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Blood work and urinalisis

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  • #59368 Report Abuse

    I have to have Bailey’s blood work and urine test. This is my problem. I can not collect his urine and his vet wants the first pee of the day so I have to wait until 8 or 8:30 before he’s there. I can not stand for him to not get his morning walk and to have to hold it. My question is this why does it have to be the first pee? I also hate for them to stick that needle in his bladder. Any ideas on how to collect it. I have tried ladle but every time he puts that leg down. Girls are probably easier. Thanks

    #59376 Report Abuse

    Its the theory that the mornings first urine will be more concentrated from “holding it”..which of course only is accurate if he does hold it, lol. Take a meter stick of a paint stir stick, stick a clean container to it. I use put a piece of duct tape doubled over so both sides are sticky. When he lifts that leg, slide that sucker underneath. For really shy dogs who stop when you get too close, you need the longer stick : )

    #59384 Report Abuse

    Hi weezerweeks,

    Perhaps you could take him out late at night/early am to empty his bladder so that waiting until 8:30 won’t be so long of a time. As Melissa said the first am urine is usually the most concentrated as the dog usually isn’t eating and drinking overnight.

    A nurse once told me that for infants they attach a bag via sticky can’t say I’ve ever heard of that being tried in a dog LOL With a previous dog I had I could never get a sample at home territory but on a walk she was so engaged with the good smell that she was marking over… I could easily catch one.

    With my current male, nearly impossible …he hikes so high and so close to an object and is so wary of anything approaching but he is an avid marker of anything novel. I took advantage of that to get a sample by laying down a very large plastic garbage bag placing a plastic container from recycle on it and walking away. Quick as wink he investigated what was laying on the floor and peed on it : )

    Good Luck

    #59408 Report Abuse

    Hi weezerweeks!
    Did you get the sample? I can’t imagine trying to get one from my dogs.

    #59415 Report Abuse

    I use a shallow ladle. It fits right under my JRT just perfect. It does NOT go back in the kitchen drawer for later use in soup.

    #59422 Report Abuse
    Laura M

    I use a wire hanger, bent straight and bend the bottom into a circle shape in which I place a dixie cup. As soon as my dog starts to lift his leg I move the dixie cup as close as I can get it to the stream and he doesn’t even know I’m doing it – this way you are not bent over contorting yourself either. The hanger is almost invisible to him – you just have to be very nonchalant about it. My husband created this tool – I have to give him the credit! Good luck.

    #59479 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    these are great ideas! I’ll have to remember them! They don’t need much for a UA so if you can just get a few tablespoon’s worth you should be ok. Less than that if all they’re doing is a macroscopic (dipstick) test.

    #59496 Report Abuse

    I wish I could use any or all of the suggestions. My problem in having toy female dogs is that when the squat their bottoms are pretty much on the ground. I also hate having them put a needle into their bladders to check urine. If anyone has an suggestions for my problem I would LOVE to hear them. Both Katie and Lola are due for their yearly exams this month and have been wracking my brain trying to figure out how to collect urine.

    #59558 Report Abuse
    Laura M

    Hi – I also have two female dogs and have devised a way that works for me. I take one of the very small wire basket strainers you find in the cooking gadget department with a handle and I put saran wrap around the basket part. I stand closely behind my girl and as she squats to go I slip the strainer under her and get the sample – works every time. Hope that helps and good luck.

    #59559 Report Abuse

    Hi Laura. What size are your dogs? By the way, pretty clever of you.

    #59564 Report Abuse
    Laura M

    Hi Dori – I have two Beagles, one approx. 20 lbs. and one approx. 17 lbs. (my girls), and one Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, approx. 70 lbs. (my boy). I have had many dogs of different shapes and sizes over my lifetime. This forum is a wonderful tool – I have learned much and gotten many tips already and I just recently joined.

    #59565 Report Abuse

    Wire haired pointing griffon? Can you link us to his picture, please? I have a petit basset griffon vendeen!

    #59568 Report Abuse
    Laura M

    Hi – here is the AKC website link which shows an adorable picture of two Wirehaired Pointing Griffons. I believe all the “griffon” breeds have similar facial furnishings. I am familiar with your breed (the PBGV) and the “Grand” version and they are lovely dogs with fiesty temperaments – great dogs! My guy is fantastic – high energy, fun loving and quite a hunting dog first and foremost. This is our first WPG and we fell in love with the breed and can’t wait to add another one to our family at some point.


    #59576 Report Abuse

    Lol. I collect the same way from my toys as I do the bigger ones. Only difference is the depth of the container I use : ) You need something very shallow if the toys-I use the top of a disposable container-its basically flat, and I shove it under when they start to go-once they start going, they go, but may take a step or two forward so just be ready to slide it along with them!

    #59579 Report Abuse

    Thx Melissa. I think I’ll start practicing for the big event. Their reactions initially should be startling and funny. No doubt they’ll think I’ve lost some more grey cells.

    #59581 Report Abuse

    Thanks Laura!

    #59595 Report Abuse

    I wonder why petite is in stars in my post above?

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