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  • #59736 Report Abuse
    Gloria K

    I simmered turkey livers and hearts then put them through the food processor and my dog thinks this is manna from heaven. Not sure about the giblets that came with the package. Giblets take forever to cook and I’m wondering if I have to cook them till they’re soft – I simmer them for about 20 minutes. I’m even wondering if it’s a good idea to feed giblets to my dog. What do you think?

    #59737 Report Abuse
    Kristin C

    If you mean gizzards then yes it’s ok to feed. I feed mine raw. Are you adding the organs to each meal in small amounts? Or are you feeding 1 or 2 meals per week organs only? Be careful about feeding too much.

    #59845 Report Abuse

    My dogs love gizzards. The 7lb Jack russell mix isn’t alowed to have them any more, however, because he inhales them and they sit in his tummy whole and make him miserable. My 60 and 130 lb mixes love them, though. If your dog chews them, then they are great chewy snack.

    #59851 Report Abuse
    Gloria K

    I simmer the turkey gizzards along with the hearts and livers that came in a large package. I ground everything up in my food processor and then add a tablespoon or two every couple of days to his food. He seems to absolutely go wild over this.
    I save the broth in little half cup containers and freeze them. I add a couple spoonsf to every meal. My friend said “when I die I want to come back as your dog.” LOL

    #60438 Report Abuse

    Liver & Gizzards , need different cooking times . I gave my 80 lb dog a giz & liver whole , she ate them whole quick & just as quick barfed them up . So now I cut them up & she loves all of them . In the past she had a barfing problem , First , dimd. ( BARF ), then benifil ( barf ) , then purina one lamb & rice , ( barf ) . This was over a few years . Then I was educated & lost Frosty a very cool dog . Thanks to all the people on youtube as well as DR Karen Becker DVM ( cook book ) . I found this place looking for good food to back up my home COOKED food . Other than what I have said , the 5 yr old GR Pyrenees , quit barfing on home cooking .

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