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  • #82053 Report Abuse
    betsy R

    i have a rescued 4 yo pitbull. He is very grain sensitive. Most recently he developed kidney stones all up and down his urethra & almost died. After surgery we were told to feed him Hills UD. It is very expensive, but the only option I was given. Shortly after switching him, he broke out in hives, turned very pink looking, and his fur started coming out in clumps. We assumed the grain allergy. However with Cystine stones, he has a genetic defect and cannot process animal protein. I have been cooking for him in lieu of the prescription food. He looks much much better, but I have NO idea if I’m doing the right thing. I feed him potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, lentils & beans, apples, (various mixtures of fresh beans, veggies & fruit). I am concerned about his nutritional requirements & if this is the right thing to do. Any feedback is appreciated.

    #82059 Report Abuse

    Hi, have you looked at the Royal Canine S/O Urinary? When I rescued my boy he was weeing blood, while he was being desexed he had an ultra scan & he had Crystals stones, he was put on the Royal Canine S/O Urinary wet & dry for 6 weeks, after 6 weeks he had another ultra scan to see if the crystal had dissolved & they had all dissolved, the Royal Canine worked, vet said he must of been used for breeding… Patch also has skin problems when he eats any Hills vet diets, he itches real bad, but while he was eating the Royal Canine S/O he never scratched…

    I went thru a Animal Naturopath cause Patch has IBD & Skin problems, Jacqueline Rudan put Patch on a Raw maintenance Diet, that I cook now, minus the bones, here’s the Diet but scroll down & click on the “Acidifying Urinary Crystals Diet” & see what foods Jacqueline recommends you feed for your dogs health problem….

    #82060 Report Abuse

    “We assumed the grain allergy. However with Cystine stones, he has a genetic defect and cannot process animal protein”.

    Don’t assume anything regarding allergies. Unless the dog has been examined and tested by a board certified dermatologist. http://www.acvd.org/

    The diets recommended for struvite or calcium oxalate bladder stones may not apply to your dog, the type of stones he has require a specific diet and treatment (like the one your vet recommended).

    I would work closely with your veterinarian or find a veterinarian that specializes in Internal Medicine, do you have a veterinary hospital in your area? Your dog has a serious condition, this is not a DIY (imo)
    http://www.caninecystinuria.com/Treatment.html http://www.dogaware.com/articles/wdjotherstones.html#cystine

    PS: Have you tried the search engine at this site? Lots of information on “allergies” and “bladder stones”

    #82062 Report Abuse

    And always:
    “Itā€™s important to provide your dog with extra fluids and frequent opportunities to urinate in order to keep his urine from becoming supersaturated. Salt should not be added to increase fluid consumption for dogs with cystinuria; according to studies conducted on humans, a low-sodium diet may decrease the amount of cystine in the urine”.

    Excerpt from http://www.dogaware.com/articles/wdjotherstones.html#cystine

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