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Brothers shut down
- This topic has 17 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 1 month ago by
Mike Sagman.
Mike P
ParticipantI do not agree with shutting down the Brothers thread.Anyone who visits DFA is free to go to any thread they want.To punnish us who like going to Brothers is unfair IMO.JMO…
InactiveIt is temporarily closed. Perhaps a temporary closing will get some people more accustomed to using the forum for discussing topics not related to dog food. The forum can be used for expressing things about the weather, holidays, breeders, vaccines. The off topic discussions have bogged down the Brothers thread too much.
Mike P
ParticipantI feed Brothers so the thread is important to me…
InactiveI’m betting the Brothers thread will be open again within a few days. Please be respectful of those who are new to the website and might consider purchasing Brothers food, and how it is appreciated when they can find comments about the food.
MemberSorry, Mikey!
I feel like it’s my fault. I’m having to email Dr. Mike to find my post in the spam filter every time I post on the forum, so even though I knew we needed to take it to the forum, I stayed silent because I wanted to be part of the conversation. I even told Dr. Mike all this in an email, by way of an apology. I have no idea how when a topic starts on the blog, we are going to transfer it to the forum, but I know we’re going to have to work it out, and when we get used to it, it will even be a good thing. Don’t go Mike, give it time.
Mike P
ParticipantWhat???New people read the review and ask a question.Wait for a answer…simple
InactiveGenerally, people read the review, and then they read the comments, and then ask a question. Reading the comments on Brothers means they read 100 comments and find 90 of those comments don’t provide information about the dog food that is reviewed. Those 90 comments about snowy weather, happy holidays, vaccine reactions and pet adoptions should be on this forum. I think that is why the forum was created. At least that is what I believe has been explained.
MemberMike P-
The thread is still there, its not like it has been removed. In all fairness to Mike S, he DID start this forum for us all to discuss topics other than the food itself. Most of the time, someone asks a question and a simple direct answer can be given. When its more involved than that, its easy enough to respond with “hey-interesting topic to explore, lets take it to the forums” Since we are no longer supposed to be having large OT conversations there anyway, no harm no foul. I am sure he will reopen it eventually.
Mike Sagman
KeymasterHi Mike P,
There’s much more to this issue than just the grossly disproportionate size of the thread. And the irrelevant nature of the majority of discussions taking place there.
The activity and drama on the Brothers thread on BOTH sides has become an unacceptable distraction from the many other topics, articles and reviews published by The Advisor.
In respect for the brand in question, I have responded to you privately to give you a more detailed explanation for my decision.
Mike P
ParticipantMike S.
The thing that makes your blog the best dog food site in the world is the open discussion and yes the drama.You can not find that anywhere on the web.Did DFA help me find a better way to take care of Jubilee with proper nutrition?YES it did.It also raised my awareness about vaccines,suplements,health problems,detox,and so many other topics.Find that info on doggie scoops or the other out dated dog food sites.They have reviews from 2007!Look Mike I am so greatfull for your blog and what it means to me and Jubilee but to tone down the cutting edge of this site IMO is a big mistake.DFA is about food I get it ,but it also provides so much more.The forums are a great addition and we should use them for our discussions about off topic subjects.To totally shut down Brothers is not fair.Any CEO or dog food company owners are welcome here but they choose not to take part.Richard did take part and was open and he get’s screwed.We went to Brothers because we could share info and Richard did not mind what topic we discussed.DFA has a real life human feel that you can’t find anywhere else.Sorry Mike but you just lost the cutting edge that made this great.Does Petflow have anything to do with your descission??Melissaandcrew
MemberMike P-
While I understand your upset, I find it disturbing that you commented things such as “richard got screwed” and “Richard did not mind what we discussed” ITS MIKE SAGMANS WEBSITE, NOT RICHARD’S!!! I don’t always agree with everything, all the time, but what Richard wants, Richard likes or Richard feels really has no bearing. Richard is free to open his own website if he wishes. Please give Dr S a freaking break. His website, his rules.
I love the DFA and interacting with all the people here(even those I disagree with) but its for the sharing of knowledge, and to learn more, not for the freaking drama that is always created by a few certain people. Its the same old same old-someone insults the food or questions it, and right away, the same people feel that they have to brow beat others into drinking the kool aid..and if they don’t, well certainly they must be a competitor or are “out to get him”.
