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Heavy swallowing and some coughing

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  • #76798 Report Abuse
    Wifsie G

    Hello, I adopted a 2 yr old border collie/black lab mix three months ago. To keep her healthy I continued with the kibble she was fed at the shelter: Taste of the Wild with salmon. About 10 days after being with me she had an episode of hard swallowing, coughing, and looking to eat grass after I tried brushing her teeth. The vet gave her some anti acid medication and she got better (we both thought it was the toothpaste). Since then she’s been getting about an episode a week. I’m not giving her treats anymore. Kibble only. She was ok for a while and then it started again. Her vet told us to give her Prilosec but it’s made her throw up and it’s giving her diarrhea.
    Her swallowing is worse at night.
    Has anyone encountered such an issue with their dogs and has been able to resolve it? Any advice is welcome. Thanks.

    #76801 Report Abuse

    I suspect that your vet will need to do some additional testing to properly diagnose and treat your dog. Might cost a few bucks, but it is what it is.

    The symptoms you describe could be anything from a nervous habit, to a GI issue, to allergies, or even cancer. Just to name a few things.

    See if you can negotiate with your vet, rule out one thing at a time?

    #76803 Report Abuse
    Wifsie G

    Yes, we’re going to keep searching. My first step is going to change her food as I read everywhere that kibble is hard to digest. Thank you!

    #76804 Report Abuse

    If you soak any kibble overnight in water in the fridg it is easier to digest and like wet food.

    They hate it here when I recommend this site, but I can’t help it, as I have learned a lot!

    If you are worried about the teeth, just brush the teeth every evening. The toothpaste should not be making him sick (only need a small amount). I use Petrodex 6.2oz size tube and a medium adult brush.
    Believe it or not, my terrier is letting me use one of those throw away battery operated brushes.
    See youtube for how to videos.

    #76808 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    I enjoy this site more so when different POV’s and research are presented. IMO it’s an important part of learning. 😉

    #76819 Report Abuse

    Hi Wifsie, when I rescued my boy about 2 years ago he had the same swallowing & swallowing & worse at night & what I’ve learnt is too LOWER the FAT & protein in the kibble & kibble makes it worse, I’m finding low fat cooked meals seem to be the best & low fat wet tin foods 3% fat & under for wet tin foods, the fat% is different in wet tin food to the fat % in kibbles…
    I buy extra lean beef ground mince or the lean turkey breast mince & add broccoli, celery, carrot & quiona that I’ve already boiled made into a meatloaf & baked in oven, I feed wet food for breakfast & soften kibble for lunch & wet for dinner sometimes kibble, you could change it around & feed kibble for breakfast & wet tin or cooked meal for dinner & see if there’s a difference… the fat in the Taste Of the Wild is high, when it says min fat add another 2% for max %…..
    if you do soak the kibble in water make sure you fully drain all the water, squeeze the soft kibble while in the bowl, then I put thru a blender for 3-5 sec, the kibble should fluff up & separate, not be a ball of gluggy glue kibble, it means you soaked the kibble in water too long if its a gluggy ball, some kibbles when soaked only take about 30-60mins & are soft, I’ve found kibbles with rice are better & digest easier then kibbles with potatoes, sweet potatoes.. I’ve just read that water can make acid reflux worse if water is left in with the kibble in bowl, something about the Ph levels in the stomach rising & making more stomach acid (Hydrochloric acid)…. if you still want to feed a kibble & see if he gets better on another brand, look for a lower protein around 24% & lower fat around 10% & a limited ingredient kibble, so less problems of 1 ingredient giving him acid reflux…like us some people can eat tomatoes, garlic, raw onions etc & are fine, when I eat acidy foods, I get bad acid reflux…. I look for a kibbles with rice without tomato pomace & all those added ingredients, I’m going to try the “EarthBorn Holistic Ocean Fusion” next I running out of kibbles to try, I’m worried cause the fat % is 12% min so max will be around 14% http://www.earthbornholisticpetfood.com/us/dog_formulas/
    I have found when I feed a low fat 10-12% fat & higher protein 30% kibble, Patch had his bad swallowing & swallowing again… you may have to try a few different kibbles to find the right one…. “The Honest Kitchen Zeal” is suppose to be very good for dogs with stomach & skin problem…. http://www.thehonestkitchen.com/dog-food/zeal fat is 8.50% but the protein is higher at 35.50%…. there’s a lot of really good kibbles & wet tin foods in America so google around before deciding & make sure its money back guaranteed….I just say my boy wont eat it, when I start saying he gets acid reflux or sloopy poos the lady just looks at me weird…..I feel embarrassed when returning foods..

