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  • #43280 Report Abuse
    Jess S

    Hi I have a 5 yr old english staffy we adopted who is sensative/ allergic to chicken, beef and grains. She has been eating either costal catch or hills science diet zd and although much better she still has obsessive paw licking and itching problems and chronic ear problems. She was diagnosed with polyps in her ears due to the condition when we got her. I feel that she may also be sensative to the peas in most of tje available holistic brands and the chicken in the zd. Can some one please help me with suggestions for dogs with chronic ear problems and a food which doesn’t contain chicken, beef, grain or peas/pea protien? Thanks in advance Jess.

    #43294 Report Abuse

    Hi, my rescue English Staffy boy that I rescued about 17months ago sounds like ur girl, Ive been having problems with his paws & ears since Feburuary, he was put on an elimation diet I found he cant have sweet potatoes & potatos make him itch more probably cause of the carbs in the Potatos Ive found that when he walks on wet grass of a money his paws are worst, making them red & itchy Ive been putting Cortic-DS 1% cream that I use for myself this cream will clear his paws if I put on at night before bed when he wakes up his red sore paws are all better I go for our morning walk then by lunch he’s starting to lick his feet if he has walked on grass..with his ear vet gave me Dermotic (ear & skin suspension) these drops clear his ear with days of applying very good ear drops, Have you tried the Holistic Select Anchovy Sardines & Salmon meal Adult Health kibble this kibble has No Peas beef or Chicken & has helped my friend Staffy & Ive told another lady at the park & now her mix breed staffys skin & itches have cleared up..my boy isnt on the Anchoy sardine & Salmon he’s on the Holistic Select Senoir as he also suffer from I.B.D & Pancreatitis & the Senior is a lower fat%….I also have taught Patch No Lick & everytime I see him lickin his paws, I tell his no & in the begingin I’d put him in a shallow bath with Detol Antseptic lotion or betadine, & soak his paws 3 times a week this helped kill the fungus & bacteria inbetween the toes, also no Potato, Sweet Potato make the yeast worst..

    #43296 Report Abuse
    Sara P

    Hi Jess.

    It can be reaaly exasperating to see your dog so itchy and trying everything without seing that much of a result.

    You could try to feed him Acana Lamb and Apple. It does not state to be an hypoallergenic meal but it is completely chicken, beef, pea and grain free.

    You should also relieve her discomfort with antihistaminics at least just for a few days until her skin lesions start to get better. And regular baths normally improve the condition since they remove the allergens from the skin.

    Hope she gets better soon.

    #43299 Report Abuse
    Jess S

    Wow Sue that does all ring very true! Bella hates the wet grass so much she won’t go to the toilet on it and messes on the patio! And I actually bought the holistic select on sunday and started her on that 🙂 I have the 1% cream gor myself also so will try that and the soak and look into the demotic with my vet 🙂 I also rub coconut oil in her ears and fish oil tablets which she gobbles up like lollies which I find has helped when she is super itch too! What type of antihistamines should I use Sara? She is 15kg

    #43303 Report Abuse

    You can add the coconut oil to her food as well. Check out Nzymes.com. My Dane has been on Nzymes for six years. He had really dry, flaky skin when I got him. I think this product along with the right food really helped him.

    #43312 Report Abuse

    My last dog had food allergies and we fed her only zd until she stopped having symptoms. Then we tried one food at a time for a few weeks to see if it caused symptoms. If it did, we started the whole process over again until we found a food that worked. When I used it about 6-10 years ago it did not have chicken in it. It had hydrolysed protein so it would not trigger allergies.

    #43377 Report Abuse

    Hi,my vet gave me Iramine 8mg tablets, Anthistamine, but they made Patch sleepy & he vomited when on them so I stop giving them to him, but the grass has something to do with the itchy sore feet, especially when the grass is wet

    #43380 Report Abuse
    Sara P

    So why don’t you try put her some doggy shoes when you go out.

    In fact you should be prepared to the fact that she might be atopic and need further investigation. Today it is fairly easy to perform intradermal allergy tests and start a personalized therapy to reduce the symptoms and improve her quality of life. It is not curative but really helps most of the “allergic-to-everything-dogs”.

    Talk to your vet about this.

    #43468 Report Abuse

    Hi Sara P have you ever tried putting shoes a dog, try it , I ordered Patch special dog water proof shoes He wouldnt walk in them & just sat down on the floor & wouldnt walk, putting them on his sore feet & not hurting his paws was very hard… he wares his socks after I put his Cortisone cream on so he doesnt lick off the cream when Im not home, but the shoes he wont wear if I brought him up from a pup then maybe but I rescued Patch at the age of 4, 17 months ago..

    #43476 Report Abuse
    Sara P

    Yes it could be a hard thing to do. It may need some positive reinforcement in order to desensitize the dog. Anyway it was just an idea. One of my dogs wears shoes in the times his paw licking obsession is more intense and thanks. I believe he feels relieved. The other one is just like yours. Just sits down and does not want to walk.

    #43671 Report Abuse
    Jess S

    Yay thank you for all the helpful ideas and input have started implementing them and take her back to the vet for a chat about maintaining her allergies better 🙂

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