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Independent, unbiased reviews without influence from pet food companies

Canine Nutrition

 Deadly Foods For Dogs

What might be a tasty human snack, could be a deadly food for dogs. While many pet parents are aware chocolate, alcohol, and caffeine aren’t suitable for dogs, there are

Why Do Dogs Eat So Fast?

If you have a dog, you’ve probably asked, “Why do dogs eat so fast?” Okay, they’re not savoring a gourmet tasting menu in a Michelin-starred restaurant but they, pardon the

Can Dogs Eat Bananas?

Is it safe for dogs to eat bananas? Convenient, sweet, filling, and healthy, bananas are a favorite fruit for many of us. But what about those eager eyes watching you

Subscriber Q&A with Veterinarian Dr Lindsay Cassibry

A few weeks ago, we asked our email subscribers to submit food- and diet-related questions to Lindsay Cassibry, MPH, DVM, the in-house vet at five-star rated Ollie dog food and an expert on

AAFCO Committee Votes Against ‘Controlled Copper’ Claim for Dog Food

The Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) Pet Food Committee has decided not to implement a voluntary “Controlled Copper” claim for dog food. This decision comes after extensive research

How Food Can Help An Anxious Dog

If you’re the parent of an anxious dog, you may have tried all kinds of behavior therapy, training, or even used a pet psychologist to help your scared and confused

What Are the Best Meats for Dogs?

Dog food comes in many varieties. Indeed, diet rotation is a good thing, providing a range of nutrients. Most good dog foods have meat as their main ingredient (although there

What Is a Good Dog Food Ingredient?

What makes dog food good? One of the most important aspects of being a pet parent is choosing the best food for your dog — obvious, right? And probably the reason

Should I Feed My Dog Insect-Based Pet Food?

Your pup no doubt sits up and takes notice whenever a fly buzzes by or a cricket launches itself through the grass. Some will try to catch the bug in

Is Organic Dog Food Better?

Is organic dog food better than regular dog food? We often see the term “organic” in large font on food packaging and assume it’s the healthier option. But many people

Arsenic in Pet Food – Should You Be Worried? 

When you hear the word ‘arsenic’ you might think of some poor soul being bumped off in an Agatha Christie novel. However, this tool of melodramatic murder is commonly found

Can Dogs Eat Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a delicious, healthy snack enjoyed by millions of people across the world. It’s nutritious, packed full of vitamins and healthy fats, and contains plenty of carbohydrates to

How to Tell if Your Dog is Overweight

While we love having things in common with our dogs, such as our fondness for cuddling or walks on the beach, it can become a problem when our health issues

Understanding and Improving Your Dog’s Digestive System

Our digestive systems have a lot to say about our overall health, and recently, gut health has become a hot topic in human well-being. It’s not just about physical health

How your Dog’s Diet Impacts their Anal Glands

Dogs dragging bottoms along the ground and sniffing other dogs’ behinds may seem peculiar traits to pet parents (although our dogs might think the same about some of our characteristics),

The Truth About Grain-Free Dog Food: Insights from a Nutrition Expert

The phrase ‘grain-free’ has become one of the most confusing and debated in the world of dog food in recent years. It was and is often seen as a positive

What is Life-Stage Feeding and is it Important?

Just like us humans, dogs have different nutritional requirements based on their age. Puppies for example need more calories since they’re growing and their bodies are developing, while senior dogs

Dr. Marty Answers Your Questions

Dr. Marty Goldstein is one of America’s best-known veterinarians. His career, which spans more than 50 years, has seen him become a familiar face on major network television shows such

Managing your Dog’s Sensitive Stomach

Understanding your dog’s tummy can be a minefield and controlling what enters their mouth is sometimes impossible. Yet figuring out their unique dietary and digestive needs can be vital for

How to Clean your Dog’s Bowl

Believe it or not, the state of your dog’s feeding dish plays a crucial role in their overall health.  Think about it — how would you feel if your dinner

Can Diet Affect a Dog’s Skin and Coat?

Just like humans, a dog’s skin stands as their largest organ. As a result, the skin uses many resources from the body to maintain its health. This is especially noteworthy

What is Copper Storage Disease in Dogs?

