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  • #58567 Report Abuse

    Weird question!!

    My Dog is an Aussie and he is around 1 years old…He will be 2 years old in August. I have been feeding him Pure Balance dry food and sometimes a little bit of Pure balance wet food as well has treats. I feed him 3 cups of food and some treats…He is also 50 pounds. However, lately.. My dog looks like he is a little Skinner? Why is this? Do I need to feed him more? or what?

    Dexter is not sick, no puking and also his stool is normal and hard. He goes twice a day. Morning and night… sometimes 3 times total but very rarely.

    #58569 Report Abuse

    He is also very active, loves to jump, play and run around… Do I need to feed him more? Like more treats and bump it up to 3 1/2 cups of food?

    #58570 Report Abuse

    It isn’t noticeable, but I can tell that he lost a few pounds. :/

    #58573 Report Abuse

    I would recommend getting it checked out by your vet. It could just be that he is burning more calories than he is getting, and if he seems otherwise healthy than there is probably not an issue, but weight lose can be the first sign of illness, so I would just make sure it is nothing. Also, is he consistently losing weight or did he just lose a few pounds an then stop? If it is the second one then it is probably not an issue.

    #58579 Report Abuse

    It could easily be because of the weather turning cooler and his energy level increasing because of it. But Dog Obsessed is right, it is one of the first signs of illness, so if you opt to not take him to the vet and increase his food, then still watch him carefully for any other signs that something may be wrong.

    #58582 Report Abuse

    He just lost a few pounds and so far just stayed there~ No sign of sickness, he is still happy and active… His stool is fine and no vomiting. I did give him a little bit more food for dinner since…He is getting bigger and very active. I will weigh him this weekend, and keep watching him. Perhaps, since he is a big dog…he needs more food and 3 cups isn’t enough. Idk. I will try 3 1/2 including dry and some wet food and some treats here and there.

    Lately, since he has gotten cooler…He is more active. Every time I take him out, he wants to run… no joke! lol

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Kayla.
    #58584 Report Abuse

    No more unwanted accidents on the floor also … So, he seems to be doing pretty well!

    #58585 Report Abuse

    Also, no more *gas* either… But, I will take him to the vet if he loses more weight and starts to get sick! Thanks for the advice! 🙂

    #58587 Report Abuse

    Sounds great! There is probably nothing wrong with him, and what your doing sounds good.

    #58593 Report Abuse

    It sounds like he is just burning more calories in this cooler weather. I have to adjust my dogs’ food for their activity too, when it gets cooler.

    #58688 Report Abuse

    Just increase his feed by 1/2 cup, I have to increase my boys feed he seems to have trouble keeping on his weight, when I just feed kibble…. I found boiled chicken breast with a little bit of pumkin (1 spoon) with his kibble at breakfast has been keeping his weight steady, He’s on a low fat diet 10% fat in his kibble, I think thats why he has trouble keeping on his weight cause there’s less fat….

    #58814 Report Abuse

    Thanks, 🙂 I increased his cup by 1/2! He is also still getting some wet food mixed with his dry kibble as well as few treats here and there. Yeah, Dexter loves pumpkin and plain boiled chicken too! So far, he is still doing very well! Happy and very Active. I will weigh him this weekend! Anything else that I can feed him in very small amounts and occasionally for future reference… so far, what I am doing. He is doing very well.

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