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  • #41928 Report Abuse

    I feel so bad for my neighbors dog and I don’t know what to do. I know that they keep her in the basement and when the do let her outside the tie her up and leave her out there for hours. Right now she has been outside for about 6 hours. Her tie out is tangled up and she has about 3 ft left. She has been constantly barking to the point she is almost hoarse. She’s a little bit skinny too. I know that they plan on breeding her because that is what one of their little boys said.

    Should I call animal control? I would want them too look at her living area too to make sure it is safe. OR do I go over there? I have lived in my house for a little over 2 yrs and they got her shortly after I got my dog so she is only about 1 1/2. I don’t really know them too well or talk to them much other than the passing hello…

    I don’t know what to do…

    #41933 Report Abuse
    Jackie T

    Call animal control, they will do as much as the laws in your state allow. You can make an anonymous report. Your neighbors will not appreciate it if you try to tell them what to do with their dog, regardless of your good intent.

    #41934 Report Abuse
    Mary M

    Yes, please call animal control or the SPCA!! The dog is being abused! Let us know what happens.

    #41939 Report Abuse

    I’m just afraid that if I call animal control they will know it was me.

    I couldn’t take it anymore and went over there and asked them to check on their dog because she sounded hoarse. They did take her in and I can’t hear her barking anymore inside. Usually I can hear her bark from the basement.

    It just makes me so sad to see this. 🙁

    I am going to call animal control tomorrow and see what the laws are.


    #41950 Report Abuse
    Mary M

    Are you afraid of them retaliating against you in some way? Glad you spoke to them, at the very least they should know a constantly barking dog is a nuisance (not to mention what it’s doing to the poor dog).

    #41958 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    As long as the dog appears that it is being fed and has fresh water and shelter there’s nothing that can be done as far as “animal abuse” – if this is the case, your only option would be filing a nuisance report for the barking. That’s a line you have to ask yourself if you’re willing to cross – do you feel that this dog is being mistreated to the point that it’s worth potentially creating bad blood with your neighbors?

    #41970 Report Abuse

    That is the hard question. I checked out the animal control website today and I could basically file a nuisance report for the barking. When they took her in they did ask about training classes and I mentioned a few places around. So maybe when I see them outside again I can give them a card for the trainer I use. Hopefully it would at least get them thinking.

    #42145 Report Abuse

    I can’t help but I will never understand why people get a dog & don’t let it inside, in the family living area.

    #42179 Report Abuse

    I truly don’t understand it either. Some people just shouldn’t have dogs. It breaks my heart to see this going on.

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