Copper Storage Disease (CSD) (also known as Copper Storage Hepatopathy or Copper-Associated Hepatopathy (CAH) in dogs is a disease that more of us are becoming aware of — we’ve certainly

What are the Benefits of Limited-Ingredient Dog Food?

If you haven’t heard of limited-ingredient dog food, you might be wondering, “Why would I want to limit the amount of ingredients in my dog’s food? How can it be

Probiotics For Dogs

Probiotics are having their moment in the spotlight. In the past five years, searches on probiotics for dogs have increased by 94%. But, what’s all the fuss about? Probiotics, often

How to Choose a Dog CBD Brand and Product

Millions of pet parents are introducing CBD pet health supplements into their dog’s routine. And, as with dog food, choosing the right brand and product is essential for safe and

Can Diet Impact Dogs’ Behavior?

There is extensive research on the relationship between the human diet and mental health. We know an evening of junk food will have us slumped on the sofa and a

Should Your Dog be Eating Offal or Organ Meat?

First things first, what exactly is offal? Offal is simply a more tasteful term for organ meats, similar to how beef is used for cow meat. It’s an attempt to

Can Dog Food Have Too Much Protein?

Of all the nutrients in dog food, protein is the one that gets the most attention. We know it’s crucial to dogs’ development and lives. But can you have too

7 Most Important Nutrients for Dogs

Dogs love dinner time, whether their food is nutritious or not, so it’s our job to feed them the right food for their growth and development. There are AAFCO’s nutrient

How Do Dogs’ Diets Affect Dental Health?

Among the whirlwind of a dog’s daily adventures, it’s no surprise just about anything can find its way into their lovable mouth. While pet parents can’t always control the questionable

Is CBD Right For My Dog?

As we’ve talked about before, CBD for dogs is increasingly popular — much as it is for humans. The driving force behind this appears to be people searching for a

How To Make Healthy Dog Food

Designing dog food is like designing anything — you start with nothing and hope to reach a perfect result. Some dog parents do this themselves. They prepare fresh, home-cooked meals

Can Dogs Eat Pork?

We all know that dogs love to eat meat and that high-quality meat is a fabulous source of protein and healthy fats. Yet people often ask us (and the internet,

Will Dog Food Ever Be Meat-Free?

Where a meat-free dog diet was once considered barking mad, it’s fast becoming something that many pet parents will choose — or need — to adopt for their dog. For

Is Fresh Dog Food Worth the Cost?

Fresh dog food is more popular than ever. Whether raw or gently cooked, there’s a growing demand — one being met by an increasing number of companies, many of which

What Is Human-Grade Dog Food?

Come feeding time, it’s safe to say most parents aren’t tempted to dip a fork into their dog’s food and try it for themselves. Given that a great deal of

Should Seasons Affect Your Dog’s Diet?

Humans tend to alter their diets throughout the year. When it’s chilly outside, there’s nothing like a warming bowl of stew or a hearty slice of pie, but the sun

Which Fats Are Healthy For Dogs?

Unlike its nutritional siblings protein and fiber, fat doesn’t get much good press in the pet food world. There’s an obvious reason for this — feed your dog too much

The Secret to Reading Dog Food Labels

Looking at the back of dog food packaging can be overwhelming — all the long words and numbers written in the smallest font possible are enough to make you want

A Guide to Dog CBD Products

Many pet parents will be familiar with the increasing number of CBD dog products available claiming to offer health benefits for pets. Many will have given them a go —

What is AAFCO and What Does It Do?

If you buy dog food, and certainly if you read the reviews on the Dog Food Advisor, you’ll know the acronym AAFCO. But what is AAFCO? What does it do?

Are There Benefits to Low-Carb Dog Food?

What exactly is low-carb dog food? And will it do your dog any good? In the human world, carbohydrates can get a bad press, but they have an integral part

Can You Mix Raw and Kibble Dog Food?

You can’t get two types of dog food more different than raw dog food and dry dog food (otherwise known as kibble). One isn’t cooked at all, while the other

Can Dogs Eat Garlic?

