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Mini Schnauzer with diabetes. Wet food advise

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  • #53958 Report Abuse
    Patricia J

    Any opinions on the best canned food product for a 10 yr old diabetic mini schnauzer with many issues? Prone to pancreatitis. Has been DKA 2 times. Very hard to regulate. On Vetsulin 7 units 2 x daily. Has UTI’s constantly due to so much glucose in her urine. Was feeding Authority canned senior chicken. She also gets 3 oz. boiled chicken breast with 1/2 can food, AM and PM feeding. Just changed to Wellness Turkey with sweet potatoe. Any suggestions for high protein, low carb and low fat canned food? I spent hours in Petsmart reading labels and am so confused. I chose the Wellness because it seemed to have the best overall % of protein, fat and carbs. but, if there is a better product for her, I’d love to know about it. Thanks.

    #53970 Report Abuse

    It’s not canned, but rather dehydrated, look into The Honest Kitchen Zeal. Fat is a big issue. Usually when you lower carbs, you raise protein and fat. THK Zeal is the best one I know of with good levels, though in your case, I still might add lean meat to lower the carbs even more. Zeal comes as a dry powder that you add water to. If you add water right before feeding then you have a soupy mixture. If you prepare it a while ahead of time, it is more like a thick paste or pate style food. My dogs love all of THK’s foods.

    #53987 Report Abuse
    Mary M

    You need a lowfat food. Probably 10% or less. What does your vet recommend?

    Here, Mike posted a nice summary of some lowfat foods for dogs with these issues. I’d suggest Acana Light and Fit. But if you need wet…there’s a suggestion for that too.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Mary M.
    #53989 Report Abuse
    Tiffany K

    For your Mini Schnauzer….The Honest Kitchen is so healthy as is mainly fish and veggies. This is the dehydrated formula; I believe it is called Zeal You add warm water and let it sit a bit. It looks like green gruel or oatmeal. But, I specifically purchased it for my Pit Bull/Great Dane mix who was hospitalized with pancreatitis (my mother was keeping her and I have never got to the bottom of what she was fed) but it has completely smoothed out her digestion problems , as well as helping her chronic skin allergies. It is just getting her to eat it. It smells exactly like fish food. If you mixed her 3 ounces of chicken in with the Zeal, I am sure she would gobble it down. Another “trick” is I use the chicken broth from boiled chicken as the mixing agent for the Zeal. I hope this helps and your little girl feels better each day.

    #53998 Report Abuse

    Weruva Human Style in these recipes: Cirque de la Mer 65/10/17, Jammin Salmon 61/12/19, Bed and Breakfast 60/12/20. Protein/fat/carbs. BTW, Authority senior cans are 27/16/49 and Wellness turkey and sweet potato is 36/23/33. And you have to convert the guaranteed analysis to Dry Matter to get a good comparison. The numbers I posted above are Dry Matter. There’s an article with the calculation for dry matter in the Library. I can post a link later if you can’t find it. (Because I can’t copy/paste from my tablet! Clumsy fingers)

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by pugmomsandy.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by pugmomsandy.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by pugmomsandy.
    #54052 Report Abuse
    Patricia J

    Thank you all for your input. I am going to look into the brands you all mentioned. I do want the best for my girl and when I’m paying $3.00 a can for Wellness, a better combo of protein/fat and carbs cannot be much more. Plus the $ amount is not an issue, as, if I can get an excellent diet for her, it may cost less in the long run at the vet’s. Also may help me to get her BG more regulated. Again, thank you all.

    #54059 Report Abuse

    You may want to search for the topic of diabetes. There is already a thread on it somewhere, where USA Dog Treats recommends foods. He is really good on diabetes.

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