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Good dog food for almost 16 year old with elevated liver enzymes and beg kindey
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Rachael Baum on Supplement recommendations for Cushing’s Disease?
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Husky with a high chance of having Ulcers. Recommend a food brand?
- This topic has 64 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 10 months ago by
Cody D
MemberI’ll start by saying I’ve read the articles on this. Just want to know if someone has tried any specific food that wold work…
So my Husky started vomiting about 3 weeks ago now and had specks of blood in it. Looked partially clotted. Then he did it again, straight to the vet. Received medicine, ran out, same symptoms, right back to vet. Received more, seemed to get better for a week and now 2 days ago vomited with blood specks and his poop had blood in it as well. Turned mushy today after being solid for 8 days…(I’m in the process of making an apt with a specialist) Needless to say, I need a low fat dog food that will help him stay healthy while battling this? Anyone been through this? And I know this gets off topic but anyone ever feel this helpless? He’s my baby boy (this from a self described tough guy with doesn’t cry…about to cry)
MemberGo to rice/boiled chicken meat for now, bland diet
Glad you are going to a specialist, get to the root of the problem.
In the meantime if the symptoms continue and the dog is in distress, go to the emergency vet, yes it will be expensive but you will find out exactly what is wrong with your dog and what your treatment options are, within an hour or two.
It is up to you… You know there is something seriously wrong, that is why you came here.
Good luckCody D
MemberThanks anon101. I’m not sure what our emergency vet could tell us however? Complete blood work has been done, nothing abnormal was found. Just a bit dehydrated due to vomiting I’m sure. There was something slightly off with one of the things they measured to check his kidneys, but they were not concerned just wanted to investigate further in the future. They don’t do scopes at the emergency vet, I already called about that. That I guess is the next step, to scope him and find out what is going on in/down there. Thanks for the well wishes.
MemberDid they do x-rays? Ultrasounds? Give us an update, when you know .
Scope? Never had a dog scoped. Start with x-ray/ultrasound. Rule out tumors/cancer.
I don’t want to scare you but…..Jennifer H
MemberI assume you have done a fecal and a fecal PCR to check for intestinal parasites (hooks, whips, giardia, coccidia, etc…).
I would ask your vet about Tylan (Tylasol).
In the meantime, ask your vet about a regime that includes an antacid, Sucralfate (coats the stomach), and Cerenia for vomiting.
Cody D
MemberNo xrays or ultrasounds were done. I don’t know why. Originally it was brought up, then never to be heard again. In theory (I could be wrong) I believe the scope would show tumors or anything of that sort making the ultrasound/xray unneeded? Don’t worry, that fear, tumors, has already been realized and unfortunately what I’m leaning to it being… He is young though, just turned 4! No fecal testing has been done either, which is the one that really surprised me. Never been mentioned by anyone. I will add this is a very reputable local vet who many people have a high regard for. At first they were very conservative about treatment, though I’m hoping they take this more seriously now that were at 3 weeks of the same issues… He is taking prilosec (they told me to get) and the sucralfate that you mentioned Jennifer. This is what really seems to make him feel better and what he was one when he was acting fine for a week. Running around like a puppy. Solid stools, though turned black when dry. Within 3 days of him running out of that (they gave me 5 days worth) he started acting up again. I now have another 5 days worth. Not actively vomiting, just happens when he runs out of medicine. What is the Tylan? Thanks for the kindness guys.
MemberThis is the thing. You are treating the symptoms, bandaid stuff.
I would focus on getting an accurate diagnosis before proceeding.
PS: Here is how it goes, routine exam, labs, x-ray/ultrasound. Then you receive a diagnosis and treatment options or lack there of.
You can go on and on with that bandaid stuff but you are just wasting time, find out exactly what you are dealing with and then evaluate treatment options.
Cody D
MemberI completely get that. I just don’t know why my vet hasn’t prioritized getting this done if normally that would be the next logical step, which I do agree with you there. What I’ve been trying to do is listen to the vet who is the expert, over telling the vet what to do when I’m the amateur. But again, that would seem to be the next logical step to take. Thank you for your responses.
MemberAsk your vet for a referral to a specialist. I like my vet a lot too, but when things get complicated…
Cody D
MemberWell that I have. And they will get a call Monday, hoping they can get me in Tuesday. And fortunately only an hr and a half away from me. Thank you again.
