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changing fur color

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  • #67374 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    Was just visiting family last week and my niece’s Shih Tzu has an odd problem. His white/creamy fur has patches of light brown/honey color appearing. No change of any kind to health, food, routine. His coat is very healthy, just this color change. Any thoughts?
    Also, met my brother’s golden for the first time. The biggest golden I’ve ever seen. He’s very tall and weighs about 106 and is not fat. His face/muzzle also seems longer than a typical golden. Is supposed to be a purebred from a golden rescue. Vet said he was a different variety, bred bigger for certain types of hunting but did not elaborate. I think he looks like he has a bit of English or Irish setter in him. Has that kind of feathery coat and tail, along with the longer muzzle. Anybody heard of a different variety of golden?

    #67376 Report Abuse

    Hi jakes mom. Hope you’ve been well. Hadn’t seen any posts from you in a bit.

    Anyway, you didn’t mention how old your niece’s Shih Tuz is. Is he a purebred or a mix? Some dogs fur (and dogs with hair also) will change color as they age. It doesn’t necessary change evenly either. It could be part of the aging process. Also would have to do with the colors of the parents, one being more dominant in color than the other. Just guessing. When we first got Katie, Maltipoo, she was apricot in coloring all over. She was bred with a Maltese (white of course) and a scarlet color toy poodle. Her head has turned almost completely white like her Maltese father, her body has just recently started getting lighter too. The texture of her body and leg hair is poodle like and remains so, not at all Maltese except for her head which is more Maltese like. If nothing else has changed in your nieces dog’s life then that would be my best guess. Just a guess though.

    #67378 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    Thanks, Dori. I believe Fenway (niece is a Red Sox fan) is about 5 but don’t know anything about his parents. He’s a purebred. Adorable little guy. I don’t see it as a problem but his Mom is worried so I thought I’d throw it out here.

    #67380 Report Abuse

    Could it be saliva stains?

    #67381 Report Abuse

    Jakes’s Mom. Katie was about 5 or so when her hair started changing colors. She’s 5 1/2 now.

    BC. Oh good point! I never thought to ask Jake’s mom where the discolorations are on her nieces dog.

    #67385 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    The spots are on his back, down toward his tail. A couple of blotches about 2 inches wide. And Patty, sorry I brought cold Ohio weather down to Fla last week!

    #67386 Report Abuse

    Patty, that was my thought as well.

    #67388 Report Abuse

    Jake’s Mom. You must have come through Georgia. We had snow last night. Still on some of the bushes and on the cushions on the outdoor furniture. Schools closed today and tomorrow. Come on now……this is Georgia! We’re not suppose to have snow and freezing weather and school closings? What on earth is going on.

    #67494 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    Isn’t this weather crazy! We’ve had a lot of terrible wind chills lately, school closings, trash pick ups postponed. ‘Feels like” temps sometimes in the -20s! This weather has to go back to Alaska, they know what to do with it there!

    #67497 Report Abuse

    LOL!! We went right back to too warm. I wouldn’t mind if you came for another visit, just don’t stay too long. LOL!!!

    That sounds like saliva stains. And in that area, your choices are fleas and anal gland issues. If it is in a lot of areas, I would expect it to be a food allergy.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by theBCnut.
    #67501 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    two splotches, one above his tail and the other higher more in the middle of his back.
    I may be back to Fla soon, Patty. But promise not to stay too long. lol And may retire there but got a few more years before that happens.

    #67522 Report Abuse

    I live in Atlanta, Georgia and right at this moment it is snowing. WTF???

    #67523 Report Abuse

    Oh good, Dori, my gift arrived!! 🙂

    #67524 Report Abuse

    So sorry to butt in, but I just want to thank Marie for her “gift” to Dori, as I’m benefiting from it too because I live not too far from her – my University is closed today and tomorrow. Hopefully Friday too! 🙂

    I got nothing regarding the spots…

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by Naturella.
    #67531 Report Abuse

    Oh Marie. You are so sweet! Thank You! NOT!!!!!!! 🙂

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by Dori.
    #67538 Report Abuse

    oh I’m very sweet Dori LOL!! So glad you & Naturella are enjoying my gift!

    #67545 Report Abuse

    I didn’t get any. Marie must not like me anymore.

    #67546 Report Abuse

    LOL BC! I was thinking she wanted my girls to have a little romp in the white stuff. Why should her dogs have all the fun. 🙂

    #67550 Report Abuse

    BC you may want to count yourself lucky as Marie also gifted me some incredibly cold cold weather. We finally made it up to 34 degrees and expected to go down to 22 tonight. This is the South for crying out loud.

    TAKE YOUR GIFT BACK PLEEAAAASSSSSSSSSE! The girls are done playing with the snow now. I don’t have your magical powers…..don’t know how to return your gift. 🙂

    #67664 Report Abuse

    aww, Patty, I love you but I know Dori was missing snow since shee used to live up this way!

    Dori: at leas I didn’t share the weather we had the other morning: it was minus 17 when I
    got up.

    #67698 Report Abuse

    Well Marie, all I can say to that is YIKES! I’ll gladly keep the temps that came along with your gift. Minus 17 ????? I haven’t got a clue how we’d all survive here with temps like that. How do you even walk the dogs with weather like that or is that on Steve’s “Honey Do” list. Are the cold temps bothering your hip? I hope not. Hope you’re doing well on that front or at least better.

    #67752 Report Abuse

    Dogs usually get walked by Steve in the winter but not as much this winter. I’m scared to death of falling on the ice so I walk like a little old lady. This cold weather makes me hurt but I’ll live. Hip is fine, leg length difference is the same. Again, I’ll live. Eventually, when the other hip is done, hopefully he can even me out a bit.

    #67760 Report Abuse

    Sorry to hear all this Marie. Just hoping you’re using a different surgeon next time around. Love ya,

    #67762 Report Abuse

    OK, I’m good now!

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