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What are some of your hobbies?
- This topic has 41 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 10 months ago by
MemberOkay, I’m just posting this for fun. What do y’all like to do, well, for fun? (Other than obsess over pet-nutrition, of course!)
I love dog training, I adore piano playing – I’ve studied classical piano for 12 years, and have been playing as the church accompanist for 5 years. I’ve also accompanied choirs and done all sorts of fun music events.
My favorite indoor hobby, by far, is drawing. I’m only good with pencil, and I can only draw animals (canines, equines, and….DRAGONS!!!) here’s one of my dragon sketches:
I enjoy riding horses once a week, and am working on training my pet cow for riding as well (he’s not quite old enough for me to sit on, but he’s good with ground work)
I like virtually anything outdoors such as hiking, shooting, and jogging.
What are some of your favorite things or amazing talents? 😀
MemberOmg! You can draw wonderfully! You should consider a small business drawing pet portraits for people.
Love the steer! What is his name?
I don’t have many hobbies, I pretty much work. But I enjoy volunteering for animal rescue , grooming bw havior modification etc. Gardening in the warm weather, and hanging out with our pet livestock-horses and goats.
Bobby dog
MemberHi Shasta:
I love your artwork, my brother was a wonderful artist; he drew with charcoal. I always admire people who can draw because I wish I had that talent! I agree with melissaandcrew, I think you should take your talent on the road and draw some pet portraits for people too. I would love to see a pic of your cow tacked up when you get to that point in your training!I like to read, I have two horses and a barn I tend to, and of course caring for my family, cats and dog. I garden in the summer. Each season I grow sunflowers, cat nip, pumpkins, corn, green beans, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and various vegetables and herbs. Right now I am growing pumpkins, tomatoes, pansies, johnny jump ups, and marigolds under growing lights in my basement for spring planting.
MemberFor me: country music, reading & tattoos.
MemberMy dogs, my dogs, my dogs. Let take a lot of my time. Researching dog nutrition, training them and lots of play time. I love to read, I’m a big fan of music, almost every type of music. I always have music playing in the house and in the car. I love to garden been now that my autoimmune illness has gotten so bad I’m not allowed in the sun at all even with sunblocks, hats, etc. So I’m an evening, nighttime gardener now. I’ve been an insomniac since my sons passing (8 years on Aug. 1st) so I’m obviously not a morning person and can’t garden in the early hours. Love old movies, the classics. Oh, and I paint. Haven’t done that in almost 8 years or so. I guess I should say I used to paint. I keep saying I’m going to get back to it but something else always comes up. Namely, the dogs, of course. Having three long haired dogs I’ve recently signed up for a course in dog grooming. It gets quite expensive having them professionally groomed every 6 or so weeks. The only thing I think I’ll leave to the vet tech is their nail clipping. All three dogs have black nails. I tried it once on a different dog with black nails, she bled and screamed, I screamed. Ain’t doing that again. We were both screaming. Now I look back and can giggle. Tracy would stop screaming but then she’d look at me and start screaming again so I would start again. That was my first and last attempt at clipping a dogs nails. For some odd reason all dogs I’ve had, that I can remember, have had black nails. Hmmmm?
Marie. I’ve only got one tattoo to your 30 or so. I’d love to get more but at my age and sagging skin I think they’d look pretty creepy in too short a time.
MemberDori, no idea how old you are but I’m 53 with sagging skin. At least it’s decorated!
Are you on Facebook?
MemberMarie, ha ha. I’m 65 with sagging skin getting saggier by the hour. Of course if I wasn’t so opposed to excersizing (I’m lazy and would rather do other things) and getting all sweaty maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Ain’t gonna happen. I do rather like your idea of saggy decorated skin. I’ll have to rethink this issue.
MemberDori, I’ve always talked about having wave petunias tattooed on my breasts. That way, when they really sag, I’ll have hanging planters!
Are you on Facebook?Dori
MemberOh Marie, that’s so funny. Yes, I’m face book. I don’t remember to go there as often as I should. I think I’m spending too much of my free time here. Hanging planters. LMAO! I LOVE IT! Can’t stop giggling. Gotta tell hubby, he’s gonna crack up.
MemberHorses, reading, dogs, reading, DFA, reading, designing stained glass, reading, puppetry, reading, and teaching. Oh, did I mention reading?
Marie, LMAO, hanging planters!! I love you!!
MemberLol Patty. My torso on the front is naked!
MemberLmao!! You guys crack me up!
Patty, you forgot your new hobby of mad scientist creating your essential oils. Is that not going well?
