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4 Year Old Chihuahua/Jack Russel Mix and Seizures

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  • #120420 Report Abuse
    Cassady B

    We adopted our dog about 3 months ago. She’s a 4 year mix, we don’t know what exactly but are pretty sure given her characteristics she’s a Chihuahua mixed with a Jack Russel Terrier. Everything’s been perfect so far she adjusted SUPER quick to her new home and life’s been fine. But for the past 2 weeks we’ve been staying at my moms and she just had a seizure like occurrence. My mom said she acted disoriented and when she got out of her bed she had fell over on her side. After a few minutes she was fine and ever since she has acted normal(it’s been 9 hours) My mom has the same food (Blue Buffalo Chicken and wild rice Recipie) but she stopped using it months ago when she switched her dogs to a medication diet. My mom had a terrier that was prone to seizures but her GSD and her long hair chihuahua never have had any.
    Is it the dog food? Is it the breed? Could it be induced by stress ? Please any help would be appreciated !!

    #120430 Report Abuse

    Do you have a regular vet? If so, give him a call and leave a message for him to call you back when he has a minute to discuss what you observed.

    Has she had vaccinations recently? Flea/tick preventives? Been exposed to chemically treated lawns?
    Keep an eye on her, if it happens again I would take her to the vet.

    There are many types of seizures, some are mild and only a trained veterinary healthcare professional would see it. If it happens once a month or more or the seizures are severe, prescription meds may be recommended by the examining vet.

    I would be careful about seeking veterinary medical advice online, facebook and such.
    Lot’s of misinformation.

    Only a veterinarian that has examined your pet can diagnose and treat. They will not nor should they give medical advice online unless they know your pet and it’s history.

    There are no veterinarians affiliated with DFA.

    PS: Did she get into something toxic? Was the kibble old? Anybody drop a pill or supplement on the floor?
    However, seizures can have many triggers, impossible to speculate. Avoiding triggers is only part of treatment, see what the vet thinks.
    Let’s hope this was a fluke….
    Good luck

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by anonymous.
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