Although most dogs would quite happily take a seat at their parents’ table and eat the same meals, there are plenty of reasons why this is a bad idea. For

Why Digestibility is Crucial for Dog Food

There are lots of words commonly used to describe a high-quality dog food. Healthy is one. Nutritious another. Nourishing, too. But nobody really says digestible. Likewise, when reading a dog

CBD for Dogs: Q&A with an Expert Veterinarian

How and what humans feed our dogs has often been influenced by how and what we feed ourselves — from handing down scraps from our tables to modern advances in

The Rights and Wrongs of Dog Treats

An unspoken fact about owning a dog is that you’ll probably have half-empty packets of dog treats all over your house. Whether treats for training, dental chews to keep your

How To Help Dogs That Are Picky Eaters

Dogs have a reputation for being fearsomely greedy creatures and capable of polishing off anything that you put before them — and occasionally things you were trying to keep away

Why You Need to Check Your Dog’s Poop

Dog poop. It’s not glamorous, but it’s part of every dog parent’s daily life. And every responsible dog parent needs to be clued up on what comes out of the

Raw dog food — the big questions

Raw dog food diets have been around as long as dogs — and their ancestors — have been around. Until the creation of dry dog food and canned dog food,

Can Dogs Be Vegetarian or Vegan?

It’s thought that up to 14% of Americans follow a diet of some kind and this is a figure expected to rise even further if the projected growth of the

How Important is Taurine for Dogs?

When doing research on pet food, you’ll inevitably come across the word taurine at some point or other and quite naturally, you’ll wonder just what exactly it is. Put simply,

The Truth About MSG and Dog Food

There’s much myth and hearsay when it comes to the topic of MSG in dog food. As is often the case, the reality is complex. What is MSG? First of

Can Dogs Eat Cat Food?

To the untrained eye, cat and dog food can look pretty similar when they’re served up side-by-side. What’s more, if you’re lucky enough to share a home with both cats

Aflatoxin… Avoiding the Deadliest Natural Toxin in Dog Food

Aflatoxin is one of the most dangerous natural poisons known to food scientists. And many times, it can be found in some of the most popular dog foods on the

Copper Sulfate in Dog Food — Is It Safe?

Once again, concerns about the safety of copper sulfate in dog food appear to be making their way around the Internet. So, many of our readers have asked if it’s

Hip Dysplasia in Dogs Linked to Improper Diet

Hip dysplasia in dogs is a common condition in which the hip joint becomes malformed. The disease typically appears before a dog turns 18 months and can lead to severe

Suggested Low Protein Dog Foods

Suggested Hypoallergenic Dog Foods

Low Fat Dog Food — Good or Bad for Your Pet?

Recently, low fat eating has become all the rage. It’s one of today’s most popular human dietary trends. So, it should come as no surprise that some dog food companies

Dogs and Carbohydrates — A Surprising Secret Revealed

Zero. That’s how many carbohydrates are nutritionally required by a dog to sustain life. The fact that a dog food doesn’t need to contain any “carbs” at all seems hard to

Are Dogs Carnivores… or Omnivores?

Are dogs carnivores… or omnivores? The Great Debate goes on. And on. When it comes to choosing dog food, it’s important to know the answer to that question. So, if

Water — Fixing the Most Neglected Nutrient in Your Dog’s Diet

Poor Water Quality Can Lead to Disease Water is perhaps the most neglected nutrient in a dog’s diet… Which is why it may also be the most overlooked cause of

Amino Acid — The Stealth Dog Food Nutrient More Essential Than Protein

I’m always amazed at the obsession most pet owners have about dog food protein. Especially since protein isn’t even considered an essential nutrient. Surprised? Well, that’s because it’s the stuff

The Benefits of Dog Food Fiber (Part 2)

OK. In Part 1 we talked about what fiber really is… and why it’s only found in vegetables and grains.  And never in meat. We also talked about… A simple

The Benefits of Dog Food Fiber (Part 1)

By now, you’ve probably heard a lot about the benefits of dietary fiber. And if you haven’t… you really need to. Because fiber might just be one of the most

Can Dogs Drink Milk?

The short answer is that milk in small quantities is generally safe for dogs. This comes with a ‘but’… like humans, not all dogs are the same, and some will

Do Dogs Need Vitamin C in Their Diet?

Unlike humans who require vitamin C to sustain life, dogs possess the natural ability to make their own. Without vitamin C humans get a disease called scurvy… and die. Yet

Metabolic Weight Helps Predict a Dog’s Daily Food Needs

Adult dogs can vary in size from 2 pounds to 250 pounds.  So, with such a huge range of sizes, how can you figure out how much food your dog

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