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Rabies titer test results in soo upset

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  • #55745 Report Abuse

    I just received an email from Hemopet saying Bailey’s results were high(15 whatever that means) He had not had the vaccine in 3 years and they were still very high. I am upset because my vet had to give the vaccine because of the law. He will never get another one. Is their anything I can do to detox. He had the shot Sept29. I just text my vet and told him I was upset and he said Bailey would be fine. He had been in meetings all weekend in aAthens and their was no link between vaccines and health issues.I don’t care what the law is he will NEVER receive another one. What are your views on this? I’m soo upset. So afraid something is going to happen to him.Can’t believe they give these every year.

    #55747 Report Abuse
    Vicky S

    I am at this issue right now.. my dog is due for 3 year rabies .. I don’t want to give it to her because shes had a lot of issues lately, I thought I would talk it over with him… ? I am due to take her soon, I understand how worried you are, I am in the same dilemma.. but my dog hasn’t had the rabies shot yet… I wish the law would change this..

    #55748 Report Abuse

    I was sooo glad when my state moved to the 3 year vaccine protocal. I just don’t understand why they don’t do that everywhere. There is plenty of science behind the 3 year vaccine. We’re a high incidence state, so if the 3 year is good enough for us, it ought to be good enough for everywhere.

    Just make sure you get antioxidants into Bailey.

    #55749 Report Abuse

    Vicky if I were u I would titer him and if their high don’t give it. I wish I had waited for the results but it took 28 days to get the rabies titer back. I received the others in a few days. At least the rabies vaccine is the only one I got because the titers were good for the distemper and parvo and I waited on them. I think if ur dog has health issues he can be exempt from the rabies vaccine with a good titer. Good luck

    #55753 Report Abuse

    I’m wondering what the consequences are if you don’t follow the state law and who is going to find out if you don’t? I thought it was three years everywhere.

    #55754 Report Abuse
    Nancy C

    Listen: My dog’s titer for PARVO was “NEGATIVE” according to my vet. SHE wanted to REVACCINATE him w a Combo shot incl distemper and he had a HIGH titer for that.

    I said no. I went to a different vet and got a new titer and BOTH PARVO AND DISTEMPER came back VERY STRONG.

    They can make MISTAKES and not on YOUR DOG.
    Go get another TITER DRAWN.

    #55756 Report Abuse

    Crazy4cats if ur dog bites or gets bitten by a dog and is not up to date on shots they can quarantine him or even euthanize him. Also when mine was referred to UGA they would not see him without being up to date on shots. Also grooming,daycare,etc.

    #55760 Report Abuse

    @weezerweeks is that for all shots or only if the dog doesn’t have the rabies one?

    #55761 Report Abuse

    Rabies is the only one required by law the others u don’t have to get. I remember growing up our dogs never had anything but rabies shot and they lived to be old.Table scraps and no shots.

    #55763 Report Abuse

    @weezerweeks, that’s what I thought. Thank you!

    #55790 Report Abuse

    Good point, weezerweeks. I didn’t think about the consequences of biting or getting bit, which, unfortunately, does happen. Just a few weeks ago, when we were walking our dogs, a bulldog came jetting out of a garage down their driveway and just attacked our dogs without warning or hesitation. Luckily, she grabbed our stockier dog with thicker and looser skin and didn’t do any damage. But, then mine turned it around and pinned her down and was biting her in defense. Ours were on leashes and we ended up in a tangled mess with me on the ground. I was very scared. I guess if there had been any skin broken, rabies would have been a big concern. I actually didn’t think about that at the time. Luckily, mine are up to date at the moment.
    Also, Naturella, most boarding kennels and some groomers also require your pets to be up-to-date on vaccinations that are recommended by vets before they will take them.

    #55792 Report Abuse
    Nancy C

    Weezer – You are still on my mind. Try visiting this website: Vitalanimals.com (I think that’s it). If that does not take you to this wonderful homeopathic/ holistic site then google “Dr. Will Falconer DVM.” He is phenomenal. is in Austin, Tex. I was just on his site reading about the dark side of rabies shots (we know that)… You might get some helpful info there. Dr. Falconer is considered by some one of the BEST holistic vets in the country. His site is outstanding. He is also available for consult. Has a weekly newsletter. A great source. I was just reading under the Vaccinations topic heading or maybe the blog — from experiences some people have had worth reading. No, actually I think this was the story of a prize winning show dog – a Wheaton – who ws never vaccinated for rabies – that dog lived forever… very interesting story. Was totally healthy and nvr had any vaccinations. ???
    Good luck.

    #55802 Report Abuse

    @crazy4cats , yeah, I know our local Petco wants rabies records and wouldn’t see Bruno for grooming without them. Petsmart doesn’t seem to care. But we take care of Bruno’s grooming needs (an occasional bath and nail trimming/ear cleaning/teeth brushing) at home anyway, and we hope to never have to board him, but rather leave him with trusted friends if we ever have to go somewhere without him.

    #55872 Report Abuse

    Is a yearly rabies vaccine the law where you live?

    I don’t bother titering for rabies because I have to do rabies every three years, by law. It’s a waste of money, for me.

