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Numerous food allergies need help

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  • #56974 Report Abuse
    Tanya W

    I am new and have been scouring the forum for info, but not really finding much.
    My dog has numerous food allergies found by elimation diets as our vet will sedate him for testing as last time his kidneys shut down. Also with Kidney issues we have to be careful of his diet to try to keep the stress on his kidneys at a minimum.
    So far we have found he is alleric to anything with feathers including eggs and chicken fat, pork, peas and alfalfa, possibly beef not sure yet on this one are in the process of testing and more than likely having issues with other grains and such.
    I have him on raw diet now in hopes this will help, but becoming limited for proteins available as I cannot feed the above.
    So I am looking for a grain free kibble that does not contain any of the above to try and with a limited ingredient.
    Please feel free to point me to other threads with the info I am looking for.


    #56975 Report Abuse
    Tanya W

    not sure how to edit I mean *my vet will not sedate him for testing*

    #56977 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Tanya W:
    An elimination diet is the only accurate way to identify food allergens at this time.

    I am sure other posters will stop by with help, in the mean time check out this thread for a unique tool that is still a work in progress, but may help with your search.


    Some online retailers offer searches for pet food by proteins etc. Chewy.com is one site that offers this kind of search. Other than reading labels I don’t have any advice on finding foods without the ingredients you listed. Maybe some other posters will be able to share the names of kibbles they feed without those ingredients. Good luck!

    #56988 Report Abuse

    My dog has multiple food sensitivities too and I went to chewy.com and spent an entire afternoon reading the ingredients lists of every food they sell. They do have the ability to put a couple limits on your search and I told it to order them from most expensive to least expensive because I know with grain sensitivities all the cheap foods are right out. I made a list of every possible food and then started ordering small bags of all of them and used them one at a time to test. I took notes on how he did on every one. Now, I have a list of foods he can rotate though.

    #57002 Report Abuse
    Jenna P

    Try http://www.dynamicnutritionanalysis.com/pet-report.html its a hair sample test, you simply mail in 4 pieces of hair, they test the hair against 600+ food and non food items, plus can test for vitamin deficiencies. You can also send in 5 different types of kibble, they will see which one is best suited to your dog but giving you an intolerance percentage.

    This test helped me an my allergy ridden dogs!

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