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How to feed GOAT NECK

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  • #55145 Report Abuse
    Nancy C

    Bought a 2 pound GOAT NECK at the butcher. It’s very meaty looking with a bone in it (the neck bone?) which is not large — The neck is in the freezer now and I want to use it. Does anyone know anything about GOAT NECKS and are there any particulars I should know before giving it to my dog? It is NOT fatty. He’s a 75 lb GSD and calculations show he should eat betw 1 1/2 and 2 pounds a day of raw. So I should probably only let him eat half of this at a time, tugging and pulling. Eh?

    Thank you to anyone who can make suggestions. (I am new to raw)

    #55149 Report Abuse

    What will he be eating for the other half of his meal?

    When it’s something that big and you know they can’t eat it all in one meal, you let them have it for as long as it takes to eat the amount they should have, as long as it is under two hours, then rinse off, and refrigerate or freeze the uneaten portion, depending on whether you are feeding the rest the next day. You can make up a spray bottle of 2 oz of vinegar and 8 oz of water and spray the surface then rinse to kill some of the germs, if you want. If it is something that would take more than 2 sittings to finish, I would have the butcher cut it up, and since I’m at the butcher to start with, I might have the butcher cut it anyways. They have the saw that just zips right through the bones.

    #55342 Report Abuse
    Nancy C

    Thank you. That is what I was going to do. You just confirmed. I am unsure about the bone though. Would imagine a neck bone would not be large and this does not look large — of course this is just a HALF of a neck so what i see is this bone embedded in all the yummy meat. So I would not want him to get choked on it. I would say, from where the sawing in half took place the bone looks about the size of a large egg – the width of it that is. That’s the view from the SAWED side of the piece of meat. The opposite side is rounded as it would be the outer part of the neck, if I am articulating well enough.
    I know so little about bones, but my understanding is that small ones CAN BE a bigger problem than a large one… so THAT is my concern. I am going back to the butcher soon and could take it and ASK HIM to get the bone OUT…. does that sound like a good idea? The GSD could probably chew it up – being goat. ??? Thank you for all your expertise, BC.

    #55343 Report Abuse
    Nancy C

    Oh – OTHER HALF OF THE MEAL…. If I let him eat half of the 2 pound neck (it’s really a little more than two lbs) then that, added to breakfast, was going to be it for the day. He eats 2x a day right now. So he would have gotten his 1 1/2 to 2 1/4 pounds of RAW a day. (Going on 2-3% of 75 pounds. )

    I was thinking this is not an exact science…. So hopefully that would do it.
    what am I missing?
    Thank you.

    #55345 Report Abuse

    That’s what I was asking, you’re not missing anything. I would give him the piece of neck with the bone in it and watch what he does. If he eats all the meat off before he even starts on the bone, then the bone might be small for him, but if he starts gnawing on the bone while it still has meat on it, it should be large enough that he goes ahead and chews up the bone rather than swallowing it. You can snap a pair of vice grips onto the meat near the bone so that he still has some meat left on the bone while he starts working on it. That should slow him down and make him think about what he’s doing.

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