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Reply To: Thoughts on Vegan dogs

#12221 Report Abuse
Hound Dog Mom

Hi Matt –

Dogs are scavenging carnivores – they are designed to thrive on a diet of primarily meat but can eat plant matter if necessary. Surviving is not the same as thriving – a dog can thrive on a meat based diet, while it can merely survive on a plant based diet. If you looks at a dog’s design – their teeth, jaws and G.I. tract are those of a carnivore. Nutritionally speaking, dogs have a requirement for 22 amino acids – however their bodies are only able to produce 12 of these amino acids on their own, the other 10 must be obtained through their diet. These amino acids are most readily found in animal-based protein. Dogs and cats also do best on animal-based fats, they are inefficient at converting plant based fats into a usable form. I agree with Marie that it seems every dog that is fed a vegetarian diet or vegan diet is fed as such because that’s how their owner eats. While I have complete respect for humans that decide to live a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, it is my personal opinion that it is extremely selfish and irresponsible of them to force this same lifestyle on their dogs or cats.