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Does anyone know about food Allergies
- This topic has 33 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 10 months ago by
kim b.
ParticipantWhat could be causing Patches paws to go real red…When I give Patch a Jazz biscuit, I found about 1/2 to 1 hour 1 of his paws would go real red & he’d lick & lick it as if something real bad was happening to his paw, I’d put a cold washer around the hot paw & then it would go away, so I stopped with the 2 Jazz biscuits at night before bed & decided to make him Gluten free Banana biscuits all I put in the biscuits was gluten free flour, just over 1/2 cup, 1 banana, 1 egg & some water.
Gluten free flour ingredients are …..
Gluten free flour (Maize, Rice) Starch (Maize, Tapioca) Raising agents (450,500) thickner (412, 466) Iodised Salt..
Jazz biscuits ingredients are…..
Wheat flour, Vegetable oil, Sugar, Salt, Malt Extract (from Barley) Raising agents (500, 330) yeast, Emulsifer (322 from soy) Antioxidents (306 from soy 304)
The only 2 ingredients that are the same is the Raising agent 500 & the flour but one was gluten free, so no wheat… I google Raising agent 5oo it said Sodium Caronate known as Sodium Bicarbonate or baking Soda.. does anyone understand food allergies & what would cause this reaction to Patches feet..or could he be allergic to wheat flour but he can eat bread & nothing happens to his paws…Shasta220
MemberI believe maiz is corn, could that be it? Two of my dogs are very sensitive to that…
MemberI believe the biscuits he reacted to have wheat in them. He does okay on the ones with maiz, right? Anyway, yes it could definitely be the wheat. And maiz is another name for corn, but Idk really…..if these biscuits are working out then it should be fine for him.
MemberDid the banana biscuits make his feet react?
MemberA number of dogs have issues with corn, soy (that’s a big one for allergies), yeast, of course, wheat is a biggie too. Sounds like there are a number of ingredients that could cause allergies. Also some dogs cannot eat eggs. Have you thought of given them fresh organic carrots, string beans, blueberries, etc. for treats. Try that for a while and see how it goes. One of my girls has many many food intolerances and allergies so all treats here are fresh organic fruits and veggies. They love them and no allergy issues for Katie. I always have sort of fruits and veggies in the house so I give them what I’ve got. Sometimes a piece of apple, sometimes banana, whatever is in the house. If I’m eating a piece of fruit I’ll give them some too. My girls are very small..5 lbs, 6 lbs. and 7.3 lbs. so remember go according to size.
This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by
ParticipantHe reacated to both of the biscuits, its not the Maize as his Kibble has maize in it, it’s not the banana or egg, as he has banana & half egg daily, so Im thinking it’s that Raising agent 500 or the flour as their the only 2 ingredients that are the same in both biscuits.
MemberRead back over it again. It may possibly be the wheat. One of my girls gets flaky if she gets much wheat in her gut (I’ve not tried gluten free wheat, but I’d guess it’d still make her flare up). I’m assuming you make these buscuits, right? Maybe try using oat, rice, or some other flour instead.
MemberDid you say you made the Jazz biscuits, or are those store bought? I honestly wouldn’t feed them to my own dogs, as I try avoiding anything with sugar. I don’t believe that dogs get cravings for sweet things the way people do, and why put something bad for dogs in there when it won’t even affect their taste preference?
ParticipantI give Patch 1 little biscuit at night as he was getting real bad acid reflux at night, I found if I gave him a few of his kibbles it made the acid worst, Ive been giving him 1/2 a Rice cake biscuit & he’s fine its only when the biscuit has flour or a flour that is gluten free,I think his feet swell, This morning he had his Chicken half egg & pumkin & 1/2 later the back paw went all red inbetween the pads, so maybe its just happeneing & Im blaming the food he was just sleeping then I seen him go mad & licking his back paw, last year a vet said Furunculosis, then when I saw his proper vet he said no to the Furunculosis, I think the only way to know whats happening is to have him allergy tested but I have to drive 2 hrs to Sydney for the test & Patch gets cars sick so I’v avoid this… he’ having a reaction to something, it did get worst when he started his chicken pumkin & egg I thiught chicken but his kibble is chicken & turkey & it has dried egg in it so I thought i cant be chicken & egg.. maybe its not food maybe its just happening, I dont know, Ive never had a dog that always has a health problem we fix one thing then something else starts to happen…
Inge F
MemberOur little Scotty will be 5 months old by the 19th of this month. We purchased Wilderness Puppy food, which she loved, then my husband felt that BLUE buffalo would be a better choice, therefore we mixed it half & half. When we got her (Maddie) she did nothing but scratch. The Vet treated her for a skin infection. The 2nd time she was treated with possible food allergy. Now she may have a urinal infection. We have no idea what kind of dog food we should purchase. Do you have any suggestions?
