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My DeeCee

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  • #88021 Report Abuse
    Christine W

    I lost my Pug DeeCee a year ago June 18th.Her ashes are on my mantle.There isn’t a second of a day,i don’t wish to god she was here.My other Pug still looks for her,when i walk her,she jumps at the trucks looking to see if DeeCee is in there,like she always did,if i took only DeeCee to the vet.My heart is shattered completely.The vet kept telling me she was fine,just had arthritis,she had just turned 10.I went to another room,came back and found her on the floor,it was the worst thing ever in my life,to see her gone.I have switched vets,i have no use for the other one,anymore.
    As Mike has the driving passion for this site,i have a driving passion now to pay attention to better food,recalls,and especially THE VET! etc. If i lose another pet,i will not recover.I do have a new Pug puppy,because my other one was acting up very badly after DeeCee passed.
    I miss you DeeCee everyday,i would give anything in this entire world, just to hold you & pet you again,such a sweet,loving,dog,my best friend.I have her paw tattoo on my arm.I miss her,my heart is totally broken.
    She loved to lay under the Christmas tree,so this first Christmas without her,i took her ashes and layed under the tree with her.No words for what this has done to me.

    #88028 Report Abuse

    I lost a dog to hemangiosarcoma a few years ago, by the time the dog had any symptoms it was too late. A veterinarian told me the only way to possibly find some of these rare conditions would be to have x-rays, ultrasounds and bloodwork done at routine appointments. This is not recommended for a dog that appears to be healthy and has no symptoms, obviously, due to the cost.
    Plus, sometimes these things just happen without any warning. Don’t underestimate genetic factors, my dog had a good diet, exercise and was fit.

    Sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself. Remember, your other dogs need you now.

    #88029 Report Abuse
    Christine W

    Thank you so much <3 yes i realize this sometimes happens.I did switch vets after for quite a few reasons,good ones,and couldn’t be happier with my vet now.My other pug & now new one,are my life.Take Care 🙂

    #160946 Report Abuse
    joh m

    Hello every body,
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