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  • #52241 Report Abuse
    Kristin D

    Hello!!! My name is Kristin!!! I have a 5 year old miniature Dachshund named, Oscar. I came to this forum because I’m seeking advice about feeding raw food. I just bought a book called; “Raw & Natural Nutrition for Dogs, The Definitive Guide to Homemade Meals.” by Lew Olson. So far I am really enjoying reading this book!!! I highly suggest it!!!:) I’m wondering, how do you edit your profile picture??? For the forum and for commenting on reviews??? Thanks!!!

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Kristin D.
    #52273 Report Abuse

    Go to gravatar.com and upload as many pictures as you want there and then wait several minutes before it shows up here! I change my picture every now and then.

    #52297 Report Abuse

    Hi Kristin, welcome!! We must see a picture of Oscar! Great name by the way, lol! Might be easier to post a pic on the review side, but on here you can you Photo Bucket to post one.

    #52375 Report Abuse

    Hi Kristin, Welcome….Yes, Ive read Lew Olsons book, it’s excellent, I love how she has a food section for health problems, (Pancreatitis, IBD, Heart Disease, Kidney Disease etc) I dont use raw but when I started to cook I got most of my ideas from her book, also she has a yahoo group its in her book…
    scroll down to the bottom of this page & click on “Contact Us” then click on “How can I add a custom image to my personal profile?” then you’ll see the link to create your free Gravatar…

    #52508 Report Abuse
    Kristin D

    Okay, thanks, pugmomsandy!!!:D

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Kristin D.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Kristin D.
    #52511 Report Abuse
    Kristin D

    Hi, Cyndi!!!:D Thanks for all your help and the warm welcome!!!:D Thanks, I think he has a pretty cute and ironic name too!!!;P Lol!!! I know you guys NEED to see him!!!!!!!! He’s pretty darned CUTE!!!!!!!!!!:D <3 Lol!!!! Okay, thanks again!!!:D

    #52520 Report Abuse
    Kristin D

    Hi, sue66b!!! Thanks for the warm welcome!!!:D I know right???!!! It’s SUCH a GREAT book!!!! I LOVE it so far!!!! I’m so excited to read the rest of it!!!!:D Lol!!!:D Yeah it’s pretty cool that she has that in the book. 🙂 It’s great for people who don’t know what to feed their dogs with health problems. That’s awesome that you feed your dog home made food!!!:D Oh, cool!!! I’ll have to check that out!!! Okay, thank you so much!!!:D

    #52536 Report Abuse
    Kristin D

    Here’s Oscar!!!!!!!:D

    #52537 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hi Kristin, what a cutie pie!!!! 😉

    #52538 Report Abuse

    Awwww, Oscar is adorable!!!

    #52592 Report Abuse
    Kristin D

    Hi, Bobby dog!!!:D Awwwww, thanks!!!:D <3 He is pretty cute, isn’t he???;) Lol!!!!

    #52593 Report Abuse
    Kristin D

    Thanks, Cyndi!!!:D He’s a pretty cute little guy… 😉 Lol!!!:P

    #52595 Report Abuse

    Hi Kristin & Oscar,


    BTW, how did you embed that picture within your post? I don’t recall ever having seen anyone do that.

    #52599 Report Abuse
    Zach M

    Oscar is adorable!!!

    #52601 Report Abuse
    Kristin D

    Hi, 4FootedFoodie!!!:D *Wave* Lol!!!;P Thanks for the warm welcome!!!:D <3 I’ve been on forums off and on for a few years now. So I’ve learned a thing or two about a thing or two. Lol!!!;P I have a Flickr account(which, I can’t remember the password or email to… lol!!! So I just used the share you use when you click on someone else’s photo)and I just pressed share, chose the HTML link, and copied and pasted. Sorry if that was a bit confusing… I’m not the best at explaining things… Lol!!!;P

    P.S. this is my favorite smiley face!!!;P Lol!!!;P

    #52602 Report Abuse
    Kristin D

    Awwwww, thanks Zach M.!!!!:D

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Kristin D.
    #52609 Report Abuse


Viewing 17 posts - 1 through 17 (of 17 total)
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