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Almost 2 year old rescue miniature poodle schnauser will eat only people food.

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  • #69210 Report Abuse
    Sally H

    I have been feeding her chicken and she only wants the brown meat. She does love liver but I am not up to cooking her chicken rice and green beans every day. I wouldn’t get the combination right and I want her to eat nutritionally. I have never had a dog that wouldn’t eat dry dog food and I never let them have people food so this is a real problem. I am 70 and walking her three times a day is tough enough as she loves long walks and chasing squirrels and I do love for her to be able to do that. She does seem to have trouble with hard
    food and will not eat hard treats so I need to stick to soft foods. She sticks her nose up at all of the canned foods I have gotton her so far and the refrigerated food I got her at Publix. Someone suggest Dyno bites as being supposedly very tasty.??? She does love Cesar softie treats and hard bits of liver. as well as the greenies. She licks my coffee cup after I have drained it and even tried to lick my bowl that I had tomatos and okra in yesterday. Couldn’t believe it She throws up when she eats stews so those are out. She only gets treats once or twice a day when she does something special that she is getting trained about. Any one who can help me I will bless forever. Thank you for reading. Sally

    #69212 Report Abuse

    Find her a high quality kibble give her about 1/3 to 1/2 cup with a bite of cooked chicken (or canned food) mixed in. Offer it to her twice a day at the same times, for example 8a and 4p, if she does not eat it or show interest in it after 20 minutes pick it up and put it in the fridg, offer it at the next mealtime. It’s okay if she skips a meal here and there. Make sure she is drinking water, in fact, I would add a little water to her kibble to be sure. Good luck and remember you are the alpha, you are in charge!
    Avoid table scraps, especially anything with onion, there is a list of foods that are toxic to dogs.

    #69213 Report Abuse

    Hi Sally,

    When you say refrigerated food you bought at Publix, would that be FreshPet? If not, that’s a food that I would suggest for you. She might prefer it over kibble. She might prefer it warmed, too. You could put it in a waterproof container and immerse that in hot water – don’t microwave, that kills nutrients. She might also like The Honest Kitchen, a dehydrated food that you reconstitute with hot water. By way, has she been to the vet recently? Could she possibly have a central issue that makes it uncomfortable for her to eat kibble?

    It’s fine for her to have those other healthy human foods in addition to her food. Just keep the toppers to no more than 20% of her diet to avoid throwing off the nutritional balance of her food.

    #69215 Report Abuse

    If you wet her serving of kibble with water and put it in the fridg overnight, and a few hours prior to her afternoon meal, it softens up nicely. I do this for my senior dog for 2 reasons, he doesn’t have much left for teeth and it gives him some more moisture in his food, as he rarely goes to the water dish. If you have homemade plain chicken or bone broth you can use this instead of H20.

    I assume where she was a rescue she was seen by the vet prior to adoption, did they tell you the condition of her teeth? Anyone that has owned dogs for a while may be able to take a quick look and a sniff and tell you if they think she has a problem…..but it’s best to have a vet examine. If anything in her mouth hurts, she is likely to bite.

    #69217 Report Abuse

    Hi Sally,

    I just realized my post above said “central” issue, that should be dental issue! LOL! Darn auto-correct! Sorry for any confusion. 🙂

    #69236 Report Abuse

    Hi Sally, I’d say who ever owned her before you has let her lick human plates & bowls & has probably feed her left overs from their plate, she probably even had a biscuit dipped in coffee, When I first rescued Patch he wouldn’t eat kibble either but he has health problems, IBD, kibble gives him pain, he too can’t eat water foods like stews, he brings them back up…..
    Your girl may never eat kibble or dog tin foods, she has had a taste of good food fresh human food, If I owned her I would be googling some easy to make dog recipes, then make the meal all up & then you freeze them in little containers & take out the night before & put in fridge…there’s even places that cook meals for dogs, the ladies on this group may know some names of home cooked meals for dogs in America as I’m in Australia, I did have the name of a few in America but I can’t find the links..
    I get 1 kilo turkey breast mince (grounded) mix in 1 egg & I make little bite size rissoles, you roll the turkey breast mince into little bite size balls & put the little balls on a baking tray, they bake in about 15mins, then I freeze them all, they thaw in about 15-20mins when left out on bench, you can feed the turkey rissoles as treats or I put some in the blender add some boiled pumkin that I have thawed out & some sweet potates that I have also thawed out…once a fortnight I boil half a butternut pumkin cut into pieces & freeze, I also freeze sweet potato, I have boiled rice frozen in the freezer aswell…there’s a few cook books that are balanced diets & real easy to make, google Lew Olson, Raw & Natural Nutrition for Dogs her book cost about $12 online, it has real easy recipes too follow & are balanced…I cooked for my last dog & I never balanced her meals & she was so healthy, shinny coat, she had all her teeth, her teeth were still nice & white at the age on ten, I never ever gave her any bones or kibbles, so that’s not true how kibble cleans a dogs teeth…

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