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Need Grain Free/LOW Fiber/LOW Carbohydrate Food

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  • #80520 Report Abuse
    Madelon H

    Hi have a 1 1/2 year old GSD diagnosed with EPI in May. He has been having yeast and bacterial skin issues ever since. I’m looking for a recommendation for a dry dog food that is grain free with fiber of around 3% and LOW carbohydrate – does anyone have any suggestions?

    #80523 Report Abuse

    Hi Madelon, have you joined the Face Book group called “Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency in Dogs” https://facebook.com/groups/38663535025/
    A few people on this site feed “Taste Of The Wild” Pacific Stream Canine with Smoked Salmon….. Fiber is 3% fat-15% Protein-25%, Taste Of the Wild also has the wet tin cans…. Hopefully the Salmon will help his skin & the lower fiber will be OK for his EPI…
    My boy has IBD, SIBO & Skin Problems & its so hard to fix all 3 health problems… I need a low fat for his IBD, low fiber for the SIBO & a high fat diet for his skin, at the moment I have perfect firm poos BUT itchy skin…

    #80539 Report Abuse
    Madelon H

    Hi Susan – we actually talked earlier this year when he was first diagnosed. He’s currently on TOTW Pacific Stream – he has had several bacterial skin infections and yeast infections – possibly has ringworm now – getting cultured and also has pseudomonas infection in his paws and yeast infection between his toes. We are going to see a dermatologist December 14 – I was just thinking ahead about carbs possibly contributing to the infection

    #80542 Report Abuse

    Hi, yes the starchy carbs Potatoes & peas would be causing the yeasty skin problems, I use Cortic-Ds 1% cream (Hydrocortisone acetate 10mg/g cream) from chemist & every night before Patch goes to sleep, that’s if he has red paws & red under chin & around bottom of his mouth…. I look at his paws & if they’re red I get cotton tip & put the Cortic-Ds 1% cream in between his toes & up his paw very lightly, then if Paws are still bad thru the day I bath in Malaseb medicated shampoo…. Malaseb is excellent kills the bacteria on the skin I try & leave the Malaseb on Patches paws I put a face washer on the bath edge & lift his 2 front paws up on the bath edge & then massage his body in the Malaseb shampoo as long as I can, it says leave on for 10mins but 5 mins does the job if you have a dog that hates baths….I’ve been bathing every 5-7 days again now spring is here..

    I’ve been cooking for Patch for Breakfast & Dinner, I’m looking at starting K-9Natural Freeze dried, you just add water or they have the Frozen raw, I’ve been giving the K-9 Natural “Green Lipped Mussel” snacks..
    Can you feed a raw diet cause that’s the best, as soon as I started Patch on a raw diet all his skin problems went away in 3 days but Patch kept regurgitating the raw into mouth then swallowing it then he was having acid reflux from burping up the raw…I’m making Sauerkraut tomorrow, its a natural probiotic they need a healthy gut once they have more healthy stomach bacteria they wont have these yeasty skin problems as bad…. or Kefir if you can get some kefir for his stomach & get the healthy bacteria to take over….

    #146858 Report Abuse
    Lynne C

    Hi- Can anyone help. My dog is allergic to almost all environmental items, grasses, trees, mold, dust mites, grains, all carbs including potatoes, rices, peas, wheat, some fruits and vegetables. Im looking for a food..kibble or otherwise. Any suggestions. millet is not listed as an allergen. Dairy (milk) is ok.

    #146871 Report Abuse

    Make an appointment with a veterinary dermatologist. Allergies are complicated. There is no cure, however there is effective treatment but it is lifelong.
    Sorry, no miracle cures. Often the expertise of a specialist is required. There is no cheap way out of this.
    Hope this helps http://skeptvet.com/Blog/?s=allergies

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