This Tuesday we are getting a 2nd opinion about her scratching. She has no fleas!hank you, Inge F
MemberSue, you really have to cut out all ingredients that I and others have posted. Your dog is obviously has food intolerances and actually they sound more like out right allergies. It really really sounds like allergies and not something else.
Again, try just carrot sticks as a treat for two or three days and see if it makes a difference. Also every time you walk your dog, before bringing him in the house, rinse his feet off incase it’s something his allergic to outside. You can keep a small kitty litter box with some fresh water in it. Rinse his paws (all four) and dry his feet with a clean towel. Don’t forget to change the water once or twice a day. That will help eliminate any issue he may be having from outside walks. What you’ll be attempting to do with the carrot sticks and the rinsing of his feet is an illumination test. It will help narrow some things down.
Allergy testing is sketchy at best. Human allergy testing is not totally perfected, canine testing is very inaccurate. You can have it done two or three different times and will arrive at different results. The only reliable way to know what your dog may have issues with is illumination. It’s really the only thing that works. Dogs can have reactions to multiple ingredients so you have to just do illumination.
Also, please do not put sugar in your treats. Very very bad thing to do. Dogs just love to it. They will eat pretty much everything and anything. Sugar is bad for the systems and horrendously bad for their teeth especially when there is no need to include sugar.
Shasta 220. Good catch on Sue including sugar in the treats, I missed that when I was looking over the ingredient list.
MemberI’d stop the biscuits. Rice, maize, tapioca….all can be problems. I’d offer some ideas for treats to buy but I don’t think you’re in the States, are you?
I must be the only dog owner who’s dogs rarely get treats.
MemberDori: elimination, not illumination I’m guessing? XD (it’s okay. I have autocorrect, so I’ve written some rather embarrassing things and skipped right over em)
MemberSue, for your treats, try going back to really basic things. Carrot sticks are good, then one of my recent ones was to combine boiled potatoes, carrots, chicken hearts, and parsley, then bake for about an hour or so. You can bake/dehydrate almost anything, but try to stick to no more than 2-3 ingredients, that way if it makes him act up, you’ll have fewer things to consider.
I agree with the possibility of outdoor allergies, since it seems to be just his paws. I know people who keep baby wipes around, so that might be a good thought as well as the water rinse Dori suggested đ
MemberNow don’t anyone laugh at me please…….I’ve been trying to figure out what …..&……means. What does & mean? I see a lot of people use it but I haven’t got a clue. Thanks for answering my old lady question.
MemberI looked it up…supposed to be abbreviation for Ampersand aka “and” I’ve honestly never seen anyone use “&” though lol. So it’s not just you đ
MemberShasta 220. Thanks for the catch. I have auto correct. I type out the most bizarre and embarrassing things on my mac and iPhone all the time. Cracks me up sometimes. Glad it happens to everybody. I really should read my stuff before I actually click send on any device but I’m always in the middle of doing 5 things at the same time.
I also think faster than I type or type faster than I think????????? Gotta work on that. I type very fast but as I said, my mind is always racing 24/7 (that’s where my insomnia comes from).
MemberDori, I only see amp& when reading via email. If I come here, it’s not there.
MemberShasta 220. Ok so this is weird. It’s got to be a glitch in either Word Press or Disqus coming to me because it appears a lot on emails I get from both. I just went to the actual posts here and it doesn’t show up on dfa just on the emails with the posts. I knew it meant Ampersand cause I too had looked it up but couldn’t figure out what it had to do with anything that anyone was posting. LMAO!!!!! I’ve tried so hard to figure it out and couldn’t. I was feeling very old thinking it must be some twitter type language and I just didn’t get it. Now I know it absolutely means nothing cause no one is actually typing it but it’s just showing up that way. Again, LMAO! I’ll send an email to Disqus and Word Press and see what’s up.
