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5 star rating dry food suggestion for a working dog

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  • #31331 Report Abuse

    My 20 month old kelpie x german shep has a ridiculously high metabolism. I can barely keep the weight on him and we’re giving him 1 cup of dry food in the morning, and 3 cups of dry with one cup of cooked food in the evening. And he can barely get through the evening food. We moved him to adult food but then shifted back to Giant Puppy Holistic Select because it had a higher fat content and he was getting an upset tummy from the adult food. He doesn’t stop moving all day chasing flies, bugs and birds and is just burning it all off though – and it didn’t help matters when my dad took him to the dog park in the morning and the beach in the afternoon over Christmas break!

    Am wondering if anyone can recommend one of the 5 star rating dry dog foods (or even a wet food) which will be better for a “working dog” that’s just working at keeping our yard safe from insects and birds.

    #31336 Report Abuse

    Abady isn’t rated here but they do have high calorie foods. Victor Ultra Pro and Nature’s Variety Instinct are lower but still high. You can get some fish oil and add a dose and coconut oil too.

    #31337 Report Abuse

    Is there a particular reason you’re feeding such a small percentage of his daily ration in the morning and such a large portion in the evening?

    #31338 Report Abuse

    Thanks for the replies. I’ll check out those suggestions – will test it out to see how well they sit with him.

    And we feed him in the afternoon/evening since that’s immediately after he gets his big exercise for the day – we go for a 5km-6km run. We don’t usually feed him in the morning because he’s not a puppy anymore so the vet recommended only one meal a day as it’s better for his digestion, but we’ve added the extra morning cup to try to get some more weight on him.

    #31433 Report Abuse

    I live in colombia and i am able to find taste of tha wild in several local vets. Btw my cats love equilibrio and my lab lives natualis, it has kind of dehydratwd fruit chunks. You should try it

    #31435 Report Abuse

    Oops wrong post. Idk what happened. Sorry

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