Cody D
MemberVisit with the specialist in 2 hours… Hopefully something will be figured out since my boy had a rough night Saturday (unable to hold anything down).
MemberGood luck. I have my fingers crossed. Did they (regular vet) rule out pancreatitis via blood test that is sent out)?
I have a vet appointment in a couple of hours too, just routine.
Cody D
MemberHi Anon. With the original blood work pancreatitis was indeed ruled out. Today more blood work was done, a fecal test for parasites, x rays, and an ultrasound all by the specialist. Good news! Nothing abnormal… Waiting on the results for the labwork on the blood and fecal, testing however. I assume this bloodwork is more extensive since it is taking at least a day to get results, meanwhile before I had the results within the hour. Makes me wonder what the heck my normal vet did… Depending on the results of the testing will determine the next step. I’m picking up some dewormer tomorrow to just treat that just in case even if there is nothing on the testing. Specialist thought that would be simple enough. Meanwhile my boy is miserable still… Hasn’t vomited today, though he hasn’t had much chance too since he wasn’t allowed to eat until recently. Current line of thought by the specialist is something like Addison’s disease and while she didn’t say it, some type of organ failure. Basically she believes anything structurally wrong is ruled out, and now it’s just finding out why his body is fighting against him. If anyone has any sort of clue, feel free to comment.
This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by
Cody D.
MemberGeez, well at least you’ll get some answers soon….
Not sure what it could be :-/
Any thoughts would be just speculation.
At least you’ve ruled out some things.Cody D
MemberBlood work was “perfect,” fecal showed no signs of parasites. After some prodding by a local dog treats store owner, I’m going to get a scope done tomorrow at a place about 2 hours away. He had nothing good to say about the specialist I went too, though personally I feel like he had a really bad experience with the place itself and it was not the normal. Different dept too. Besides the cost, I liked the specialist. But at least with this new place I can get in a week sooner to try and get some piece of mind… A little nervous about having someone who hasn’t seen anything yet doing new work, but I imagine with the completely clean view they had, and being that the specialist was the director of her dept and highly regarded that it doesn’t matter too much. We will see how the scope goes… I’m keeping the apt for a scope at the specialist office the week later and hope to call after tomorrow to change it to whatever else needs to be done if anything (hopefully they find something!). My wife and I just can’t keep doing this. Up all night, can’t eat, barely functioning. For all of you who have been through this I Don’t know how you all did it.
MemberBut what did the specialist suggest it is? Surely she must have an idea, what did she advise to do next? Besides the scope.
I have been through it, it’s a nightmare.
I never had a dog scoped though, usually they have a diagnosis after labs and x-ray.I currently have an a dog with atopic dermatitis (environmental allergies) there is no cure, just management ($$) and even with the best of treatment they can have flareups. She’s on antibiotics currently for a bacterial skin infection and we are trying Apoquel. Immunotherapy worked for years till now…
I sure hope your dog feels better soon. And you and your wife too.
Cody D
MemberNothing. Literally nothing. Before all the procedures she suggested Addison’s disease, and did inject him with cortisol just to see. I imagine the bloodwork didn’t show anything that would suggest that was a good thing to look into since it came back “perfect.” Her word. She did not offer an opinion of what the issue is. Wanted to do the scope a week later, and take it from there. She is leaving the country after the scope (horrible timing obviously) which is also part of the reason I’m going to another location to get it done. I don’t want to wait a month which is how long she would be gone. She did seem to think, per a conversation she had with my local vet, that he was stable enough to not need to rush anything. I understand that sentiment, though my wife and I would disagree. For whatever reason he is more active at the vet. Nerves and adrenaline I presume. AT home he is practically a piece of furniture, except when I try to pick him up (always hated that) and during feeding time (though if he isn’t on his antivomiting pills he won’t eat, he just throws it up. He knows that). He is being spoiled, and is excited for that. So he is capable of moving around, and the vet said she saw no reason to restrict his activities if he is willing to exercise (though he’s mostly not). But yeah… No hint as to what she thought it would be other than to say it isn’t “structural.” What a little research it looks like a colonoscopy is the next step after scope? But I don’t know. I’m hoping to get more of something from who I see tomorrow. Last two stools were solid and didn’t appear to have any blood. So there’s that. The specialist did mention what my vet thought was blood may have been a medication they gave me darkening the stool, while the blood in the vomit sounded like broken vessels from retching to much. So maybe good news?