    #55879 Report Abuse

    Marie do you do titers for any of the other core issues? Katie and Lola are due for their yearly physical this coming December. County we’ve moved to only requires rabies every 3 years so I’m good with that. I’ll have to have a conversation about the rabies vaccine with their vet. When they got the rabies vaccine we were living in the next county that required yearly so the vaccine records show that it’s due again this December… BUT… in this county its required every three years so all I need for them to do is update their records because I’m not giving them a rabies vaccine again this year. I’m pretty sure they’ll try to convince me otherwise but they’re not going to get anywhere with me on that issue.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Dori.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Dori.
    #55882 Report Abuse

    Yes, mine are titered for parvo & distemper. Our rabies is every three years after the first. The first is a one year then it’s a three year after that. If your law is every three, do not let them talk you into anything other than that!

    #55883 Report Abuse

    Thanks Marie. I know they’re going to give me a hard time about it because their rabies tag and proof of rabies says one year and due December 14 but since the county that I now live in doesn’t require dogs to be licensed (that’s so foreign to me) I don’t see how anyone cares about it. I don’t board the dogs and I’ve stopped having them professionally groomed because they charge a phenomenal price and do a crap job so I’ve taken over the job myself. I watched some grooming videos on line, I already had clippers, scissors, dremel for the nails, etc. Jeesh! I didn’t realize just how much I was spending with the groomers. Crazy when you can just do it yourself. It’s a bit time consuming because all three are long haired dogs. I keep Katie and Lola in puppy cuts. I’d like to put Hannah in a puppy cut but I don’t want to stress her out and I know it’ll take me forever. She’s long haired all over to just skimming the floor. Oh, I see I’ve gone off on a tangent about grooming and this was about rabies vaccine. Sorry. Anyway, the reason I brought up the groomer is that they require up to date vaccine records for rabies and bordatella. Mind you I’ve always done the mobile grooming but, whatever.

    #55886 Report Abuse

    I don’t board my dogs either & it took awhile to find a groomer that accepted titers. Our former Sheltie was conveniently late on rabies….she was sick & I didn’t want her to have it. A local groomer took her as long as she was the last appointment. We had a former vet who had an issue with some disease in her practice & if dogs had to go out back for anything or were having surgery or a procedure, they had to be completely vaccinated. I didn’t stay at her practice long.

    #55892 Report Abuse

    OMG!!! I am so f’n excited!! There is NO law in my state that says you have to have get a rabies vaccine. I never knew that! All those years vaccinating my doberman and he didn’t need it? Here is one of the articles I just read:

    “Rabies vaccinations

    Ohio law does not require rabies vaccination of dogs unless they have bitten someone and no proof of rabies vaccination is available. Dog bites are reported to the health department, and the dog is placed under quarantine for 10 days. Following the quarantine period, the dog owner must show proof of rabies vaccination.

    Health departments in each county can require that dogs be vaccinated against rabies. In October, the Hamilton County Board of Health adopted a resolution that requires rabies vaccination for all dogs and cats more than three months old. The animal must be given a booster vaccination one year later, but subsequent boosters can be up to three years later.

    Veterinarians are required to provide rabies tags to the animal owner and to keep records of rabies vaccinations that can be made available to the health commissioner on request. Dog and cat owners are also required to provide a copy of a rabies vaccination certificate to the health department upon request.

    If a pet bites a person or another animal and is suspected of being rabid, the health commissioner can allow the owner to keep his pet in strict quarantine for a minimum of six months. If the animal dies during the quarantine, the head must be made available for rabies testing. If the animal does not show signs of rabies, it must be vaccinate at least a month before the end of the quarantine.

    Animals must wear their tags; those that are found off their owner’s property without a tag can be impounded.”

    I am so happy I could cry! NO MORE SHOTS FOR BAILEY!!! EVER!! Yay!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Cyndi.
    #55894 Report Abuse

    Crap!!! Disregard my last post (sorry, too late to edit it). 🙁 I’m just reading now that Ohio state lawmakers are passing or just passed a bill making rabies vaccines mandatory in the state of Ohio. 🙁 Oh well. My excitement was short lived. Damn!

    #55899 Report Abuse

    My vet said he was in a vaccine seminar and in a few years he thinks they will pass the law accepting rabies titers. Great news. I live in Ga. but I assume he was talking about every state.

    #55902 Report Abuse

    Dori get ur vet to do the titers on the distemper and parvo. It had been 3 years since my yorkie’s and the titers were very good. I did not have the shots. He sent the blood to Hemopet,Jean Dobbs lab, the cost for her test was only $52. Then u have to pay the vet for drawing blood and sending. I received the results in a few days. Well worth the money!

    #55910 Report Abuse

    Thanks, that’s exactly what I’ll do. Did you go to Hemopet and download the forms to take with you to the vet or do they download them themselves? Even if the cost were higher (which is a great price) it would still be worth the money instead of revaccinating dogs that don’t need it. I really wish I had found DFA and all of you posters years ago. Better late than never.

    #55920 Report Abuse

    Dori, my vet downloaded the form when he took the blood. I even used my credit card to pay for the test. I guess it depends on which way ur vet wants to do it.

    #55926 Report Abuse

    Cyndi: I’ll always do rabies, even if nh changed the laws except for an old sick dog. If mine weren’t vaccinated for rabies and they bit someone, they’re dead. Jmo of course.

    #55944 Report Abuse

    Yeah, I thought about that Marie. I wouldn’t have gotten my doberman vaccinated for rabies, but I think I better do Bailey. She is definitely funny around some people, so I wouldn’t put it past her someday. *Sigh* She can sure be a bitch when she wants to be, lol!

    #55982 Report Abuse

    I’m thankful Gemma is toothless because we’d have all been bitten.

    #55983 Report Abuse

    Ha ha Marie! I never thought of that, lol! Maybe I’ll get Bailey’s teeth removed, lol! (totally kidding!)

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