For me, mine are dogs, finding new places to walk with my dog, researching about dog stuff, tattoos, thinking of ways to make the 90 year old woman I work for smile every time I go there, playing that damn hand-held yahtzee game that I’m addicted to, movies, and watching tv. I live a very boring life, lol!
Shasta, that drawing it friggin’ awesome!! I love dragons! You really should do something professional with your talent.
MemberOH!!! Did I forget to mention that I’m obsessed with Candy Crush? That’s typically what I’m doing between 3:30 – 4:30 a.m. I refuse to spend any money for the extras and some of the levels drive me crazy. I swear I’m done no more Candy Crush for me. But, come the early hours of the morning and I pick up my iPad thinking I’ll get through this level this time. No so. Been stuck on the same level for EVER!!!!
MemberYep! Marie, we’ve got to come up with some other stuff for your naked front torso. And the wave tulips are gonna need a lot of hanging vines below the breasts. You’ll understand what I’m talking about when you get into your sixties. So, remember, wave petunias, and lots of hanging ivy. Love ya Marie. You make me not only smile but out and out laugh out loud. I really need you and your posts. I think we may be kindred spirits. Or another sister from another mother. HEE HEE! My email, by the way, is [email protected] My Facebook is dorihassett. Love and chuckles. My husband loved the idea of the hanging petunias but was wondering if I thought I could make that happen with tulips (his favorite flower). I did mention that tulips wilt in a day and I was hoping not to emphasize the wilting part. Again, laugher from the man and he said, well, think about it, I love tulips. Ha Ha
Memberthe wave petunias (my husband put tulips in my head. sorry.
MemberI gotta tell all of you-you gals just crack me up!!!!
MemberDori, check your fb, I believe in sent you a message
MemberHey Marie. Just checked my facebook and didn’t see anything from you. It’s now about 8:15 pm eastern time.
Membergoing to email you Dori.
ParticipantHi Shasta, Ur drawing is mad so is ur cow what’s his name & how old is he, I love cows eyes they are so beautiful, have you ever drawn ur animals… My hobbies were gardening & doing Staffy rescue but since Ive rescued Patch he takes up all my time trying to find out how to fix his health problems & make him better, thats how I found this site, I love our walks everyday, trying to find a new place to go.. it looks like u live in the country, I love the country but I live on the East coast of Australia & there’s not much bush near the water, where I live, so we sometimes drive 20mins to the country, Patch loves bush walking probably cause he was from the country.. When I first got him I took him to the dog beach down the road he spun out watching all these dogs jumping in the ocean chasing a stick, he had never seen the ocean before, now he loves it, I have to keep him on a lead as I cant catch when we have to go home..
Bobby dog
MemberHi sue66b:
I am really jealous of your talk of a dog beach; especially because winter is just ending and I have only seen a few signs of spring coming our way!!! When I used to work with racehorses, the circuit would sometimes take me to Florida in the winter. One of my favorite things to do after work, and one of my fondest life memories, was riding my bike to the beach with my JRT in the front basket. We would have the best time swimming and running along the beach.Australia is on my travel list I am just not sure about the air travel time so I will probably have to plan a trip with a few stops. The farthest I have traveled is to the United Arab Emirites and it wiped me out.