What are your symptoms for your boy? On a side note my other dog is currently on a elimination diet to see if these scabs that are forming on his back are from food allergies. Originally they had him take an antibiotic and they went away, but came back. I really hope it isn’t something similar to what you’re going through… That’s the last thing I need right now. I hope your guy is doing well. Thank you for the well wishes.
EDIT: I did think of something else. After the ultrasound the specialist showed me something kinda weird and in her opinion unrelated. My boy has these interesting red splotches on his scrotum. Almost covering the whole thing except the bottom portion. Looks like when you pinch your skin and blood raises to leave a cluster of small red dots. Almost like a bruise. I’m kinda hoping another opinion on that tomorrow maybe points to something. He is still attached. She ultrasounded down there even for the heck of it. Saw nothing. Doesn’t hurt him. Doesn’t appear to be swollen. I know if I hurt down there, it wouldn’t be out of the question for me to vomit!
Melissa D
MemberYou may have already tested for this, but has a urinalysis been done to check for a UTI? I say this because my dog went undiagnosed for months – he had/has many of the same symptoms yours does. Blood in vomit, lethargy, up all night in pain/distress, etc. Did do better on sucralfate. It was a UTI the whole time, he just didn’t show any of the classic symptoms like straining or dribbling pee/having accidents in the house. All other tests were normal. No one thought to do a urinalysis until he finally peed a bit of blood. (Yes, I am kicking myself.)
Cody D
MemberHi Melissa. They haven’t done a urinalysis. IT was mentioned once about doing so. Then it was never part of the “treatment plan.” That would be amazing though I’m not holding my breath (so frustrated). In your case was it simple to get one done? Like just catch the pee or was a catheter or something like that needed? Either way I’ll mention it to who I see today, 9 hours from now, and who knows? Thank you so much for the suggestion for my boy.
Melissa D
MemberIt was very easy! The lead up was what was difficult. Once he FINALLY peed blood, a classic straightforward UTI symptom, I called my vet and she asked me to bring in a sample. They read it very quickly and told me he had a severe UTI and started him on antibiotics immediately. He is currently on them and improving, but the infection is still present (just lessened) so it may be a while. Or he may need another kind of antibiotics after this one. We have to see.
So my advice is to ask them to both read it AND send out/start a culture from that sample if he does have an infection. The reason being if he does have an infection, the culture tells you exactly what bacteria it is. That needs to be done when the dog is not already on antibiotics. In my case, if we cannot get this infection under control, we will need to stop his meds for a week in order to culture, something I am worried about doing. Could have been avoided with a culture in the first place.
Either way, the test is vey simple and they should be agreeable to doing one even if just to rule out the UTI. If they don’t want to, I’d find another vet.
Melissa D
MemberOh also, yes it was very easy to get it done – I caught his urine in a clean, dry tupperware and brought it in. But they also will do it at the vet with their own container and whatever other tricks they may have up their sleeves.
MemberQuote: “What are your symptoms for your boy? On a side note my other dog is currently on a elimination diet to see if these scabs that are forming on his back are from food allergies. Originally they had him take an antibiotic and they went away, but came back. I really hope it isnât something similar to what youâre going through⊠Thatâs the last thing I need right now”
You’re not kidding! Once your guy is stable I’ll tell you more about it.
Bottom line, we had to go to a veterinary dermatologist for effective treatment, although some regular vets are good at treating these things now too. It depends on how severe the allergies are. Symptoms usually start with pruritus, rashes, skin infections, ear infections. They resolve with antibiotics and steroids but often return.
Whatever you do don’t bother with a hair/saliva test for food sensitivities, they are all scams.
Keep us updated, we are all pulling for him.
PS: Don’t stress about getting a urine sample. Some vets prefer to strait cath, it only takes a second, doesn’t hurt and the sample will be sterile.
Cody D
MemberThanks for all the kind words guys. Hopefully we will learn something today. If nothing else it is a second/third opinion. After reading some symptoms of sulcrafate (vomiting, nausea, low energy) part of me wonders if part of his issue is the meds itself at this point. He won’t be on any for half the day at least so we’ll see what happens.
