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hill zd for yeasty dogs dos it work

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  • #62143 Report Abuse
    karren w

    Dos hill zd work for dogs with food allergies from wheat potatoes sweet potatoes rice and chicken? Has this worked for you ? Or has it made more problem s with all the carbs in it ?as I would love to know so would see weather worth trying or not ?

    #62178 Report Abuse

    I used this for my previous dog. It did work and she did just fine on it. It was about 10-15 years ago and we never did allergy testing so I don’t know what she was allergic to.

    #62179 Report Abuse

    Getting yeast in the first place is related to the food intolerances, so dealing with that does help to get the yeast under control. You may find you have to take more steps, but you can probably wait to figure that out.

    #62191 Report Abuse

    Hi Karen you’ll have to just try it & see, I know when the vet wanted Patch on Hills Z/d the vet nurse told me that a lot of dogs get diarrhoea when they first start this vet diet, so I never tried it, but all dogs are different, just introduce very slowly, it says 7 days to change over, I’d do it slower over 14 days… if it helps & relieves ur dog from skin problems it’s worth a try, you can also feed the Z/d wet as well once you have introduced the kibble…
    Royal Canine has their Hypoallergenic kibble if the Hills Z/d doesn’t work they are both money back if you do have a problem…
    I have my boy on the vet diet Eukanuba Intestinal this kibble worked the best for him, he has food & environment Skin Allergies & IBD, it’s was very hard to find a food to fix both health problems & yes the Eukanuba Intestinal has corn grites in the ingredients, the corn doesn’t seem to bother his skin problem like the potatoes, sweet potatoes, barley, wheat, oats, rye, peas did….

    #62193 Report Abuse
    karren w

    Hi thanks I ordered hills zd ulitra last night ambgoingbto give it a go I have also got her on coconut but oil as this should help yeast fingers crossed . thanks for getting back to me .

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