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  • #71069 Report Abuse
    Ellen D

    I think I have decided what I would like to do in terms of feeding my puppy. Background: he’s about 25 lbs, labradoodle, 14 weeks, should be around 65 lbs full grown. He is a picky and light eater, so I’ve been trying to do 4 meals per day but he just isn’t that interested in food so now it’s 3 meals.

    This is what I’d like to do in my perfect world. Can anyone tell me if this would work or help tweak it?

    –AM meal – either homemade or pre-made raw. I have a trusted recipe for homemade when I have the time to make some. Pre-made would either be Darwin’s or Allprovide, depending on which he prefers.
    –Lunch – this is where it gets trick. He goes to day care 3 days per week, and they will only feed kibble. They will not mix anything with water, open cans, etc. Has to be non-perishable something. And if he doesn’t eat lunch, he will sometimes vomit, not to mention he is already bordering on underweight. So he needs something. The other 2 days my sister in law serves as our dog walker and can feed him anything I ask her.
    –PM meal – I would like this to typically be RMBs, such as chicken backs/necks/wings to begin with and progressing from there. He already gets a raw chicken wing a couple times a week and loves it.

    In order to figure out portions, would I just take each meal separately and divide it in 1/3? So give 1/3 of what would be a total day’s worth of food of each the pre-made/homemade, kibble, and RMBs? I would add his supplemental items either at breakfast or dinner – organ meats, probiotics, and sardines/fish oil/yogurt, etc.

    I have looked into things like a “better” kibble – ziwipeak was the only thing I could find that seemed to fit the bill. However, their maximum calcium level in their “kibble” is like 2% which is way too high for a largeish breed puppy. Do you think I could get away with giving this at lunch and then having dinner on those days be meat without bones? Does it balance out like that, or is the calcium ratio a per meal type of deal?

    #71077 Report Abuse

    The calcium ratio is not necessarily per meal. Some folks serve meat and organs as a meal and then will just serve a RMB for another. Just have a balance over the week.

    #71139 Report Abuse
    Ellen D

    Thank you.

    So theoretically, if I skip RMB for the days he gets a higher calcium meal for lunch, it should balance out since he’s not getting another calcium source that day? I’m terrified of ruining his joints with my ignorance, especially since his breed is already prone to hip and joint problems. His parents were clear of problems, but I would assume this can be a recessive trait as well.

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