I know this comment will not be well received by some, but I am okay with that. I never did like Kool Aid : )
MemberI just want to say I’m thankful for this new forum. Conversations just like the one here belong on it, and not on the actual food rating section, imho. I often go to another rating site,, that also has a forum. You can look at the ratings of the different foods but if you have questions or want to find out more info. or get into a lengthy discussion then they have a forum. I like the forum they have and the moderator(s) keep it pretty clean lol. They have a few regulars, too. Once I felt insulted and left, but then later started commenting again. I like this site soooo much better, but in all honesty, and no disrespect to Richard or Brothers, I feel the drama and other things on the Brothers thread was sometimes overwhelming. Bottom line is, though, it is Dr. Mike S.’s site and I’m glad he’s finally taken a stand.
Mike P
ParticipantMelissa I find you disturbing…
Mike Sagman
KeymasterMike P.
PetFlow had absolutely nothing to do with my decision. And you must certainly know that. After all, I took the time to send you a private email explaining – in precise detail – the exact reasons I had decided to temporarily close these threads.
I also responded to the comment you posted this morning on the Hypoallergenic Dog Foods thread where you said:
“Good by DFA friends I’m outa here…I do not agree with closing the Brothers thread. It was our place to hang out…”
In case you didn’t get a chance to read my response to you, I’ve reproduced it again here:
“Dear Mike P,
“We’re sorry to see you go. However, please understand this website was created to help its readers choose a dog food by providing each visitor with objective, unbiased information they can trust.
“DFA was never designed to be a chat room or a place for people to simply “hang out”. Or for any one thread to become a marketing mechanism for any specific brand. For that would be entirely unfair to the other 750+ product lines covered by DFA.
“The shear volume of daily activity, irrelevant discussions, product marketing and drama on the Brothers thread has become grossly disproportionate to the rest of our blog.
“As such, it’s also become an unacceptable distraction to the hundreds of other articles, reviews and threads published here.
“Although fewer than one-half of 1% (of our readers) actually participate in our community, their comments and arguments are visible to and read by more than 28,000 visitors each day.
“Once again, we’re sorry to see you go. You’ve contributed much to our community. In any case, you’re certainly welcome to return whenever you’re ready. We wish you all the best.”
Over the last year, I’ve received numerous written complaints from folks who feel DFA has become biased in favor of Brothers. Some have actually accused me of having a financial interest in Brothers – which I’m sure you must know – is simply not true.
The dangerous impression of bias and exaggerated importance given the Brothers brand created by these bloated and (many times) irrelevant threads can have on a trusted website like DFA can no longer be ignored.
For all the reasons I’ve already detailed, I will never compromise the integrity and trust placed in The Dog Food Advisor by its more than 28,000 daily readers – loyal readers who collectively consume more than 3.5 million page views each month.
Mike – I hope your sole reason for being here on DFA wasn’t just “the drama” you enjoyed on the Brothers threads. For if it was, you’ll be disappointed to learn I’m not planning to re-open them anytime soon.
InactiveHallelujah! It’s the right action at the right time.
MemberMike P-
Thanks for the compliment!
Mike P
ParticipantHi Mike ,
PetFlow does not sell Brothers so they must be ticked off at all the volume on the Brothers thread and sales created by all the satisfied customers that purchase this great product.Must be a reason people go to the Brothers thread…Because it’s the best kibble hands down.The drama I admit was fun but the info from the likes of Richard,Shawna and Toxi was priceless.To bad they are all gone.Melissa please stay out of this comment to Mike S as you were one of the people that undermined this site and Brothers because you and your friends had a agenda.Congrats to you.No Mike I don’t know why you made your decission as you suggest I do.My grandpa always told me to follow the money and he was a very smart man.Mike Sagman
KeymasterMike P,
Your refusal to recognize it was the discourteous behavior of folks like you that was ultimately responsible for my decision to temporarily close the Brothers thread.
Your name calling, false accusations and disrespect of other participants (including now the host of this website) are further proof that I made the right decision.
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