ParticipantHi All-
We have a very sports minded family. I have spent most of my mom years at either a baseball or football field and/or a basketball court with my human boys. Things are winding down now as my oldest is now done with college baseball and is working at a training facility. My youngest just had elbow surgery and will start his college baseball career next year. So, now what will we do this summer? Lol! I do spend a lot of time with my 6 awesome pets. We walk the dogs pretty much every day. I work full time and I still play on a women’s volleyball team. We have been playing together for years. We recently had to swallow our pride and move down a level. We have four of us over 50 on our team! Again, sports minded as I’m getting ready to watch the NCAA basketball tournament. My boys have two friends playing in the “big dance”. Go Gonzaga and ASU. Oh yes, and BTW, my dogs are named Griffey and Buhner. In honor of Ken Griffey Jr. and Jay Buhner. I wish I had some creative talent like Shasta, but I fall short in that category.Akari_32
ParticipantI’ll just let you guys figure out what my hobby (singular LOL) is. I have 3 dogs (ok, two, but I care for the other one, because his “mommy” works out of town 4 days a week), 4 reptiles, 5 aquariums from 6 to 50 gallons (and a major upgrade to a 100 gallon is probably in my near future! Yay!), 2 ponds of 125 and 150 gallons, a few thousand mealworms and darkling beetles (for the reptiles) and I recently acquired a cat. I takes me about an hour an a half to get to bed every night, making sure every one is fed, reptile tanks are clean, everyone has water, and so on. I pretty much go to work or school in the morning, depending on the day, then come home, do some cleaning up after the animals, feed them all and go to bed LOL In between classes, and on my lunch breaks at work, I’m surfing fish and reptile forums (and DFA, obviously), and researching the next brand of food I want to try everyone on next. I pretty much work to feed my pets, and go to school so I can afford to care for them even better later on, as well as care for others (going to school to be a vet!) 🙂
Actually, today, I picked up a book for the first time in years (The Hunger Games. Its pretty good! I’ve already seen both movies though lol)! God I miss reading! I used to play piano and trumpet, but since I no longer am taking piano lessons, or in band, and I can’t read music worth a crap (7 years combined of playing piano and trumpet and I STILL can’t read music??), that’s faded away, but I still can’t resist playing my favorite songs on a store’s keyboard, or breaking out my trumpet when I’m cleaning my closet (I’m horrible at it now LOL) :3
I guess one thing I really love that I don’t get to do often, given where I live and fiances, is hiking. I love being in the mountains, but nooooooo, I live in stupid Florida! lol I do try and get out to the closest state park when I can, but its a 45 minute drive through the old person capitol of the world, and it costs like $5 to get in after that. I don’t mind paying to get in (I practically grew up there, and I love it), but the drive alone is enough to keep me away, especially in season! Dang snow birds can’t go the speed limit….
I do love to travel, though, and every year or two, my mom, grandma and I take a girl trip to somewhere we’ve never been before. I’ve gotten to see a good portion of the US, including Alaska. My friend and I talk about taking a cross country road trip one day, and I’d love to go back to Alaska. It was by far my favorite trip! If I’m ever rich, I’m gunna do tons of traveling 🙂
Bobby dog
MemberAkari, which city is the old person capital of the world?
ParticipantLol Its not, really, thats just what we call it. Its were ALL the snow birds go. Its terrible @.@ The hospitals are so full this season that they are turning away everyone that isn’t an emergency. Stupid snow birds need to move along! Just send us your money in the mail, and stay home! LOL
MemberMarie, TMI!!!! I don’t want to know about your naked front torso!!! LMAO!!! Just let me know someday when you have petunias, HaHaHa!! No further details necessary! Now I have a headache from laughing so much!
And yes, I did forget to mention that I’m learning about essential oils and herb healing.
MemberMy pets are my hobby, but a well worth it timesink. I work as a dog trainer part time, but during my main jobs busy season I don’t do it much. The rest of my hobbies revolve around my main job. I’m a chef-tho right now I work as an f&b director so not much hands of cooking- so I’m constantly researching and eating. I’d like to get to the point of cooking for my animal family, but not ready/feel not educated enough yet. I like to garden, and am currently getting some hydroponic stuff ready for this years planting, but it’s more for fresh produce to play with than the enjoyment of doing it. Grew up Oma hobby farm, so that was always a big part of my life, and hopefully soon I’ll be able to purchase property large enough for that of my own. I did show rabbits around the country for 10 years as well. I listen to country music, and try to get to a few shows a year (Colorado- we have red rocks, best concert venue in the country!)
MemberC4C: I have no art talent like Shasta either, thats why I have tattoos!
ParticipantI’m a pug seamstress now. Since I’ve been fostering for a long time, I’ve had to buy them a sewing machine and make them some jackets and diapers and dresses because pugs are short and stumpy and don’t ever fit anything off the rack!
Bobby dog
MemberHi aquarianqt:
What size is your hydroponic garden? What do you plant? I agree, Red Rocks is awsome!!!Cyndi
MemberLmao!! Sandy, I feel your pugs’ pain. I don’t fit in anything off the rack either, because of my height! Lol!
MemberDitto, Cyndi.
MemberI have 2 tanks that I’ve used before, they each can fit 6 small plants (last year strawberries and cucumber) this year I’m adding a 6 box vertical vertigro planter, but don’t know what I’ll put in it yet. My mini greenhouse does all my herbs, and my outdoor garden does tomatoes, artichokes, 3 squashes, a few peppers. This year I’m going to toy with some more root vegetables too
MemberYou all are too funny! 🙂 I love it!
