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Puppy with giardia?

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  • #46947 Report Abuse
    Dawn R

    My vet just did a puppy exam on my 9 week old bulldog and the fecal test came back with giardia. This is totally new to me so we are giving her panacure for 6 days. Anyone else ever experience this?

    I’m concerned if it could spread to my 5 and 6 year old pugs, so trying yo be careful.

    Is there anything else I should be giving her. I’m using probiotics max with her food and feeding 3x’s a day

    Let me know…..
    Thanks, Dawn
    Aka PugsonRaw

    #46964 Report Abuse
    Valerie M

    Giardia is usually water born. We had water boil adviories all the time when reservoirs were contanminated by a dead animal falling in in PA. Also check your soil.

    #46974 Report Abuse

    Dawn R.-
    Yes, unfortunately, I have had experience with giardia with my two pups. I am so glad to hear that your vet recommended panacur for six days. Hopefully that will take care of it. Mine kept prescribing metronidazole which did not kill it. Finally after using panacur and some natural holistic remedies we finally got it. It is contagious, so try to keep your pup away from the others as much as possible. Most importantly pickup the poop ASAP. Clean the poop spots with hot bleach water if you can.

    Some of the holistic items that I used that I believe finally rid them of it are: garlic, probiotics, DE, pumpkin seeds and high fiber foods such as shredded carrots. I need to find my notes to give you more detail and some links for you to check out. A good site to check out would be the dogs naturally magazine website. They have a search bar that is helpful. I need to get to bed, but I’ll get my notes out to hopefully get you more details tomorrow. I think fresh garlic would be a great thing to add three to four days a week right now if you are comfortable with it. You have to crush or chop it to release the allicin and let it sit for about 10 minutes first. Good luck!

    #46988 Report Abuse
    Dawn R

    Thanks crazy2cats. This was helpful. I you remember anything else, let me know. The vet said this can be tricky to get rid of.

    #46989 Report Abuse

    My dog had Giardia also, when I adopted her. She had to go thru 2 rounds of metronidazole and panacur before we got rid of it. It is common, so nothing really to worry about. Hopefully you can get rid of it before your other dogs get it. Good luck!

    #46992 Report Abuse

    I am glad your vet is trying panacur first as a first line defense. Most vets just indiscriminately give metronidazole first which I would consider a dangerous antibiotic, not very effective against giardia anyway, and can cause many other problems. Or many often regretfully prescribe metro as a “catch all” for practically any digestive ailments. Giardia is not a bacteria, it’s a parasitic protozoan. And many vets don’t even know about using panacur for giardia, because giardia is not a worm either.

    Panacur is a relatively very safe OTC intestinal dewormer that just so happens to also be the most effective thing for giardia, I believe. It’s an “off label” use of panacur for giardia.

    Your vet is right, it can be tricky to get rid of giardia, and can also be very difficult to detect in feces, as the giardia do not always shed cysts in feces. The giardia alternates between an actively swimming trophozoite and an infective, resistant cyst.

    If I were you, I wouldn’t fool around with it, i would go ahead and give your pup a second round of panacur for 4 to 5 days, 10 to 14 days after the first round, even if your pup is no longer showing any symptoms. It can burrow into the intestinal mucosol lining and encyst, waiting for opportune times to again cause problems.

    Some dogs can beat giardia or keep in check very easily, others cannot, more severe cases can end up with severe damage to the intestinal villi, mucosal lining, and other intestinal damage.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by losul.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by losul.
    #47028 Report Abuse

    Hi Dawn-
    I agree with Losul. A second round of panacur after about 10 days would be a great Idea. Have you started treatment?

    #47038 Report Abuse

    Hi C4C,

    We had our own repeated nightmarish and costly experience with giardia and our previous dog about 10 years ago. I finally took matters into my my hands, researched and “discovered” panacur, as the vets never once even suggested it to us. It was what finally worked for Buster.

    #47040 Report Abuse

    Frustrating isn’t it? I feel like I am starting to turn anti vet after learning about so much on this site. But, I really don’t want that to happen! I think that panacur and garlic finally got our pups clear.

    I forgot to mention that you can buy panacur over the counter. It was SO much cheaper to buy at Healthypets, Amazon, or even at Costco or a Kroger store if they have it.