MemberIs there a possibility that he could have gotten into something? Years ago one of my dogs took a bite out of a poisoned mouse in the yard (neighbor was using rat poison to rid her house of mice) anyway we think this is what caused her to be very sick for over a week, she did respond to veterinary treatment and recovered. Never had GI symptoms again.
Cody D
MemberCompletely possible. We even have neighbors we’ve had issues with. I did ask about poisoning, chances of it and whether blood work would turn it up. They thought it unlikely for a couple reasons. If rat poison they thought hed be much worse or dead. They also believed that they would had saw something fishy on the bloodwork. With all that said, I’m planning on letting my neighbors know I suspect poisoning, true or not, and that I have cameras to see if I catch anything. So their dogs don’t get poisoned as well. Hopefully that would stop any possible issues.
MemberWell, stuff happens. People don’t realize that when mice are poisoned they run outside to seek water.
Birds of prey are poisoned due to this.
You are emotionally upset right now. I wouldn’t confront anyone at the moment, it’s hard to prove these things. It is one of many possibilities.
Just focus on getting your pup better.anonymous
Hoping your last vet visit went well.Cody D
MemberSorry anon I crashed when I hit my bed yesterday. So nothing new was done other than a blood test to check for a vitamin deficiency. The tech who made the apt forgot about a doctor’s meeting so a scope wasn’t able to be done. We have had some bad luck with this kind of stuff >.< good news was they could fit us in today. I work, so my wife is on the way now. It sounded like the vet we spoke to is thinking along the lines of IBS or any IBD of sort. Biopsies will of course be done. The tech did mention lymphoma as a possibility too. So not so bad or we lose our boy bad. We should have results on the biopsy and bloodwork by Tuesday I believe they said.
Turned put a urinalysis was done and the specialist and it wasnt mentioned. It was part of the bloodwork pricing so it wasn’t real obvious to us. It was clean. I guess the specialist also noticed my boys stomach lining… “looking thicker” I think was the description. Again, something not told to me at all. So maybe that points to ibs? I don’t know.
On a side note: we didn’t give him any medications yesterday just in case it interfered with anything. My boy was much more alert. Tail wagging. Not near 100% but Moore like 60% rather than the 20%. Also ate without the anti vomiting meds, held everything down fine. Water too. No vomit throughout the day. Makes me wonder if the sulcrafate is/was the source of some of his symptoms. Quick research shows that as being possible. Though obviously we went to the vet originally for a reason, so something is still amiss. I unfortunately feel in my gut it’ll be lymphoma. This just hit so fast as and hard.anonymous
MemberLymphoma? I hope not.
I lost a corgi due to hemangiosarcoma 5 years ago, the whole thing went down in a month, she was 9 years old. I still think about that dog often.
I’m thinking positive thoughts for your dog. Sounds like he is having a good day.
Regarding side effects from meds, when they are on a few things (especially otc) it’s called polypharmacy and it’s true, it’s hard to distinguish between the actual illness and side effects.
Cody D
MemberWe hope not too. Thank you for that info. To keep myself occupied I’ll look into that more. I’m sorry about your Corgi. You’re a brave soul. I love animals, and especially dogs, but I think after this ordeal I’m done. I’m just not built to handle these things, never have been. Especially since my boy is just 4 years old. I should have an idea of how the scope went in a few hours. I will update then.
Cody D
MemberUpdate: Scope is done. They got it done early. Good for my peace of mind I guess. Stomach looked great, then she got to the small intestine. When she touched the intestine it would bleed, so pretty inflamed. My wife took the call so I have no idea how severe the bleeding was or what it means. She did not offer an opinion. I asked my wife upon pick up of our boy to ask what the vet is thinking, even if bad, so we can start to cope now on an off day and not get the news Tuesday when were both at work. She said keep giving him the sucralfate (wife didn’t ask about prilosec but I told her to ask that as well) and the anti vomiting meds as needed. All in all, I don’t know if this is good news or not. I do know that it is news, and will lead to some solid answers when the biopsies come back. From my hours of research on Dr. Google (yeah I know, always a bad idea but just trying to figure something out) Mast Cell Tumor, lymphoma, really any cancer, are the concern now. The hope is IBS or an IBD in general ONLY. If you guys have any thoughts feel free to share even if not positive.
This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by
Cody D.
