbed up off the road. We will muddle through, because the lesion is right against his eye, I almost have to use this form of treatment, I did have the Veterycin eye wash which the company says kills ringworm, but it didn’t seem to be doing it. I will also try to feed him supplements but he is one of those finicky guys who only loves the dry food! I always offered him canned but he prefers his dry! I love my kitties but dogs are easier!
You do realize that the cat needs to be kept separate from the other pets-ringworm transmits via spores and all it takes is one flying through the air to cause another to outbreak.
Jackie B
MemberIt is difficult to transfer cats to wet food, but really it is better for them in the end. Male cats are prone to bladder stones and can get urinary tract obstructions, especially if they only eat dry food. My friend’s cat had to have surgery on his urethra– he was an all dry food cat. A circulating pet water fountain can encourage cats and dogs to drink more. Although it doesn’t help with supplements.
InactiveRingworm is under control at this time, still on the meds, said to administer for 4 to 8 weeks. Butch is doing wonderfully too, do not understand, will return to my holistic vet to get another blood test soon to see what that shows now. He literally seems fine now! Those bumps that made me think Mast cell tumors have shrunk and some disappeared. Just wanted to know what everyone thought on the subject of the early neutering. Butch was from the ChicagoLandBullyBreed rescue and was neutered before we brought him home at eight and a half weeks. Seemed early to me, but I am no expert. Also, wanted to mention a water fountain I made for the cats that is cheap and better than the factory made water fountains. I found the idea on line, you take a big deep bowl and put a little fish filter in it, you can do all kinds of things, even make it shot up into air and spill down with the kind that has a hose and the air thing. You have to google to find different kinds. Cats love to play in and it is so easy to clean and replace the filter! Beth
MemberEarly neutering changes how dogs mature, they kind of look teenagerish and grow taller than they would have, because growth plates take longer to close on neutered dogs. There have been some reports of increased rates of bone cancer in dogs neutered early.
I love your water fountain idea, that way you can use activated charcoal or something, if you want to.
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