    #47054 Report Abuse

    C4C, it is frustrating at times. I don’t want to become distrustful of all vets either. Basically I think most of them mean well, just that they are sometimes not aware of implications beyond what they have been taught. We will always need them and their knowledge, but it really does pay to educate ourselves also as best we can.

    fenbendazole is the generic drug name for brand names panacur and safe guard. As far as i know those are the only 2 brand names, and I think they are both made by Intervet.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by losul.
    #47078 Report Abuse
    Dawn R

    Thanks for the info. We are on day 4 of 6 on taking the Panacur. We will wait 10 days and then run another fecal test and take it from there. I’m still crossing my fingers my other two dogs don’t pick the giardia up too.

    I will scope out amazon to see if I can find it cheaper as it was pricey from my vet.


    #47087 Report Abuse

    Dawn, probably testing is more reliable today than when I had to deal with it, particularly if your vet combines the newer SNAP ELISA test with 1 or 2 of the other methods. Back then, testing was notoriously unreliable, with numerous false negatives occurring. Here is some more info from CAPC, including what you can to to prevent any further contamination, and also help on deciding whether to give your other dogs precautionary preventative doses of panacur.


    #47129 Report Abuse
    Dawn R

    Thanks Losul… very informative info! Appreciate all the help.

    #47153 Report Abuse

    Hi Dawn, this is the cheapest site I’ve found to buy Panacur. http://www.revivalanimal.com/Panacur-C-Dewormer-Safeguard.html I ordered it before noon on Tuesday and it arrived at 11 am on Wednesday. I had it shipped ground, which is the cheapest. I was shocked that it came so quick. 😀

    #47192 Report Abuse
    Dawn R

    Thanks Labs for the website… I placed an order today.

    #47197 Report Abuse

    You’re Welcome. I hope your pup feels better soon. 🙂

    #85600 Report Abuse
    Sandy C

    Hi there,

    I would like to follow up..

    We have a 13wks pup, HoKi. She was diagnosed carrying giardia (>30) when she was 11wks old. Vet gave her Panacur (1gram) for 3 days, went tested, came back positive (3-10), back on Panacur (1gram) for 5 days, test came back still positive (>30) again..

    We use pin-sol + bleach to clean out balcony where she pre and pooped; washed her bedding with hot water and in dryer in hot for 1.5 hours..

    Day before yesterday we started to add 1/4 clove chopped and heated garlic into her food.

    We want to know what else can we do to get rid off giardia?

    Thank you

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Sandy C.
    #86161 Report Abuse
    Mary A

    Hi ,

    I have a 18 week 4lbs puppy. He was diagnosed with giardia since I got him when he was 10 weeks. We have been through 2 rounds of Panacur and Flagyl and stool samples keep coming back positive for Giardia with no improvement. He does not have any symptoms (never had diarrea) and I have been cleaning the house and disinfecting his toys and bowls. He has pretty high energy levels as well.

    The vet wants to send a third round of treatment which has not worked in the past so I decided to look for “holistic” remedies. I found Kochi Free online and I’m thinking about giving it a try. I’m kind of in a desperation mode.

    Let me know if you have any advice.



    #86162 Report Abuse

    I would listen to your vet or consult an Internal Medicine Specialist. I think your money would be better spent that way rather rather than going homeopathic.



    “Even with treatment, it is possible that only the cystic form of Giardia has been removed from the feces, while the infective trophozoite form in the dog’s small intestine remains. In other words, fecal tests for Giardia can be negative, but the parasites still can live inside the dog’s gastrointestinal tract, making those dogs a source of potential infection for other animals, and possibly for people. Giardia is rarely deadly in otherwise healthy dogs. Dogs infected with this parasite typically have flu-like symptoms that eventually resolve”.
    Above paragraph is an excerpt from:

    #86163 Report Abuse

    “Giardia is a common cause of diarrhea in humans independent of pet contamination. While pet-related giardia is generally species-specific, there is concern about potential cross-human contamination and precaution should be taken when handling dogs infected with this parasite”. The above paragraph is an excerpt from: https://www.mspca.org/angell_services/intestinal-parasites-in-dogs-and-cats/

    #86174 Report Abuse

    Hi Mary A-
    I also had a tough time getting rid of my dogs’ Giardia infections. It is really frustrating. Sometimes the antigens from the parasite stay in the dog’s system for a while. You may want to wait a few more weeks before doing another fecal test. It may finally be gone.

    Normally, I try to listen to a traditional vet. But, unfortunately, when it comes to Giardia, I also came to this site and got some great holistic advice to finally rid of it. I’m at work right now, and my notebook is at home with all the different remedies that I tried.