MemberMarie: Oh thank goodness. It’s not just me. But my emails always have &. Does it happen to you with both Word Press and Disqus?
I thought it was some new lingo the kids use with texting and tweeting or whatever.
MemberI don’t even know what WordPress is, to be honest. If it’s the review side, then yes. I don’t tweet or text, by the way.
MemberMarie. I don’t buy treats for my dogs. Most, if not all, have the same crap the foods have. That’s why I give fruits and veggies. OH! Big slap on the head! I just remembered Boone can’t have fruits and veggies till you figure out his yeasty ear issue.
MemberI have a few treats here: couple boxes of THK Beams, one box of THK Wishes and one little tube of their Quickies. They’re all fish, can see sense a theme? LOL, safe for Boone but it’s been probably a couple months since they’ve had one, I think. Mean dog mom, I guess LOL
If I was going to use fruits and veggies, they wouldn’t get them anymore than they get what I have on hand. Ive just never been a big treat giver.
This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by
MemberI see the & over in the latest replies column when you hover over the thread title and it gives you just the first few words of someones post. I also see code for quotation marks there. I think its funny that this “&” is an ampersand yet it is in the code to tell the post to show an ampersand. Computers are strange.
I do a lot of training so I give lots of treats. For Micah, I use only single ingredient treats AKA freeze dried meat.
MemberHi “thenut”. I’m always concerned about giving freeze dried meats or fish as treats. Doesn’t “up” the protein levels. I’m already feeding the dogs pretty high proteins due to the commercial raw feeding. I originally started with the raw fruits and veggies (tiny amounts per day) because of Katie’s (yes I will say it again) allergies but then I started thinking that raw freeze dried treats would add more to their daily protein levels. What do you think on this subject? As always, you are one of the posters that I trust your judgement and experience. Thanks, Patty.
ParticipantI forgot to mention Patch smells like yeast my friend said he smells of mold, I said mold, I dont give Patch sugar the only sweet thing Patch eats is Banana a few little pieces, I didnt realise that the Jazz biscuit had sugar in them but he doesnt have them anymore, Ive cut out the carbs No Potatotoes or sweet Potatoes, Patches paws got real bad 3 weeks ago, we’ve had rain on & off for over 2 weeks, I dry his paws after a walk but u cant dry in between his toes that’s where they’re real red & sores are, they look like red blisters.. I put his Apex Antibiotic cream on them & they start to get better, then the other paw starts going red & sore the next day, its like it’s spreading, one day the back paws are bad then next the front paws are bad, I think it could be from walking on the wet grass, but Ive been on the computer & he has been sleeping & all of a sudden he goes mad with the licking his paw, I look & his paw will be red swollen & we have would of went for a walk about 2 hrs before, this is why I dont know is it food or is it the wet..Ive booked an appointment with the vet this afternoon as Ive been trying to treat his paws over the 3 weeks & they get better then it rains then they seem to get sore again, I’ll see what she says, I bought him shoes but he wont walk in them, the poor thing looks like he’s walking on the moon, Its very hard cause I mite feed him & it happens or we go for a walk & it mite happen, maybe it was going to happen & Im blamming the food or the rain, the elmination diet he’s sort of on one now, no treats, no different foods, he’s on a very bland diet low fat diet cause he has Pancreatitis & IBD as well..thats why I made him the Banana cookies, as a treat, I gave one to him 1 hr ago & nothing has happened this time.. YET..
MemberWow! Ok. So he’s on a very bland diet. What exactly is very bland diet exactly? Maybe if we all get our heads together and see the ingredients of the bland diet we can try to figure this out together. At this point he may be food and environmental intolerant. It’s spring time and the pollen is crazy here in Georgia so Katie is just a mess. She now takes more antihistamines than I do and that’s saying something. I’ve got to do some research as to what other antihistamines are ok to give dogs. Hey! Are you giving Patch any antihistamines. Katie takes 25 mg. Benadryl (dye free) 3 times a day. Doesn’t make her the least bit sleepy, does help a little with allergies but not enough. This is a really bad allergy season and it’s just really begun here in Atlanta.
