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Dogs Eat Grass Regularly

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  • #75564 Report Abuse
    Erin M

    Hey, y’all,
    I own 3 coonhound pointer mixes that I feed Victor grain-free (alternating the salmon and the hero mix in a month). I’ve not bought into the grain-free thing, just that Victor is the cheapest 5-star. My pups don’t puke after gobbling grass, so either they are missing some nutrients or missing some fiber. Thoughts? I’m happy with their teeth and their coats look amazing, but I’d like to find a food that doesn’t seem to leave gaps.


    #75567 Report Abuse

    Dogs do this instinctively when they feel nauseous to induce vomiting, but it doesn’t always work. There may be some stomach issues going on, or it could just be a nasty habit that they have developed.

    The only 2 dogs that I have owned that ate grass was one that had Lyme disease and kidney damage. The other one was a very healthy dog until she was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma as a mature adult. Many lawns are treated with pesticides, so I would discourage them.

    I would take them to the vet to rule out medical problems before you assume it is related to their diet.

    #75568 Report Abuse
    Erin M

    I’ve read differently that less than 25% do it to induce vomiting. I’m concerned about their fiber. Their stools are normal and they are very healthy, active dogs. Thanks for the comments.

    #75608 Report Abuse

    Hi Erin-

    Here’s a video you might be interested in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBMu0kq19U4

    My dog eats grass as well. He goes after the tall grasses against fences mainly. If your dog is not franticly eating grass and vomitting after I wouldn’t really worry too much. If there is really no other symptoms they might just like grass. I do a rotational diet with my dog and he gets wet food and he still eats grass.

    #75609 Report Abuse
    Erin M

    Thanks!! Mine only eat a tall, wirey bit. When they want to throw up (maybe once or twice), they eat a different plant! I think they like the smell or need fiber.

    #75614 Report Abuse

    In response to “I’ve read differently that less than 25% do it to induce vomiting”.
    Actually I read that same article, this is a quote from http://www.bing.com/search?q=dogs+eat+grass&src=IE-SearchBox&FORM=IENTTR&conversationid=
    “And grass-eating doesn’t usually lead to throwing up, as less than 25% of dogs that eat grass vomit regularly after grazing”.

    #75639 Report Abuse

    Hi Erin-
    Have you tried to add any type of green supplement to the diet. I have used both Essential Greens by Flint River Ranch and Nu-Pet Granular Greens by Ark Naturals. They seem to help curb my grass eating dog’s need for grass a bit. The Essential Greens has a type of kelp or algae that is supposed to benefit oral health as well. i also find it worrisome when he gets really anxious about eating weeds, even though he never throws it up. Anyway, just an idea. Thought you might want to give it a try. Good luck!

    #75713 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    My dog eats grass occasionally, too. He also eats a little lettuce when I’m making salad. I just think he likes the taste, never thought any more about it. No pesticides in my lawn so I don’t worry about it.
    I’ve also read that dogs can’t “clear their throats” like we do. Some dogs will eat grass, not to induce vomiting exactly, but to help them cough up any mucus that may be in the back of their throats, like from a seasonal type allergy or something like that.

    #75722 Report Abuse

    Very interesting info JM did not know that! (About the throat clearing)

    #75726 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    Pitlove, I don’t remember where I saw that, but thought it sounded logical. Just thought I’d mention it as another reason dogs might eat grass that’s nothing to be worried about.

    #75901 Report Abuse
    Pamela S

    My one dog Quinn is 11 he has always eaten grass. Everyday my dogs get a different dog food, I believe in variety. Quinn just likes grass I get blood draws every year, his levels are always perfect. He doesn’t throw up from it, it always the tall grass. He also eats almost any vegetable I put before him.

    I think as long as they are not throwing up they are fine. Just make sure it is not sprayed.

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