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Non-grain-free treats on a grain-free diet?

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  • #56154 Report Abuse

    I got a free sample pack of some Fruitables treats at the pet store the other day, which Lily loved. The thing that kept me from buying them before was that they are not grain-free (they contain oatmeal and brown rice.), and Lily is on a grain-free diet. We are not totally sure she has a problem with grains, but she has been sort of itchy which the vet though could be allergies. When we got her she was on IAMS, which contains corn, and she was not any more itchy then she is on grain-free, so I’m not sure if grains are really an issue for her or not. Would you think non-grain free treats would be an issue? Thanks!

    #56170 Report Abuse

    If she has an issue with grains then the treats could definitely become an issue. But if it really never was the grains, or it’s corn but not other grains, then it shouldn’t be an issue. When I got Micah, he was reating to a food with grains, so I took him off of all grains and once I got a handle on something he could eat, I started testing him on the different grains. There was always the possibility that he was only reacting to one or two ingredients in the food and nothing else. Nope, turns out he reacts to every different grain I tried, and I have tried all of them I could think of, but I never would have known if I didn’t try them.

    #56174 Report Abuse

    Thanks! The time the vet said she thought Lily was having allergies it actually turned out to be fleas. (Apparently the frontline plus wasn’t working.) We have since changed to Activyl which took care of the problem, though she had a few more fleas 4 weeks later right before the next dose. She has still been sort of itchy though, which promoted us to think it might be allergies. The vet initially prescribed an anti-hisimine, which we chose not to use because she had recently been on antibiotics for an anal gland issue (one reason the vet suspected allergies.) and wanted to see how she would do without any medication for a few days. Then, we figured out the problem was fleas, and so we decided not to use the antihistamine at all. We also changed her food, from TOTW Wetlands to Lotus Grain-free Duck. She still seems somewhat itchy, mostly on her face.

    On a side note, I just realized how much I use parentheses. Somehow I never noticed that before.

    #56176 Report Abuse

    I just love punctuation of any kind, and sometimes you really do need to add more aside info.

    You may have more than one thing going on. If her face continues to be itchy, I would revisit the allergy issue.

    You’re new avatar just popped up. Very cute!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by theBCnut.
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