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Confused! Frustrated! Help!

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  • #84776 Report Abuse
    Erin P

    OK a week and a half ago I took Laiya to the vet her lymphs were swollen on neck, over shoulders back of hind legs and two on her lower stomach, those on her stomach looked as if they’d dropped were red swollen like a cyst I thought were gonna pop and leak so took her in and I wanted to find out what the cause was I’ve read so much finding out her skin issues as well as swollen lumps were because of something else going on,so if I could find that out I’d know better how to help. I mean if she has a bacterial or fungal infection whether she had cancer or not seems it should be cleared up! But no skin sample or blood was taken they didn’t listen to her heart or lungs. Just said looks like cancer. Took a fluid sample from swollen lymph on belly then told me she had about 3weeks to live! She never had symptoms! Never lost weight ,she seems fine except for swollen lymphs. There’s days you can tell she doesn’t feel good its killing me,I’m trying to feed her a good clean diet! Confused with some things such as meat being really bad for cancer because cancer cells use meat protein to feed and grow and none wants that! When I’d took her in to vet she had been switched to soft wet food because I thought her neck being swollen seeing maybe it was hard to chew. So yes at that time she had diareah and her little bing hole was red swollen as well I also noticed how her skin around her lil toottoot was sticking to her self the sweat well it was looking like it was blistered. She used to lay in her back when she slept therefore got air down there now she can’t because it affects her breathing so I can’t exactly put powder on it! I did wrong in some ways by spoiling her heck she won’t allow me to inspect on her! Or cut her nails! I want to do the best for her can anyone tell me anything! Should I take her to another vet andvi insist on bloodwork!? I mean isn’t there an underlying cause of swollen lymphs in the first place! Why wouldn’t they want to treat that!? All they did was give me prednisone for 1week it ran out yesterday, tramadol for pain and antibiotics. Right now I really need to know what I can feed her she’s so hungry more than before!

    #84777 Report Abuse

    I went through this a couple of years ago, hemangiosarcoma. The dog was never sick a day in her life, all of a sudden at age 9 1/2, a cough and poor appetite. Multiple tests $ confirmed the diagnosis, no treatment options, one month left.

    If it has spread to her lungs, the tumors burst and they have difficulty breathing.

    Is she a pure breed? Often these things have a genetic component, inbreeding can be a factor.

    I would keep her comfortable, ask the vet that examined her to confirm the diagnosis and what does he recommend? If you can afford to and it will give you peace of mind seek another opinion….I tried but found the 3-4 vets I spoke to all said the same thing. They did however prescribe comfort meds.

    PS: Increased appetite is a side effect of prednisone.
    If the dog is young, consider taking her to a cancer specialist.

    #84780 Report Abuse

    Hi Erin,

    It is heartbreaking when our treasured companions fall ill. When all the lymph nodes are enlarged their can be several causes but a big one to rule in or out is lymphosarcoma. This is often done by removing a sample from several nodes and sending it to the pathologist.

    If lymphoma is the diagnosis chemotherapy is available and while sometimes lifesaving most often is life extending. You may want to consult a cancer specialist

    #84782 Report Abuse

    Hi Erin,

    I am so sorry for you and your pup. The others have offered you some good advice. There are also bacterial infections that can cause enlarged lymph nodes. You could take her to another vet and have them run a complete blood panel and have a sample from the lymph node sent to a pathologist. The result might still be lymphoma. A close family member’s dog had lymphoma, did chemo and it bought him some extra months with his wonderful dog. Unfortunately, the dog had the more aggressive lymphoma, but the other forms respond very well to chemotherapy. It may not cure, but it will buy you a lot more time.

    In regard to the food, if the canned is giving diarrhea, you might want to cut back and instead give a combination of the kibble that the dog has done well on with some canned and add warm water. You can let it sit long enough to soften the food so eating won’t be a problem. The steroids are making her hungry. Whatever you decide to do, the best thing you can do is make the dog comfortable and feed something that won’t cause diarrhea. She doesn’t need digestive issues along with a life threatening disease. Best wishes to you and your pup!

    Here’s a link regarding lymphoma that might help answer your questions:

    Canine Lymphoma Types

    #84797 Report Abuse
    Gayle M

    Please have the blood work done by a reputable and trustworthy vet. Our next door dog, over 2 years ago was told months to live, DX was cancer. She is still cranky, but an old lady and still getting older. She had an infection, some other things and some blood issues but still is hanging in there and annoying my two so more information seems necessary. Our next door dog has some bad days, but seems to still be enjoying life.

    #84800 Report Abuse

    Hi, can you cook for her, some chicken breast, some potato & some boil broccoli make a few meals & put in the fridge look up “Dr Judy Morgan” she has good easy meals on
    YouTube & go on Dr Judy Morgan’s face Book page & her site she sells supplements as well, she makes certain meals for her sick dogs, she has a few sick Cavilers..she also will answer any msg you send her for help..

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