    A couple of things that I do remember using though is using a medicinal dosage of probiotics that contain a high percentage of enterococcus faecium: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19298607

    I’ve also had read that added fiber is good. So, I added shredded carrots to their meals. In addition, I added fresh cut garlic cloves for its antibacterial properties. Make sure to let it sit for about 10 minutes before you feed it as the allicin needs to release before it is beneficial. http://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/garlic-friend-or-foe/

    I also used the Kochi Free tincture, DE added to their food, some fermented veggies. and digestive enzymes on an empty stomach!!! LOL Here is Little Big Cat’s giardia protocol: http://www.littlebigcat.com/health/giardia-natural-treatment-protocol/

    I didn’t add them all at once, thank goodness. Poor dogs!!! But, it finally did go away and I’ve been using Panacur still every six to 12 months because I’m so scared it may come back.

    Here is Great Dane lady’s recommendations for Giardia: http://www.greatdanelady.com/articles/giardia_protozoa_diarrhea_vomiting_weight-loss..htm

    You do need to get rid of it as soon as possible due to it possibly causing some damage to your pup’s gut. Sounds like you are trying to do just that. Use hot bleach water to dump on the spots where he poops too. Best of luck to you! I’ll write back if I can think of anything else.

    #86210 Report Abuse
    Mary A

    crazy4cats: THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR ALL THE INFO! I will get started with the new treatment and hopefully will work this time.

    #86709 Report Abuse

    Hi Mary A-

    If you are still around, have you had any luck at getting rid of the Giardia yet?

    #86710 Report Abuse
    Mary A

    Hi! I gave him Kochi Free, 4 times/day for 10 days and added carrots to his kibble. I just tested his stool again and it came back NEGATIVE!

    Thank you very much for all your advice 🙂

    #86712 Report Abuse

    Oh, you are welcome. I am sooo happy for you! My dogs tummies were sensitive for a long while after their ordeal. I continued to give them probiotics and some tummy soothing supplements for a while. They are all good now, thank goodness! Have fun with your puppy!

    #86764 Report Abuse
    Haley H

    One of my mom’s pyrenees puppies came home with giardia…it too took tons of treatments. My mom has always been careful about when the dogs poop, usually she will put a paper towel down as the pup is pooping..I think this helped from reinfecting the environment. It lives in the soil for a long time. At 9 mos old, this puppy is now clear from it, but she dealt with it for a good 2 ish months. I hope your babies feel better soon!

    #89017 Report Abuse
    Barry S

    Our 19 week old Goldendoodle has giardia. The vet put him on a treatment of 5 days of Panacur followed by 5 more days of Panacur. It didn’t work. She then put him on metronidazole and again it didn’t work. There was no probiotics or supplements additionally recommended. We do not have any standing water and live in a sandy very dry area. We clean his poop up at least daily. He is never been to a dog park. The vet now wants to try probiotic “juvita” and Royal Canin Gastrointestinal Puppy Food for a month to see what happens. Any suggestions for anyother natural method would be greatly appreciated as we don’t want to expose him to any more antiobiotics and this puppy food is very expensive given he’s a growing fast 37 lb puppy.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Barry S.
    #89020 Report Abuse
    Mary A


    I went through something similar with my 4lbs puppy. I highly recommend trying Kochi Free. I did a 10 day treatment 4 times/day. Your vet will probably won’t recommend it, but it worked perfectly with my puppy.

    Hope it helps!

    #89063 Report Abuse
    Maria K

    When my pup had it he was on medication for 30 days and we fed him chicken, rice, pumpkin, and probiotics for every meal. We picked up his poop immediately without even letting him smell it and I carried a damp paper towel with me and wiped his bum when he was done. Giardia can never be killed it can only be removed from the body by the medication through feces so when the dog poops it is technically still alive. If he were to like his bum or lay on his bed and get it on there and then later put his head in that spot he can contract it again and basically make everything you have done moot. But with that regimen it only took us the 30 days to rid him of it! I think it had less to do with the food and more to do with the diligence of making sure the second contact wasn’t made.

    #89169 Report Abuse
    Melissa w

    My 4 year old Aussie was diagnosed with giardia 5 days ago. She was originally given metronadizol for the diarrhea before we found out it was giardia. We were then given panacur for 5 days. She is having formed movements that are immediately followed by a watery diarrhea, in the same bowel movement. Today was her last dose of the panacur and And she is still experiencing those same bowel movements. My vet told us to give her a bland diet until her stools firm up. I gave her a very small amount of her normal kibble today mixed with the bland food and the panacur. I’m worried the medicine isn’t working and she’s going to need more. I bathed her today and I have been sanitizing my house all week. I feel like it’s hard for her to have a sufficient bowel movement on rice and ground beef.

