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Anyone in the market for food grade DE?

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  • #41391 Report Abuse

    This is a SUPER deal! 50lb, tiny bit if tax, and free shipping! About $18 all said and done. Awwwww yeah!


    And on that note, what’s the dosage per pound (or however many pounds– 5, 10, whatever) when giving orally to dogs and cats, and what does it do when given orally? Acts as a dewormer, right? And then externally and around the house is for fleas and bugs and stuff, I know that. Can’t wait to see how this works on our resident fire ant population! Not to mention the fleeeeeeeeas @.@

    Also, this link says something about plants. Is it a sort of fertilizer for plants, as well? Or just more pest control?

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by Akari_32.
    #41394 Report Abuse

    OMG, what a steal!!! I am bookmarking it for next time I have money, cause although this is not food, hubs will totally give me the look and ignore me if I bring up buying anything for Bruno again! But THANK YOU for this find!!!!!!!!

    #41395 Report Abuse

    You’re welcome! I was going through some other, much smaller and normal sized bags and jugs, and to have them shipped, it averaged about $30-$60 for a 1-4 pound container!! Heck no!!!!! I’ll buy that crap at Home Depot for that lol Home Depot does actually sell a small shiny yellow bag, but I don’t think it’s food grade. Once I found this, I didn’t care any more lol

    And just think! It’s for bugs! You can say you saw ants in the kitchen or something LOL

    #41396 Report Abuse

    Hahahah! Girl, you know I will be on this as soon as I get paid cause I also want to use it internally on all of us – it is supposed to be really good in small amounts, so it is awesome that it’s food grade! Then sprinkle some on the dog and around the apartment and the balcony, and we will be all good all summer! ^_^ 😀

    #41406 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hey Akari:
    When I have time today I will post some links to DE that has info you are looking for. I have not visited the sites in a while so I am not sure they are still good; don’t want to post until I make sure they are good links with relevant info. 🙂

    #41417 Report Abuse

    Thanks Bobby Dog! I found a few last night, but I still want to see how you guys are doing it rather then reading how people I can ask questions to are doing it.

    #41420 Report Abuse

    Here is a link to the site where I buy mine, with the info you’re asking about


    #41425 Report Abuse

    DE: for ticks, do you give it to the dogs in their food?

    #41426 Report Abuse

    Thanks Cyndi! That’s one of the sites I found. Glad I found a good one!

    Marie, I think it’s the same for ticks as it is for fleas. Just rub it in to the fur.

    #41459 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Marie: For ticks you use it like a flea powder

    I used to buy Shoo Flea by the Natural Vet, really liked it but just didn’t fit into the budget anymore. The main ingredient in Shoo Flea is food grade DE and it is scented with a capsule of herbs and essential oils. I began using plain food grade DE several years ago as a flea powder and for treating pet beds, floors etc with good results. Keep in mind it does not kill them immediately.

    I have seen warnings about DE clogging vacuums, it has never happened to me. I just make sure I take their bedding outside to shake them out then throw them in the washer. I have only had to use DE on the floors in my basement so I swept the floor well before vacuuming.

    Be careful not to inhale the dust or let your pets inhale the dust.

    I have never fed it to my cats or dogs.

    The one drawback I found using it as a flea powder is that it can dry their skin. I always use organic unrefined coco oil as a food supplement when using it. Fish oil would probably be a good choice also. I use CVS 1000 mg fish oil capsules for Bobby and the cats. The good thing about coco oil is it can be applied externally. As a flea deterrent I had the best luck using coco oil applied directly to the skin, but it can be messy for your furniture. Coco oil does very well at soothing skin irritations like flea bites. I apply DE first, then coco oil if needed in certain areas. I used coco oil daily on Bobby last summer. Hopefully I won’t have to treat flea bites this year because his yeasty smell is gone and his skin is healthy since I have improved his diet. So far so good!

    Good thing I checked the links I saved on DE, some of them no longer existed.


    #47048 Report Abuse
    Harpers Mom

    Can DE be used in the yard? My mother in law has tried just about everything to rid the fleas in her yard and house and on their poor dog. She is absolutely miserable.

    #47049 Report Abuse

    It can be used in the yard, but can be a little difficult to spread. I was also reading recently that it doesn’t harm beneficial insects like I once thought it would.

    I know that Sandy also sprays her yard with neem oil with excellent results.

    #47052 Report Abuse
    Debbie L

    HARPERS MOM: You can mix up a solution of food grade DE with water and spray that in the yard. When it dries it won’t be exactly like the dry powdery form, but will be similar. I think it would still have the same destructive effect on fleas and other pests.

    Same with the dog, a small amont can be mixed with water and used as a drench like you would a dip.

    Safer IMO as a wet form, as if you inhale too much of the powder it can cause some serious lung damage. If you prefer the dry form and have a lot to use be sure to wear a mask that filters dust so to not breathe in the DE powder. Outside if there is a wind the small particles from the dust tend to float around in the air.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Debbie L.
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