MemberHi Dori
I feed half kibble since the squeamish people in my house could have to feed sometimes, so I don’t worry about upping the protein. Between the raw I feed and the freeze dried, I think mine get about 15-20% carbs, which is a very good level for mine. IDK how much carb is in the raw you feed or what kind of fiber yours need. That would play a part in whether or not it would actually be important for you to keep up with feeding fruits and veggies for treats. Mine get a fruit and veggie mix added to some of their raw and some of it already has some fruits and veggies added, but I really limit my dogs carbs because Micah starts having issues pretty quickly if he gets too much. Angel gets even less, she is basically on an anticancer raw, which means she gets next to no kibble and gets lots of antioxidants and supergreens.
ParticipantYes, his vet gave me a list of human Antihistamines last spring, when he was getting what looked like hives under his fur on his back & neck but that went away & I never bothered with the Antihistamines…I live Australia & its Autunm now & we’re having rotten raining days, I think what Shasta said is a good idea the wipes as Ive been trying not to wet his feet & keep them real dry, I dry them as soon as we walk in the door he knows his routine collar off dry feet. I do bath him weekly in his Malaseb medicated shampoo which helps heaps, but after 3 days the yeasty smell is coming back the yeasty smell started about 3 weeks ago & he was scratching one ear so I put his Dermotic ear drops in his ear & it went away… I saw a new different vet 1 month ago cause Patch was having real bad acid reflux since December & Patches old vet just put him on Zantac & carafate that worked but not 100% he was having pain on his right side under his right rib cage on & off.. the new vet looked at all Patches blood test & listen to everything that had been happening with Patch & he said it looks like Patch has IBD, Chronic Pancreatitis & skin allergies…there’s Acute Pancreatitis which is usually a one off incident from a reaction to a drug or an illness then there’s Chronic Pancreatitis is when several acute occurrences happen over time damaging the pancreas, the vet said we’ll start him on an low fat elimation diet..the first month which was March just gone, he said start with just boiled chicken, so I give just under 1 cup of shreaded boiled chicken then 1 week later I added 1 heap tablespoon of Butternut pumkin then I added 1/2 boiled egg all mashed up, for breakfast.. I still give Patch his vet prescription Eukanuba Intestinal that’s he’s been on since August, I give him his kibble at night I soften in water then drain the water, with his Intestianal kibble his skin goes good.. I found just the chicken & pumkin wasnt filling him up & he looked like he was losing weight, so I put him back on the Intestinal just at night. I want to get him off the Intestianl kibble, Ive read kibble isnt good for dogs with Chronic Pancreatitis to much work on their Pancreas, Oh, the only other thing he has is a little slice of banana in the morning & at night..thats all he eats, Chicken Butternut pumkin, egg & his kibble that is also chicken & turkey.. I thought chicken allergy but his kibble is chicken…what’s the diference with a normal pumkin & butternut pumkin. Im wondering would there be a difference..I started the elimation diet about 1 month ago then the last 3 weeks we’ve had rain..thats what makes me think its the wet grass & wet walk Im starting to think maybe the Butternut pumkin.. I dont know… I’ll see the vet this afternoon that’s Patches old vet & see what she says, she’s an American vet that came to Austraila after getting married in the 90’s.. I think she gets real confused with Patch too….he does her head in..
MemberI’ve just kinda skimmed through the past few posts, but I read “Patch smells like yeasts my friend said it’s like mold.” I knew a dog once who had that distinct smell. They couldn’t figure out anything in his diet! and they bought an anti fungal shampoo (I believe it was Malaseb), have never had the problem since. The dog didn’t have any itching though, so I still think Patch probably has allergies… There’s that slight chance he might also have a skin fungus and shampoo would help clear it up.
If he has any outdoor allergies, have you any access to local raw honey? I know of some super allergy prone dogs that get a spoonful of raw honey every day and can now go outside in the worst allergy seasons without a problem.
