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Maltese/Yorkie puppy diet?

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  • #43701 Report Abuse
    Omayra R

    Hello all.

    My sister adopted a puppy last month and he is the first dog to be our family member. He will be 3 months old tomorrow (June 8th).

    We were told to feed him dry mixed with wet 4 times a day, up until July 19th. After that, 3 times a day dry.

    His dry is the Blue Buffalo holistic life protection brand, and his wet is Wellness for puppies. For training treats we have Organix peanut butter cookies and Fruitables pumpkin and apple flavor.

    Now his poop is finally coming out solid, but at the end it’s a little mushy. From my understanding, poop must be solid and not that smelly. At first he was pooping diarrhea, but that was before he got his deworming shot. After the shot, no more diarrhea but would like it his poop to be more solid and a tad bit smelly. This morning he pooped a lot! He hasn’t pooped since. I asked my sister how often does he poop now and she hasn’t been paying attention, so bare with me. As I don’t live with my family and the dog. I stay over the weekends to watch over him. Since I have a more flexible schedule, I can take him to the vet etc.

    I notice after he eats, he gets itchy. I’m wondering if he has any food allergies? I know this mix is prone to skin sensitivity. I want that itching to stop. Also read that tear stains are more proned to his food, not breed. We clean his eyes often but would to see that decrease. It’s not excessive though.

    Can anyone here suggest me a new diet, please? I’m looking into the raw brand route but i’m not sure how many times a day with these foods. Sorry, this all so new to me.

    I’m also in the process of looking for a well reputable holistic vet. I’m just do terrified of all the horror stories with vets and diets I’ve been reading online.

    We want the very best for our little guy.

    Thank you 🙂

    #43710 Report Abuse
    Omayra R

    Ok. So 9 hours later, his poop came out good! I’m thrilled. Hard. Very tiny mush, & hardly any smell. Wasn’t as much as this morning either.

    #43716 Report Abuse

    Hi, Omayra has ur little man been fleaed? as that is probably causing his itch, a nice bath & a good flea product like frontline should keep the fleas away Frontline make a really good spray, I dont know if it can be used on pups u’d have to check..food allergies are rare especially a 3month old pup, only around 5% of dogs will suffer food allergies, some may be intolarant to certain foods, & have food intolarences also look at the Fat% on ur treats alot of treats are high in fat & you can only give a few treats a day as they can cause diarrhea & muchy poo.. its best to use ur dogs daily kibble (Blue Buffalo) as a treat when training…..make sure you keep up with his worming….sounds like u are both sharing ur little boy so make sure that you both arent giving treats at different times & just use some of his kibble as a treat…
    Someone else will have to help with the Raw as my boy is on kibble & home cooked chicken & pumkin..sounds like ur little boy has a loving caring home..

    #43717 Report Abuse
    Omayra R

    Thanks for the response. Yes, we all love him very much.

    As for the itch, I brought that up to the vet and he said he has none. His next vet appointment is next Saturday. I will bring it up again.

    I’m also thinking of seeing a holistic vet too.

    #43718 Report Abuse

    He may have dry skin & need a replenishing shampoo & conditioner, when he scratches look straight away where he is scratching, sometimes it can just be 1 little flea & some dogs have reactions to flea bites…

    #43719 Report Abuse
    Omayra R

    Yeah, we gave him baths. I do need to get conditioner bc his hair gets so dry after washing. I figured it was the food bc I notice the scratch right after eating. He has so much hair. Hard to see his skin. I’ll try to look again.

    #43726 Report Abuse

    With food allergies dogs can have hive like lumps over their body, red itchy skin & diarrhea & other symtoms, it doesnt happen straight after eating, can take a couple of days for the reaction to show, maybe he needs his fur trimmed as summer is coming up if ur in America..vets normally have real good shampoos & conditioners for dry skin, I found shampoos & matching conditioner with oatmeal have helped my boys skin..

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