    #91107 Report Abuse
    Sean O

    Hello, so I recently brought home my new pup and we just had are first vet visit. Of course my lil boy has Giardia. So my vet put him and my other dog on panicur both for five days. So I’ve started taking all the usual precautions, cleaning up asap and bleaching all areas. My house smells of a bleach bomb lol. Any way I’m unfamiliar are a lil bit of a germaphob so 1. What precautions should I take to eliminate. 2. I’m having my wood floors, tile, area carpet and furniture steam cleaned.. is this to much? Or ideal? Thank you, and all help advise it welcome

    #91109 Report Abuse

    Well, being a germaphob in this case, anyway is a really good thing! I don’t think you can clean too much. It’s a nasty little parasite. I would also pour some HOT bleach water where your pups poop. Also try and dig up a little of the dirt/grass with the poop. Giardia does not thrive in hot temperatures. Don’t let them drink out of any puddles and stay away from dog parks.

    Also, talk to your vet about doing two rounds of the Panacur a couple weeks apart. Giardia is intermittent and may not be eliminated after the first round. Also, extra fiber and probiotics heavy on the Enterococcus faecium has proven to be helpful. Best of luck!

    #91114 Report Abuse
    K C

    The 5 day your vet gave you does not work as well for dogs. Either ask for panacur c for dogs , or go to walmart and buy your own probably much cheaper. Give the first round for 3 days and the 2nd round 10 days later ( the day count begins after the last most recent dose) so buy 2 packages. There are different dosage packages based on weight.The weight scale for dosage is on the back, and so are the directions.
    I was in you shoes for nearly 10 months until I called the manufacturer and got the real info. Panacur c is made for a canines stomach, the regular panacur doesn’t work as well in their system..i tossed so many rugs, replace floors, bleached I side outside ,killed my grass. I wanted to choke my Vet.
    I took the manufacturer so advice and after 3 rounds she was able to get rid of it.
    Best of luck!
    Tip , cover the pups bedding in white towels so they can be bleached. Put all toys in the dishwasher and wash cloth toys in Hot water and dry anything cloth on high heat for at least 40 minutes. Don’t forget the sun is a natural bleach but takes longer.yes you have to do this everyday.

    #93537 Report Abuse
    Maria S

    Hello my name is Maria my 9 week old puppy was diagnose with Giardia 1/13/17, He was giving CLAVAMOX, FLAGYL, PROVIABLE KP KIT at this time he will act normal very active will eat play drink water his stool is normal weight 5.8lbs. Yesterday Wednesday night January 17,2017 was trowing up and looked very weak didnt want to eat or drink water, we took him to the vet and tested negative for parvo he was given FLUID THRPY 25-400 ML , CERENIA 16MG TABLES 4PK, CERENIA INJECTIONS, CANINE I/D 13OZ CAN. Can anyone help me he still looks weak and doesn’t want to eat or drink water we been force feeding him, not sure if his weak from the trow up or his not getting better from his Giardia

    #93538 Report Abuse

    Call the vet that examined him, leave a message for him to call you back when he has a minute (today/asap)
    He may need sub-q fluids again, until he starts eating/drinking on his own.
    There are no veterinarians here, and even if there were, they could not advise you appropriately as they have not examined your dog. He may be dehydrated, you may have to go to the emergency vet. Start calling around, and give us an update.

    #93540 Report Abuse
    K C

    your pup must have severe case. the DR can give him a shot for the nausea. giardia protocol for dogs is panacur c. c I for the canine stoMach. do the 3 pkg, 1 per day. and then again in 10 days . panacur c is available at walmart, check the pups lbs and use the correct dose on the package. theRe are 2, over 50 lbs and under 50 lbs. your pup may also need more fluids via IV only. good luck…. get your baby pup back to the Vet,the young ones can die quickly with dehydration.

    #93541 Report Abuse

    Yes, 9 weeks is an infant, run to the vet! Give us an update. Fingers crossed.
    Puppies are very vulnerable, ideally they should stay with the mom and sibs longer, 10-12 weeks.

    #93547 Report Abuse
    Maria S

    Thank you for your replies i really appreciate we are just getting back from our hospital Vet, they started Max our 9 week old french bulldog on Medicated SubQ fluids, to be continue at home, along with the medications and assist- feeding we have been doing.