As for me, let’s see… Obviously, DFA is one of my major hobbies at the moment, as well as overall research on pet nutrition. I also like helping others feed better food without being intrusive, or obnoxious – I think I have a way to gage if a person would respond well to advice or not, and once given a small bit of advice, I don’t give more unless they ask follow-up questions, etc. I really think I need to get into obedience and training more. Bruno is great with quickly learning tricks, but still pulls on his leash, which I need to fix. And oh, did I mention that I love scouting deals on dog food and stocking up for less? Yeah… I love that too! But once my Petco coupons are exhausted, I need to put breaks on this hobby too… Bruno will be set for more than a year and a half, and I need to make sure the foods won’t expire on him.
Other big hobbies for me include cooking and eating (I love experimenting with food and recipes, but it’s so hard to tell people how I made something because I rarely, if ever, measure). I haven’t gotten into the art of food presentation, I go more for interesting combinations and good taste, lol.
I am also becoming interested in transitioning from store-bought cosmetics (read soap, shampoo, lotion, face or body scrubs, etc.) to making my own with natural ingredients and essential oils.
I also LOVE reading for pleasure, but school and the DFA have gotten over a lot of my reading time… I am currently reading 3 books though, all human psychology-related.
I also like being involved at my University, so I often attend events – speakers, events for fun, etc. When I was in Undergrad, even if they had a sneezing contest, I would be there. Nowadays being a full-time grad student, caring for a family (furry child only, but still), plus working for a professor have made me re-prioritize my involvement… Sigh… But I still love it!
I am a sucker for learning new things, I also want to get a PhD one day (in something that has nothing “direct” to do with my previous degrees), but it has been a dream for a while. I am super interested in human psychology, so I want a PhD in that. But we’ll see when…
Other than that, no special talents here… My man is a ceramist and an artist, so he compensates for my pure lack of any talents, lol.
MemberI am a grad student, therefore I have no time for a hobby 🙁
MemberOh wow, I’m glad I finally read this thread. Lot’s of really interesting pasttimes/hobbies, but then…….
First Marie wanting to put petunias on her “hanging baskets”
and then Dori’s hubbie’s preference for planting twolips, oops I mean tulips, there instead.
OMG, ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thnx, I so much needed some comic relief!!!!!!!!!
MemberLMAO! losul, maybe he did mean twolips? I’ll shall check further on this and report back.
Glad we could give you some chuckles losul we all know how much you are going through right now.
MemberAquariangt-Love the idea of hydroponics, but I know the dogs would be a pain in the butt if I tried that in this house : ) We grow tomatoes, squash, zucchini, and beans in the first garden, and the second houses our pumpkin patch(all sizes from gourd to giant).
I also love summer time as I can plant more landscaping plants. Last year we put in 50 pines, 100 arbs(and I am pretty sure the deer mowed those down over the winter) The year before I put in 50 lilac shrubs/trees, a flowering crabapple and several smaller ones. My goal is to have the property in bloom from early spring right through fall, but darn it takes time!
We used to have aquariums(10gal, 20,30 and 55 gallons) but since we moved here, the water is hard water from the well, and after 10 yrs of fighting to keep the tanks at proper ph, we threw in the towel. Maybe later down the road we will set them back up as we kept everything. Sigh.
MemberLOL Losul!!
MemberHey! C’mon Marie, we ‘ve got to sprinkle flowers and laughs along life’s path. And some vines.
MemberYou guys are all hilarious!!!!!! Toooooo funny, Marie! Sounds like being interested in dog nutrition just happens to bring the other hobbies around, LOL! Seems like everyone here loves some sort of music or art as well!
Thanks for the compliments. I’ve thought about trying a business out of it, but really it’s nothing more than a hobby. I’ve sold custom portraits to a few people, but I can never just find inspiration with someone saying “here’s a pic of my dog. Draw it and I’ll pay you.” Last one I did, I waited about a month before starting on it (if I’m not “inspired,” my drawings are lousy LOL!)… Then almost every drawing I do, it starts out looking /this/ way in my mind, and ends up WAY different when I’m finished. I’ve never had any lessons/classes, and I like it that way. I’m not really looking into doing anything more than draw on a rainy night or something.
I’m glad y’all like my steer! 😀 his name is Inigo Montoya (or Iggy), he just turned 1y.o. in January. He is a clever little claud he is! I’m actually not in the country – well, sort of yes, but not really. We’re on a 5acre plot. It’s 1.5mi to the nearest town (a very small one), and then the beach is only 7-8mi away. Ironically, we go there maybe twice in a year LOL!
MemberWe live about 6 miles from the beach as the crow flies, but you can’t get there from here. It’s an hour drive and not on slow back roads either. Ironically, it’s just as fast for me to go to a beach that is 40 miles away. We don’t go often either. However, we go kayaking, and we love whitewater rafting(just not in Florida).
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