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Raw food diet and weight loss

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  • #89043 Report Abuse
    Nanci Jo M

    I switched my pit to an all raw food diet. This one is dehydrated and I prepare it with hot water. This diet has literally cured her food allergies. She had been on many versions of grain free, and different proteins. She licked her feet until they bled. The raw diet has cured her symptoms, however she has lost 10 pounds and is skin and bones. She is also constantly hungry. I feed her the recommended amount and have also supplemented with flax oil and probiotics. She also gets additional vegetables and some fruit. Any ideas why she continues to lose weight?
    I am testing her stool tomorrow for worms.he has already been to the vet and is otherwise in good health.

    #89047 Report Abuse

    Hi Nanci your not feeding her enough, don’t forget she was eating kibble before & kibble is higher in carbs grain free kibbles have more starchy carbs then a raw diet has, now she’s eating a leaner diet with only 5% -15% carbs..what I did with my boy when he started raw diet, I feed raw for breakfast & kibble for dinner cause of other health problems but the weight dropped off him as well, maybe look at another raw diet that has higher Kcals per cup…you said she’s eating a dehydrated diet, maybe the premade raw frozen diets might have more calories ?? I made Patches raw diet myself thru an Naturopath cause Patch has IBD & Skin problems & had to feed Patch 2 cups of raw with blended veggies a day & Patch was hungry the Naturopath said he will be hungry cause he was use to eating a kibble diet
    just watch his weight if he loses weight then increase the raw 1/2 a cup more a day
    this year I bought Patch the Ziwi Peak air dried raw & it said to feed 1 & 1/2 cups per day
    for a 20kg dog, I knew Patch would loose weigh only eating 1 & 1/2 cups a day so I divided the 1 & 1/2 cups for breakfast & lunch then I cooked pork & sweet potato for dinner, your dog probably isn’t eating enough calories for the day….
    I had a boxer & she was bigger then Patch, she was 77lbs -35kg & she ate 1/2 of what Patch eats & would put on weight just looking at food, where Patch only weights 37lbs – 17 kg & eats double what my boxer ate, Patch is more energetic then my boxer was, he must burn his calories more then what my boxer did..

    #89065 Report Abuse
    Nanci Jo M

    Than you Susan for your knowledgeable words. I have already doubled the recommended serving portion. I think I will look for a diet higher in kcal per cup. Great suggestion!

    #89170 Report Abuse

    Be careful with just following the feeding guidelines on commercial foods vs by calorie and individual monitoring of your dog’s body condition scoring/needs — and Ziwi Peak if that’s what you feed.

    While many kibbles tend to overestimate calorie needs/cups to feed, I’ve found many raw and freeze dried or dehydrated ones tend to vastly underestimate/recommend. I suspect this is true for the latter because the companies are aware that their products can seem exorbitant, even cost prohibitive for larger dogs. In particular, I’ve had this discussion with Ziwipeak, because their amounts to feed/calories recommended made absolutely no sense for my dog (or breed generally, esp if working).

    I’m far from a raw diet (various styles) expert, but from experience with homemade/home prepared with fresh foods and balanced . . . could you not simply boost the fat content by adding from a wholesome source yourself?

    Most healthy dogs can do quite well on higher fat diets (as shown by veterinary nutrition research on dogs and wildlife research).

    #89171 Report Abuse

    Just another thought, in case it is helpful: have you thought about getting a nutrition consult from a veterinary nutrition specialist (board certified) or specialty center, via your vet?

    They’re not all anti-raw (etc.) and some will evaluate both particular commercial diets and homemade, as well as help you design a solid homemade one (or rotation) to your preferences, that will work best for your individual dog’s needs . . . whether allergies or low weight/trouble putting on and maintaining weight, etc.

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