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  • #109122 Report Abuse
    Jason S

    Hi, I’m new to this forum and would like some advice 🙂 I’m looking for a good dog food supplement. I’m buying premium dog food for my yellow lab, but I wonder if he’s really getting all the nutrients he needs? Any recommendations? And are there any more good forums or blogs out there devoted to nutritional care of dogs? Thank you!

    #109124 Report Abuse

    Hi Jason-

    Flip your bag of dog food over and look for the AAFCO statement of nutritional adequacy. If it says it is a complete and balanced food, there is no need to supplement your dogs diet. Supplementation could actually be counter productive if he is already eating a complete and balanced food.

    Petdiets.com would be the best place for you to get information about pet nutrition as the site is run by board certified vet nutritionists.

    #109125 Report Abuse

    @ pitlove
    Exactly! I already gave him a science based veterinary site to check, that supports what you said.
    I guess he wants or is waiting for the homeopathic spin on things.
    Good luck with that.
    Sad, supplements are not always benign either.

    #109179 Report Abuse
    Jason S

    pitlove and anon101 – thank you! This is great feedback, and I’ll check out petdiets.com

    Thanks for the heads up about AAFCO!

    Question: does anyone know of popular blogs regarding pet health and/or diet? Thank you very much for your incredible input. This community is fantastic!

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