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  • #84863 Report Abuse
    Donna G B

    have a fur senior that has so many allergies. Main: Egg, Beef, Potatoes (both white and sweet) shellfish and tomatoes. He’s 13 years old and I give him shots. I didn’t go into boarder line, like rice and a few others. Trees, weeds, bugs etc. He smelled like yeast most of the time and had spots of little red bumps that itched horrible. I started bathing him in a shampoo especially for killing yeast on the skin and you know, haven’t had one red spot or itching. He is also on a antihistamine but he was before and had the red spots anyway. Sometimes itching so bad that he got bigger sores and had to have medication. So, he was put on z/d dry and canned. I HATE SCIENCE DIET but I give it to him because I was to scared to try anything else. Well, I’m not anymore:
    How about his z/d dry and for canned: Wellness 95% meat: Chicken, Lamb, Turkey, Salmon etc. Home cooked mixed vegetables and cooked oatmeal? I don’t know how to give him the right amounts but he is also on “Snip It’s” and I put him on Vetri Science Canine Plus Senior” do any of you think this would work? Not one thing he is allergic to. I hope you answer me. Thank You \: Donna from Iowa.

    P.S. He has been tested and that is the shots I have been giving him. He’s been to Ames, IA at the ISU clinic and to our family dogtor. He has other issues as well, but if I can bring his food and other things up to good nutrition it can only help him in all aspects. I know it won’t make him live longer BUT it will be better for him while he is alive. Hugh?

    #84925 Report Abuse

    Hi, join some groups on Face Book like

    “Cooking for Dogs”-

    “Canine Nutrition and Natural Health” run by Cat Lane- https://www.facebook.com/groups/756709917722083/?notif_t=group_r2j_approved

    K9 Kitchen run by Monica Segal-

    also Rodney Habib & Dr Dobias Natural Healing have their own Face Book page become friends & follow them they believe we are what we eat & foods can heal….

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