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Raw Food

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  • #70268 Report Abuse
    James B

    Has anyone used and looked into Blue Ridge Beef? I understand it is popular by breeders on the East coast of the US.

    Thank you in advance.

    #70273 Report Abuse

    do a google search, there is alot of controversy. The owner also owns a rendering plant. I believe its pretty cheap too which is a big red flag.

    #70275 Report Abuse
    James B

    Thanks InkedMarie. I found some “old” threads on them late last night with some very good links. The internet is “Great” but can be very manipulative too. You need to look at the source. After last night, I am agreeing with you. Thanks

    #70276 Report Abuse

    James, it’s the old saying “if it seems too good to be true, it probably is”. That is my opinion of BRB

    #70277 Report Abuse
    James B

    Very True. I am leaning on going to a High Quality kibble. There is also another saying that I have used at my work place.

    “The Bitterness of Poor Quality remains Long after the Sweetness of Low Price is Forgotten.”

    Thanks again.

    #70429 Report Abuse
    Karen G

    Has any one heard of SOJOS? Our Goldendoddle is 6 months old. Rough start with severely infested giardiasis and round worm. That is no longer an issue, thankfully.
    But puppy’s soupy diarrhea continued. Tried several recommended puppy kibble no no avail.
    Then I met a shopper at the pet store and she suggested I try SOJOS or at least go to the pet specialty shop and get the sample they offer. Shopper also commented on how poodles had sensitive digestive system and some people swear by this food. Mentally I wasn’t willing to give up on kibble but did pick up the sample. After another week of distressing diarrhea I was at my wits end. I gave our sweet puppy the sample. By the following day he produced a formed poop. I was estactic. For months our puppy was off and on a kibble thought to be the answer to his problem. Always had to go back to the boiled chicken and long grain rice.
    SOJOS is working. However, puppy is now 40 pounds. I’m feeding him four times a day. Starting at 5 am ending at 7 pm. He is very slender and full of happy energy.
    This latest dog food success is quite pricy. Raw freeze dried turkey mix. Only a handful of ingredients compared to the kibbles. Have to add water. Puppy is not picky but there is a definite joy when he discovers I’m preparing this food compared to chicken and rice.
    I’m hoping to eventually switch to a kibble once I feel confident things are settled.
    Our daughter has the brother litter mate and other than the parasite infestation she had no issues with her puppy. The breeder offered to take our puppy back or give us a refund ifhe test positive for a genetic issue. That cost $200. I’m seriously thinking I should do this. Of course we will not give back our boy. I can see how people give up on their animal if they have issues such as ours. Our puppy’s care is 24/7. Only two accidents in our home.
    Any suggestions or comments out there?

    #70430 Report Abuse

    Consider a homemade diet http://www.homeovet.net/dynamic/php/downloads/dog-c8470f2c75dbe4b683205c3919ee2310/dog_diet_complete.pdf

    Listen to what the homeopathic veterinarians have to say: http://www.vitalanimal.com, check the blogs for related issues

    #70461 Report Abuse

    I tried SoJo’s; my dog liked it but I didn’t. The pieces of food came right back out in her stool. I finished the bag but won’t buy it again. I prefer Primal & Vital Essetials for freeze dried but they are much more expensive.

    #70468 Report Abuse
    Kristin C

    I tried Sojos but ended up throwing the bag out. Pieces came out as they went in, even after I put them through the food processor. I don’t reccommend the product.

    #70479 Report Abuse

    Looks like Kristin & I had the same experience.

    #70504 Report Abuse
    Karen G

    Our Goldendoole puppy has had a good week strictly on Sojos. Stools are formed, good volume and often. I plan on another week of Sojos and then slowly try a kibble.
    What would be good for a puppy who had extensive diarrhea?
    Is it normal to feed him three to four times a day, one cup? How do I get this down to two feelings per day? So happy no more diarrhea.

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