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  • #15567 Report Abuse
    Marvins mom

    Anyone try these “Dinovites” as advertised on the radio? What exactlly are they made of and are they even good for your pets? We’ve swtiched to a 4 star rated dog food for our older dog. He’s always had a bad itchy/smelly problem form about June- Oct comes on slow and then progresses…..seems to be seasonal, but since we’ve switched to NO grain dog food – 4 star – he doesn’t get as bad and doesn’t last as long. Also, in that period of time we us probiotics and extra fish oil….sometimes Benedryl.
    Anyway, just want to know about Dinovites?

    #15581 Report Abuse

    DinOvite is a powdered whole food supplement that is primarily flax and kelp. I’ve used it in their Yeast Starvation Diet as half of my dogs daily food and had great results, but I haven’t used it added to a regular kibble. I liked it well enough that I will use it again. You do need to add fish oil to it.

    #25468 Report Abuse
    Marvins mom

    Well Pattyvaughn…i decided to try these supplemants and well…….look for my post in the supplement part of the forum! I am very happy with the results!!!!!!!!

    #25470 Report Abuse

    Good for you! I’ve used Dinovite in the past and liked it. What kibble, or other foods, are you feeding your dog? Thanks!

    #25475 Report Abuse
    Marvins mom

    We were feeding them/him 4Health from Tractor Supply and mix it up with another grain free from, i think the same company – Diamond Naturals – though i know as a dog food, they’ve had their troubles in the past. AND i don’t think the grain free dog food is completely necessary, being seasonal.
    All in all, it seems to be helping him and with seasonal allergies, as there’s alot going on in him. So with him reacting for only a few weeks vs several months….i am excited!

    #25480 Report Abuse

    I’m curious why anyone would know about a Diamonds troubles and still choose to feed it.

    #25481 Report Abuse
    Marvins mom

    Well, i only have heard rumor of them having trouble and only after just starting on it. i may intorduce another towards the end of this one……it’s just what my hunny had brought home thinking he was doing good.

    #25494 Report Abuse

    Marie….I know ALL about Diamond’s troubles and I’m now feeding TOTW Pacific Stream to my 3. They are doing the best they’ve done in years, absolutely years. I am keeping Diamond’s reputation in the back of my mind, but as of right now I have to say I’m a fan of the food.

    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by Mom2Cavs.
    #25501 Report Abuse

    Mom to cavs, you know what you’re doing, you know dog food. Maybe this poster does; I don’t know.

    #25513 Report Abuse

    You’re right…I’m sorry if I came off “snarky”. Let’s hope they do.

    #25526 Report Abuse

    You weren’t snarky at all! I’m having one of those days. Less than an hour & I can go to bed. I apparently need some sleep!

    #25590 Report Abuse
    Marvins mom

    Well, i have been researching dog foods as best i can over the years and 4Health i think is made by Diamonds (since i don’t think they’ve had any recent trouble), but have not had ANY trouble with it. It’s been a long hall trying to keep our boy from being sooooo miserable and finding a grain free food in the past was not easy, that we could somewhat afford. OF COURSE now i have been able to afford the Dinovites along with his food and have gotten GREAT results from it. I am curious though, with his allergies definitly being seasonal…if the grain free is really needed and if just buying a great quality reg. dog food would be sufficient? I posted in the supplement part of the forum on how the “vites” has helped him.

    #25606 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    The grain-free 4Health isn’t made by Diamond, it’s made by Ainsworth.

    #25617 Report Abuse
    Marvins mom

    Yes i do believe you are right….i didn’t remember that. Either way we have not had any trouble with using it for the past 4 years………still, i believe in the Dinovites!

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