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best solution for ongoing diet issues

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  • #66026 Report Abuse
    Mark F

    So I’ve got two dogs, one 5yr old Jack Russell and one 4yr old Jack Russell/chihuahua. I’ve had them for about 4-5 years now and when we first got them we fed them purina. Now they would puke every now and then but generally seemed to be fine and like it. Then all of a sudden it was non stop diarrhea and vomiting. So we switched them over to fresh pet which they seemed to really love and everything cleared up after that.

    Now the problem is back again, it’s like they get used to it and their body stops agreeing with it. They are the most sensitive stomached dogs I’ve ever had.

    Any suggestions at all?

    #66034 Report Abuse

    are they getting sick on FreshPet or did you put them back on Purina? By the way, Purina is a very low quality food.

    #66037 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    Think about putting them on a rotation diet? Lots of good info here about that.

    #66040 Report Abuse
    Mark F

    No I believe it’s not the fresh pet that’s making them sick, my uncle had a similar issue with fresh pet.

    I’ve always been hesitant about the rotating diet because they seem to have such sensitive stomachs.

    #66046 Report Abuse

    No one can answer what to do with your dogs, we can only answer based on our experiences and what we would do. It concern me that both your dogs have the same issues, at the same time. Since it was Purina and Freshpet, and its affecting both dogs, I would be highly suspicious of something else. IMO, its highly unlikely for two dogs in the same household to have the exact same issue. That leaves me with questioning the safety product being used, and then environmental/.

    In other words, if you are sure the food is stored correctly, without contamination, bowls are cleaned regularly etc, then my mind would wander to another cause..

    Cleaning product in the household? Drinking contaminated water source out doors uch as mud puddles, streams etc.. Virus? Did they go anywhere they could have been exposed to something?

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