    If after you change her diet a few times to a lower fat, lower protein & if she is still swallowing & eating grass, ask vet can you have an Endoscope & Biopsies done on the stomach & make sure the biopsies are done, After changing my boys diet & giving ant-acid meds, Patch was still having his acid reflux on & off waking up about 11pm & was bad in morning about 10am after eating, so the Vet did a Endoscope & Biopsies & found Helicobacter-Pylori often found in shelter-pound dogs…. also what I do when I see Patch swallowing & eating grass & uncomfortable, I give him about 4ml liquid Mylanta in a syringe, some people use Pepto Bismol but we don’t have Pepto in Australia..it gives instant relief, please keep us updated on your girl & what worked for your new girl…..

    #76841 Report Abuse
    Wifsie G

    This is super helpful, Susan, thank you so much!
    When we adopted our dog, she would not drink for the first few days so we got into the habit of giving her kibble in water and now I’m wondering if that my be causing the problem. I didn’t know water raised the acidity of dogs’ stomachs. I’ve ordered a new kibble. as well as 2 library books on cooking for your dog. I’m also trying an herb based supplement for sensitive stomachs.
    I’m not a huge fan of canned food as they all have various gums added to them. I’m hoping for good results soon. Thanks again!

    #76843 Report Abuse

    Please check with a veterinarian before adding supplements, or over the counter medication intended for humans.
    Remember, only a veterinarian that has examined your pet can make a diagnosis (animals).

    #76844 Report Abuse
    Wifsie G

    Don’t worry, I talked to the vet yesterday. Keep in mind though that it is the vet that told us to use the medication that made the dog worse. So it’s more a question of finding what works and doesn’t. All the best!

    #76845 Report Abuse

    Well, I would consider consulting a veterinarian that is a Internal Medicine Specialist….
    Best of luck.

    #76846 Report Abuse

    PS: It may not have been the prilosec that made the dog vomit, the nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may be related to an underlying condition that has not yet been diagnosed. The vet probably tried a band-aid approach to avoid the costs of additional testing which now appears might be indicated, unless the dog gets better spontaneously

    Just my opinion.

    #76847 Report Abuse
    Wifsie G

    You’re absolutely right, that’s what the vet is doing. Trying to be thorough while avoiding, at least for now, any expensive or invasive procedures. We shall see what the next few days bring. thanks again!

    #76849 Report Abuse

    Hi, just be very careful with Prilosec, Somac as these are Pump Proton Inhibitors & once you start taking them you can not just stop taking them after taking them for 3-6 weeks…One vet prescribed Patch Losec & Patch was doing green sloppy poos, licking & licking his mouth & looked worse, wouldn’t get out of his bed for his walks, so I stopped the Losec on the 3 day, I saw another vet & he explained to me how the stomach works & PPI’s are no good to take for long periods, Pepcid & Zantac are better to give & can be stopped whenever also after 2 years I’ve just learnt about Hypochlorhydria… Hypochlorhydria is lack of stomach acid & we have the same symptoms, acid reflux, gas, heartburn, nausea etc & Doctors will just prescribe an ant acid meds & what I have found Patch got worse when he took the ant acid meds, so now I just give him some Mylanta when needed & I’ve been leaving him be, no more drugs….I’ve been feeding foods that don’t give him his acid reflux & keeping a diary of what foods were good & what foods didn’t work also slippery elm made into a slurry is suppose to be good for lining the stomach……sounds like your on the right track with the cook books……

    #76850 Report Abuse


    #77122 Report Abuse
    Wifsie G

    Thanks again, Susan. I’ve switched kibbles and soaking the new one and giving it to her soft. It seems to be helping and she LOVES it! Taste of the Wild does not even soften completely in an hour, it’s crazy. Right now she’s eating Fromm’s salmon tunalini and doing well. I’ve also ordered some samples of The Honest Kitchen’s fish grain free food.

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