    Food and supplements : A/D canned food (chicken) Pedialyte and synringe feed 3X daily, vet recommended us then transition puppy diet when his appetite improves

    Below are what the doctor prescribe us today:
    Continue to give all of his medications and Proviable .
    Rx: Medicated SubQ fluids: give 60-80 ml under loose skin of the shoulder/back of the neck 3 times daily for 3-4 days adding Baytril, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, to the fluids to help settle his stomach and his stomach and bowels and help him recover

    I hope he gets better and this can help anyone else

    Once again thank you @ Anon101 @ K C @

    #94134 Report Abuse
    Roanne M

    I am new to this site. I am having a very hard time with my dog. He is 10 months old and I think he has Giardia-again! I feel like the last time he was treated it got better a little bit and then I did not see symptoms for a few weeks, and now, the last week it has come back I think. I wasn’t sure at first-he had diarrhea twice last week and I thought maybe he just ate something that upset his stomach outside. But now, the last 2 days, I am almost certain he has it. I don’t know if the last time I took him to the vet, if they gave me panacur. They gave me a liquid and a powder to treat him. Should I just get the panacur C myself? If he is around 11lbs, should I use the 1 gram or the 2 gram dosage? I really want this to get treated once and for all. It has been such a nightmare this past week. Thank you for your help!

    #94145 Report Abuse

    My first thought was to tell you to go ahead and treat it on your own. You can buy Panacur C over the counter at http://www.healthypets.com, Costco, Chewy.com along with some other places cheaper than at the vet’s office. If you do, give it to the pup for 5 days rather than three and then repeat 10 to 14 days later. Giardia can be intermittent and often takes more than one treatment or remedy to get rid of it.

    However….what if it isn’t Giardia this time? A fecal test may be in order. My pups ended up getting Coccidia after they had giardia when they were pups and it calls for a different drug to get rid of it. Best luck to you. Puppies can be a lot of work, can’t they? But their immune systems will get stronger as they grow and hopefully be able to fight stuff off easier!

    #95631 Report Abuse
    Elyse E

    I went through two rounds of meds to treat my pups giardia. The last fecal showed she was still positive but no visible signs when they did the test. About twice a week she had mucus in her stool. Thoughts on trying kochi free just to ensure there’s nothing left in her system? The vet doesn’t want to retest her for 6 months now.

    #95645 Report Abuse

    Hi Elyse-
    What meds did you use already? Was it Panacur C and Metronidazole? Your pup still may have some antigens left in her system. Try to add some fiber into her diet and a good probiotic for a few weeks. Believe it or not, FortiFlora works very well.

    Then, you could give the kochi free as well if you feel she still has it. I used it without issue. I tried so many things that I’m not sure what actually cleared it.

    #95646 Report Abuse
    Elyse E

    Yes, those are the meds she was on. I will def try that. Thanks this is so helpful.

    #97273 Report Abuse
    Rachel M

    Hi! I am new to this site. I have a 3 1/2 month old golden retriever who has giardia. The vet initially gave him metronidazole to treat, but he still came back positive for giardia. They then gave him panacur c. I gave him the first dose this morning, and he has horrible diarrhea and he can’t keep any food down. The vet says this is normal and to continue giving the panacur c. Has anyone else had these types of side effects?

    -A very worried doggie mom

    #97274 Report Abuse
    Elyse E

    My pup was eating like a champ when she was sick. I followed what my vet said. In the end I gave her kochi free and she hasn’t had a problem since. Hope your pup feels better soon

    #98273 Report Abuse
    Jen B

    To those of you who had success with Kochi Free,
    did you give it orally 4 x’s a day or mix with food.
    It smells horrid.
    My 6 month old has had 3 treatments for Giardia.
    2 Panacur 5 days and last one Panacur 5 days with 2 weeks of Metronozidole.
    I think he still has it as there was mucus in his stool today. It’s been a couple weeks since last treatment. Vet didn’t want to test stool at appointment yesterday. She thinks his immune system just needs to get stronger and didn’t advise on taking more meds.
    I’d like to try the Kochi now along with his probiotics and plant based digestive enzymes we’re already giving.

    #98497 Report Abuse
    F D

    I have a 5 month old husky that has been having
    bad diarhea for a week now.
    I think it’s giardia because it
    is watery but now it’s mushy. It really has a foul smell.. can I treat this myself?
    with pancur c? And kochi treatment?
    I do not have a lot of money for a vet and
    reading this forum has helped a lot..
    what else do you advise? Hopefully somebody’s here!

    My puppy is very active and doesn’t act tired
    or sick at all. He still a happy puppy

    #98498 Report Abuse
    F D

    Hi! How’s your puppy doing?

    #98499 Report Abuse
    F D

    Hi! Can you help me out please?

    #98500 Report Abuse


    Wake up. Don’t look for veterinary medical advice online.

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