ParticipantJust come back from the vets & ur right Shasta its allergies from outside not food allergies, the vet gave him Antihistamine called Iramine 8mg for dogs as she found that the human Antihistamine dont work as good as the dog Antihistamines.. there’s a new spot on by Blackmores called Dermoscent Essential 6 spot on, u apply one pipette weekly for 8 weeks then after 8 weeks u apply every 2nd week..It bio-diffuses through the skin & is stored in the sebaceous glands then it progressively released from the sebaceous gland then distributed along the body & absorbed into the skin, This regulates trans-epidermal water loss to optimise skin hydration & maintain the cutaneous ecosyestem balance, it reduces odour & reduces dry scaly skin..she said that she see another staffy like Patch but he’s worst & she put him on goats meat with broccoli..she also prescribed a stronger hydrcortisone cream called Mometasone Furoate ointment, so hopefully Patch will get better & a new holistic vet has just joined the practise so I’ll see her next time & a Animal Dermatoligist will be coming in 2months that does the allergy patch test, I mite look into that & see what he’s allergic too…
MemberHow did you find out so fast it’s environmental and not food allergies?
ParticipantMarie, its just his paws, & when the vet looked at Patch, just up his back legs he has hive like lumps.. Cause Ive only had Patch just over 1 year, last year, Sue the vet told me, Patch has Canine Atopy Dermatitis & the longer u have him, we’ll start to see a pattern form, she said, he’ll be worst either the begining of spring or summer, but in Patches case he seems to have his allergies the end of summer, she looked on her computer & went back to this time last year & guesss what, last March I was at the vets seeing another vet Johnathon about his feet & skin but they got better quicker then this time…Johnaton like to give drugs steroids & antibiotics, so I changed to see another vet Sue, she seemed to listen to me & not give drugs..she’s more into natural cures….I said to the vet, could it be food, she went thru what patch is eating & the only new thing in Patches diet is the Butternut Pumkin, Chicken he ate last year, egg he ate last yr, nothing happened, banana & biscuits he ate last year.
Ive started walking a new route on our morning walks a month ago & there’s alot of grasses, weeds & wandering dew, Patch loves to poo in bushes, I’d say that’s why his paws havn’t gotten better cause we go there every morning…Once you see a vet, she starts to clear lots of things up…things that I never thought of.. I just kept thinking its the food, also only 1 ear kept getting itchy so when he’s walking he must of brush up against a bush, then we’d walk home, I give him his breaky 1/2 to hour he’d start his licking paws & I asumued its what I just feed him…The ointment she prescribe that’s for humans ‘Mometasone Furote ointent’ is excellent, it has clear all his paws this morning they are all clear again…Im going to order on-line that Dermoscent Essential 6 spot-on as I hate giving any animal any drugs I have Auto Immune disease & I know steroids & other drugs can make u fell real yuk worst somtimes, so if I can I’ll always try to not give a drug to any animal unless its really really needed…I dont like these dog Antihistamine, it makes Patch very sleepy & I even halved the 8mg Iramine tablet last night, I gave him the other half his morning & he’s asleep now, normally he’s in the sun waiting at the door to go for our walk to the shops, oh well as long as he’s not going mad licking his paws…kim b
MemberIf your dog has severe allergies with watery eyes, sneezing, constant scratching where the skin is broken and oozing, etc., I have a tip for you! After multiple vet visits, hundreds of dollars, many trips to the pet store trying limited ingredient diets as well as a significant amount of online research, I found Answers fermented Goat Milk. Evidently fermented goats milk, unlike pasteurized cows milk, contains many vitamins, probiotics, minerals, omega fats, etc. that are preserved with the centuries old fermenting process. Even the Bible describes goats milk as “white blood” meaning its the elixir of life. Answers Goats milk is sold in locally owned natural pet stores (the answers website provides you with a list of stores sold throughout each state) in quart sized milk-like containers and is sold frozen. I buy 4 or so at a time and throw 3 in the freezer while defrosting 1 in the fridge given that it last about 2 or so weeks. To make a long story short within 2 days my little guy was scratching noticeably less and within 5 days his scratching is almost non-existent. I can’t believe it; it all disappeared right before my very eyes. My vet told me the allergies was caused by something he was eating however, it appears that his allergies were caused by something he wasn’t eating meaning he must have had some type of vitamin or mineral deficiency. My research on goats milk led me to learn that many US studies conducted in the 1960’s determined that human consumption of fermented goats milk cured many diseases and has even been shown to reduce tumors in both humans and animals. The Answers website contains much information on the milk so go ahead and learn about the many diseases it will eliminate or reduce. If your beloved pet is battling cancer or other diseases such as kidney disease, stomach irritations/diseases, etc. try the goats milk.
I hope this helps especially since allergy season is upon us. Let me know if the milk works for your pet.
This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by
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