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Cheaper alternative to Primal Raw Frozen

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  • #17776 Report Abuse

    I have my dog on Primal Raw Frozen been formula. I like the product, but am looking for a cheaper alternative. Not necessarily better, just cheaper. The Primal costs about $4 – $5 per day for my 33 pound dog! Yikes.

    Is there another food that is mostly meat and very low carbs that is cheaper?

    #17778 Report Abuse

    Have you looked at the other products available where you buy the Primal? You might also find a supplier at carnivorefeed-supply. It is a yahoo group you can join where suppliers post. I buy 2 lb bags of ground frozen for around $2/lb and I make my own grinds too. Alot cheaper that way!

    #17779 Report Abuse

    That’s carnivorefeed-supplier. Have you thought about making homemade raw? There are recipe books you can buy and it ends up being alot cheaper. You can also supplement his diet with 20% of unbalanced food like giving chicken wings/necks/backs/gizzards/heart, etc.

    #17780 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Hi ella, I agree with Sandy. Homemade raw – while more time consuming – is so much cheaper than commercial raw. There are some great books out there with balanced recipes – “Unlocking the Canine Ancestral Diet” by Steve Brown is my favorite and Dr. Becker also has a great book out called “Real Food for Healthy Dogs and Cats.” I have three bloodhounds and it would cost me over $1,000 per month to feed most commercial raw foods – I’m spending around $400 a month to feed all three homemade raw (that’s including supplements and everything). I order most of my meat from a wholesale supplier for less than $1 per pound and other meats I order from Hare Today (reasonable prices and reasonable shipping), I buy my supplements from Swanson’s (very reasonably priced quality supplements). I have my recipes posted on the recommended menus thread if you want to check out the types of meats/supplements I feed. The other benefit to homemade raw is that you’re in complete control of quality. If you’re not comfortable making your own food I’d say that the cheapest commercial raw brands would be Answer’s, Bravo Balance, HPP or K9 Kraving.

    #17854 Report Abuse

    Have you looked into the primal grinds or mixes? They are less expensive, still five star and great for supplementation. I dont really know if you can get such a great product from a homemade raw. The primal has quite a few quality ingredients I would have a really hard time gathering. I work in a pet store and primal is one of the things I recommend the most. I’ve seen great results with my pets and with customer’s pets.

    #17857 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    You can get much better quality with homemade raw than with any pre-made raw food.

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