MemberIt sounds like it may be something acute that will respond to treatment.
Positive thoughts.
PS: Cerenia is an effective medication when used as prescribed.
Cody D
MemberThank you. And yes, cerenia is what he is prescribed for the anti vomiting I believe. “Used as prescribed” ? Is there a certain time to give it to him besides “hey he just threw up” ? We weren’t given any instructions with it other than it’s a break glass in an emergency type of thing. Thank you again. I honestly didn’t come on here to share like this, but at the very least it helps ground my thoughts. Whoever you are, you’re awesome.
MemberIt’s a prescription med, there should be instructions on the label, if they are not clear call the Dr for clarification.
If I remember correctly, it is long acting, given once a day after a vomiting episode.
Not sure, but I think it is not meant for long term treatment, just a few days?
It’s a strong med and it works.PS: Did they rule out diverticulitis?
Cody D
MemberThey did not rule anything of that sort from what I understand. Basically they are playing it close to the vest. Yes, that does sound like what we are doing with it then. Once a day at most. When he has had issues holding food down it really does work. As it should, It’s almost $10 a pill from my vet! But I did think it was prescription. I’ll have to order from petmeds if I need more. I didn’t know what diverticulitis was off the top of my head, but from a quick search basically an IBD? I’ll look it up a bit.
My wife did just get home, and I have a summary sheet. “The Duodernum (first part of the small intestine) was entered and was inflamed with mild bleeding…increase in bile.” So far, that’s basically what we know.anonymous
MemberKeep him on bland diet and make sure he is drinking water, add it to his food.
I hope he has a peaceful weekend and you all get some rest.
I keep wondering if he got into something. Swallowed something sharp, like a bone? Maybe he passed it but it caused a lot of irritation?
Increase in bile, gallbladder inflammation? I guess IBD could cause these things.The fact that his labs are normal is a good sign.
This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by
Cody D
MemberHard day. Since about 3 my boy has been spitting up just the mucus-y like crap. Not vomiting, more of a acid reflux regurgitation. He has eaten a little, not alot of interest but I was told that would be normal after the scope. I’ve been told the Cerenia can’t do anything about that… They said there really isn’t anything they can do about it. I’m hoping it’s just due to a hard day and the fact that he hasn’t had his prilosec in two days now, or his sucrulfate. You really seem to know your stuff anon. I would be happy with any one of those things at this point. Thank you for the well wishes. I may not update again until I get results unless something dramatically changes.
This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by
Cody D.
steve johnson
MemberSo sorry to hear about your husky. We have a husky who was having terrible panting at night after he ate and would throw up spit sometimes. Can’t tell you how many times we went back and forth to the vet with no answers. I started doing some searching online and found this website The company seems to know a lot about IBD and acid reflux. I was pretty skeptical but figured
after paying for so many vet bills, I figured what do we have to lose? We ordered the Gastro ULC, Soothing Digestive Relief and Power Probiotic for our dog. To my shock, they really helped. They also helped me find a good diet for our Magic. You can give them the diet you are feeding and health issues, and they will provide free diet tips with your order.Cody D
MemberThanks Steve I will look into them. Did your dog ever return to a pretty regular lifestyle? That’s my even if ibd or Ibd is “all it is.” I just don’t want him to be in pain and so out of it. As you know, not how that breed is built.
MemberOops! I guess someone didn’t appreciate my opinion on supplements.
I do use fish oil for my allergy dog but I use the brand my vet approves of, also I initially will buy it from the vet clinic but then look around online for a better price.
Always check expiration dates. It’s always a bit of a risk because you don’t know if the product has been stored properly plus I have heard that counterfeit meds and supplements are a big business.
Cody D
MemberIf you mean me I actually thought I responded to your comment my guess is I typed it out on my phone and did not hit submit before closing the tab. I 100% agree that my vet needs to be aware and my local vet has actually been informed of these supplements before though I’m sure you know how that goes as far as relaying that information to current health problems so the information will be repeated to everyone involved. No opinion was gave by the vet about the supplements when the information was originally brought up but I do know she added notes to his chart.
Oh actually I noticed that not only is my comment missing but one of yours as well I think I see what you were hinting at now lol. I will hopefully be getting results on my dog’s biopsy today so hopefully I will have an update in the near future with only good news.
