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15 year old small mixed breed has lost lots of weight + yeast-allergy dermatitis

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  • #73329 Report Abuse
    susan h

    Some days Tina has a great appetite, other days she shuns the same food she consumed eagerly the day before. I rotate her diet: primarily Dave’s Delicate Diet, Dave’s 95% premium beef & chicken, and Merrick Whole Earth Farms Hearty Stew (Duck, Turkey, and Lamb varieties) — she likes the gravy in the stew. I also mix in Horizon Pulsar Pulses and Fish kibble, which she also enjoys just by itself. I have tried adding a high-calorie paste, which she doesn’t care for. Like every other dog, she loves people food, but she doesn’t get much of that, at all.
    I don’t have the energy to cook her a special diet, so am seeking something satisfactory that is pre-made, but very high calorie, in order to bulk her up. Asking for magic, I fear, but trying hard to get her healthy again.
    As for the yeast allergy dermatitis, previous vet prescribed only a shampoo and no other advice. A new vet prescribed a course of prednisone, Baytril, and ketoconazole, which seemed to help some but was not sustained. However, I have used Vetericyn Plus gel on her for about 10 days — once daily — and the dermatitis appears not to have spread further (there was little unaffected skin left), and she is growing hair back in the previously “raw” areas…so I’m hopeful.
    This is obviously not everything I feed/fed her to try for improvement, but this is a stab at current efforts. Any thoughts?

    #73330 Report Abuse

    Did you check the search engine toward the top of this page? Look up allergies, sensitive stomach, etc.
    I didn’t know it was there until recently, so rather than repeat myself, I will refer you there.
    Best of luck

    PS: At 15 I would focus on care and comfort….my old guy will turn 15 in July, I give him 4 small meals a day, cooked chicken and all.
    I am impressed with GNC Antifungal shampoo for dogs, smells good too.

    #73332 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hi susan h:
    I love Vetricyn, excellent all purpose product; I use it on my dog, cats, and horses. I also use Banixx.

    Consider adding fresh foods to her diet. Here’s an article from Dogaware.com on the subject:

    This is the menu I follow for adding fresh foods to my dog’s diet. This gives specifics as to what amounts to feed according to your dog’s weight and type of commercial food you feed. All foods in this download can be found at your grocery store:

    Another food to look into is Freshpet. It is available at some pet stores, grocery stores, and other places such as Wal-Mart. They make cooked (slice & serve or kibble shaped), raw, baked kibble, and food in tubs. Check out their cooked and tub recipes that you will find refrigerated in grocery or pet stores. It is rated well on DFA; here’s their site:

    #73333 Report Abuse

    Check out Dr. Beckers video on yeasty dogs…it talks about diet, supplements and disinfecting the yeasty parts.


    #73339 Report Abuse
    susan h

    Thank you for the reference to Dr. Becker’s videos. I watched it through several times and made copious notes. Looks like I have my work cut out for me, but I do feel so much better informed by her video. My, the things I should have known or been advised of a couple of years ago! Could have sidelined this situation before we ever got to this point! Thanks again for the reference. Will also be giving consideration to the other responses on this forum…and to Dr. Becker’s video on coconut oil.

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