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New rescue dog.

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  • #61762 Report Abuse
    amy j

    Hello to everyone. Two weeks ago I rescued a dog from the shelter. They said she was between 1 and 2. She weighs 30 lbs. I think she is a mix between a pit bull, and Chihuahua. The lady advised that the dogs do not get walked they stay in a kennel. Anyway, back in February I rescued a puppy who was 5 weeks old and weighed only 5 lbs. He is a mix also he looks bulldog/lab. He now weighs 90lbs. My question is I need to get my new friend (Minnie) healthy. I have had Marley on the 4health for around 6 months. He has done great with it. Vet said he was healthy and beautiful. Him and I also run 2 miles a day. Does anyone have any suggests on a good food for my new addition? Thank you in advance.

    #61764 Report Abuse

    Hi Amy, are you show a Pit Bull mixed with a Chihuahua, I cant see that happening, LOL… A Chihuahua is so tiny & a Pit bull is a medium to large dog…Try her on 4health what your feeding Marley & see how she goes..
    What was she eating at the shelter? you mite be better buying that & after she settles in then start slowly mix in her new food over 10 days….
    Good-Luck with Minnie, I’d love to see a photo of them both..

    #61766 Report Abuse
    amy j

    How do I post pictures?

    #61821 Report Abuse

    First of all, thank you SO MUCH for rescuing!!! I would agree with Susan to find out what the dog was eating at the shelter, and keep her on that for at least a week. Then, slowly transition her over at least 7-10 days, more if she needs it, to 4-Health or another well-rated food. If she is underweight than you will want to feed her more than the recommended amount, and possibly more often too. Check with your vet about that. Once she is healthy, you could select a few other quality foods to rotate with (with slow transitions) because no on food is perfect. Good luck!

    And Chi Pit mixes actually can exist, as weird as it seems I live in an area where both breeds are so common that it is inevitable.

    You can use photobucket to post pictures, just copy the “direct link” on the right side of the page.

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