MemberYes I saw your comments. I didn’t see anything offensive about the comments (yours or mine).
Forums, this stuff happens, no big deal.Cody D
MemberUPDATE: Received the biopsy results and new blood work (that tested for two vitamin deficiencies basically). My boy has IBD. From all our vet visits this was the middle road. Worse than IBS (I think? I don’t know enough yet. But isn’t IBS an IBD?), but better than Lymphoma or whatever else would had meant death. His folate levels are “low,” so we are getting him a supplement (the GreenMin he was on previously did not have any. If anyone wants a ingredient list I’ll write it up) for the Folate until he is back to normal there. The vet recommended switching to a hypoallergenic diet or low ingredient diet dog food, though that would be hard because he has had most protein sources in his life, so hypoallergenic would likely be the choice unless we can come up with something (he’s had chicken, lamb, venison, salmon, I’m sure he has had beef somewhere in his life, and although a very small amount of it that he has stolen from his brother, duck. Idea guys?). Still a long road ahead of us, but were just starting with changing his diet to see how he does, reevaluation in about 3-4 weeks. If he is still experiencing issues, a steroid would be the next step, though the vet is being cautious with that because she stated most dogs then need the steroid the rest of their lives. I believe the steroid mentioned was budesonide. If anyone has any experience with this, feel free to share anything you may know that would be helpful. Brands of food anyone likes that would fit my boy? Words of encouragement? Is he going to ever regain his energy is my biggest concern… Just want him to be happy and is isn’t right now (understandably). Thanks everyone (mostly anon who has messaged me every step of the way. Whoever you are, it helped distract me if nothing else).
MemberI might go with the prescription food at least till he is stable.
Most vets like Fromm, take a look at the different foods, see if the vet will approve? dog’s dermatologist says try a novel protein like kangaroo. I just can’t do it, baby kangaroos are just too cute.
I have noticed that my allergy dog does best on fish based kibble, Purina Pro Plan Focus Salmon for sensitive skin and stomach seemed to work…
It might be worth a try.
PS: I think IBD/IBS is good news. This can be managed and may even go into remission for extended periods of time.
You got this!
Cody D
MemberThanks Anon. I’ll look at all of that. Only fear with the fish based is he (and my other dog who I say is his brother, but not) was on Orijen six fish before this all started. So fish has been his main staple. It was great! Everything up to this point was so healthy with him, and he is a picky little **** head though the strong fish odor really helped in the beginning. This appeared to be the best kibble on the market IMO at the time of starting it. Maybe the protein/fat content was too much for him? Or maybe this is just a chicken allergy (has had chicken breast with most of his meals for a couple years. Cut into pieces, mixed in. Spoiled rotten, has his mom wrapped around his paw). Anyway, I guess we can only wait and see!
SIDE NOTE: Is there a better forum to now post this too? Maybe one with people who have had dogs with IBD that might have some suggestions. I’m being lazy honestly and haven’t looked yet. I’m sure there is.
MemberMy allergy dog has fresh cooked chicken almost every day, no problem. It seems that the processed chicken in kibble affects her but not fresh cooked. So I still give her cooked chicken meat without issue.
Not sure about a better forum, I like SkeptVet for science based information.
Cody D
MemberHum.. That’s interesting. I’l look into playing with that if we get to the point where it would seem worthwhile. I guess I should had used the a different term, not just forum. A different topic of interest in this forum is what I meant.
MemberThe Apoquel is working! My allergy dog is stable again and may not need the immunotherapy much longer.
I recently switched her back to a fish kibble as a base . Might be a coincidence but I’m staying with it. She still gets a variety of toppers including cooked chicken.
Honestly, every dog is different, some of it is just trial and error.
Cody D
MemberI’m happy for you and your pup! Hopefully that is not a road I have to go down with my other dog! (scabs lower back, just found two on his lower leg(s) a couple days ago). Itchy for him, bites the base of his tail and locks it obsessively. Coned up right now!)
MemberOh, no.
Ask the vet about Apoquel if the symptoms continue, it works within a few days. It is reasonable (cost) in comparison to going to specialist.
I am optimistic about it. It is not a steroid, side effects are minimal if any.
PS: I hate cones….
Don’t wait till he has a skin infection and needs antibiotics.
It is what it is. You have 2 high maintenance dogs at the moment đ -
This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by
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