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Reply To: Heartworms, need advice.
have limited time now, can’t get into much a discsussion, The 4x HW tickborne was considerable cheaper when included in the complete bloodwork package which is sent to an an outside lab, so rather thanm have them do the 4X inhouse and sending the rest out, I’m waiting day to find out all results tommorrow. The courier picks up today, and results should be ready tommorrow, he probably won’t call me until late. Per the vet, heart and lungs sound great, lungs sound clear. Condition appears excellent. He told me not change anything I was doing, barring any kind of problems and he is quite aware of his to activity’s. have more advantage multi now, but haven’t made an exact decision yet going forward, show know more tommorrow when vet calls with results. Dori, for Turbo, I’m not sure I could ever confidently use ivermectin again for preventative, whether it was all my fault, or whether it is really a resistant strain, I’ll never completely know, otherwise I’d likely be using it going forward, once negative test results. We still have bad mosquitos here. The swamp” land on the adjoining property still has yet too be fixed.
Aimee, I disagree on that. I had all W.E. to sit on this, and tone things down, and I did tone it down, as as much as I can get. Yes, she stated as being unsure about the exact average lifespan, but she stated those other sentences as fact, when in fact, it is FALSE, I would never do such a thing, and I will never try to wrongly influence someone, and especially with a matter important. In fact, I’m not trying to influence anyone period, that should be quite clear. Then her superfluous, unfounded last sentance as a kick in the teeth. Anyway it’s over, I can’t dwell anymore on it, or waste anymore time on it.
I have read a little about the antigen/antibody thing, especially in just the last few days. I meant to ask the vet about, and want too look into further. HJust a couple quick thoughts though, there is a lot of oppostion to making anything easy in the pharmaceutical world, especially with so much money involved. There are even Heartworm scary commercials about. Antigen tests have gotten more sensitive, not less. If it were completely true then how could you ever even tell for sure whether a dog ever were to became infected in the first place? Don’t know, Gotta go for now…..
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I need some advice
by Gerta Moret
1 week ago
Acid Reflux
by Sarah S
1 week ago
Hip and Joint supplements
by Judy R
1 week ago
Innovations in pet care
by Troy Lex
2 weeks, 3 days ago
Good dog food for almost 16 year old with elevated liver enzymes and beg kindey
by Kelly S
1 month, 1 week ago
Recent Replies
- Emma Monty on Large and Giant Breed Puppy Nutrition
- Mike Killion on symptoms worsen on hypoallergenic
- Jacson C on SCARED BY TV
- Mozelle Koss on Your recommended brands
- Mozelle Koss on Expiration on kibble question
- Mike James on Acid Reflux
- Barton Borret on I need some advice
- Adam Bee on Hip and Joint supplements
- Barb Conway on Acid Reflux
- Adam Bee on Need feeding advice please
- Lewis F on Hip and Joint supplements
- Shannon May on Nitrate content of Farmland Traditions Chicken Jerky treats?
- thew dental on High quality food that will help my dog lose weight and not poop so much?
- thew dental on Innovations in pet care
- Bruce Graham on Hip and Joint supplements