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Henry Beagle is at the Rainbow Bridge
- This topic has 10 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by
MemberHenry was our precious 14 year old beagle. He had so many people and children who would stop at the front yard to pet him, feed him treats, and visit. He was the celebrity of the neighborhood. We loved him a great deal and he showed us so much love and affection. We lost Henry yesterday to heart failure. Even to the end he was gentle and loving. He was recuperating from an ACL injury and he was amazing in his recovery. But Sunday, a change happened. He started being restless, panting and would not eat. He loved to bark but Sunday, no barking. When we took him to our Vet, we thought he had the flu, only to learn that it was heart failure. Both sides of his heart were damaged and he was dying. We made that sad decision through tears. Our Vet, with tears in his eyes, assured us there was nothing we did or anything we could have done to prevent this from happening. We miss him. We have had so many calls and gifts of consolation but our hearts are heavy! Goodbye Henry, til we meet at the Rainbow Bridge.
MemberI’m so sorry for your loss. I can tell he was much loved by all who knew him. Run free, Henry. It’s time to chase the bunnies!
MemberI am so very sorry for your loss. I had a doberman who was a neighborhood favorite & meant alot to many people. I know how hard it is. I avoided many people after he died because it was it was just so hard to tell people. Remember the good times & how he brought joy to so many. He’s in a good place now. RIP Henry!
MemberI’m so sorry. Henry was a treasure. Run free Henry.
MemberSo sorry for your loss. My very first dog ever was a Beagle named Skipper and he was awesome. Henry you will be missed!
MemberI’m so very sorry for your loss. Run free, Henry.
MemberThank you for your support. I am having a difficult time with Henry’s death. Thinking it was flu or cold and finding out that it was his heart was so devastating. I know the Vet told me there was nothing I did or could have done to prevent this, but my grieving goes to all kinds of questions. Did I feed him right. We made his food and gave him vitamins. I never gave him anything that I did not clear through my vet. When he had his annual visit in early Dec. she noticed a slight heart murmur but nothing to be concerned about. He had blood tests and his liver enzymes were elevated. We took him for a fasting blood test and rather than a sonogram we decided to do a blood test every two months to keep checking. The night before he died, it never entered my mind that he was in a dangerous state. He was restless and since he was deaf and loved treats so he barked a lot. Sometimes it annoyed me. Did he know I loved him? Could I have done more. I was not present when he was euthanized. Should I had been beside him. I miss him greatly and am so distressed. I know my husband is grieving as well. He is trying to console me.
MemberPlease don’t be so hard on yourself regarding the passing of your pet Henry. In my opinion, you gave Henry a great gift by not letting him suffer at the end of his life. Give yourselves a hug, and whisper a thank you to Henry for being your precious beagle boy while he was here on this earth with you and your husband.
MemberDear Beagleowner,
I had to write because my heart breaks for you this morning. BlackandBlue said it beautifully.
You said you loved Henry and if you did, trust me, he knew it and he felt loved. By your words here, your love for him is obvious to me.
Making the decision to euthanize a much loved pet is so painful. I made that same decision on 03/03/2003, to put my much loved black lab, Hannah, down. I was there with her, holding her, and when the weight of her body fell against me it broke my heart and all I could think was, what have I done. I still feel that way sometimes and it still brings tears to my eyes. It was years before I would get another dog, but I still miss Hannah.
You did your very best and Henry had a good life. He stretched your heart a little bit more to make room for a little more love in it. It’ll always hurt, but someday, it won’t hurt as much.
Peace & Blessings, Betsy
MemberI am so sorry to hear about the loss you suffered. With your words, I can well understand how much you loved your pet. It is really sorrowful. But you have to console yourself, recall the good memories you spent with him. Have peace and be happy.
MemberI feel I have come to the acceptance that Henry is gone and as the doctor told me there was nothing I did or could have done that would have preventend this. His heart failed and he was dying. However I was not present when they euthanized him. I was so distressed and shocked that he was dying I couldn’t bear to be there . When I talked to one of my family members and they heard that I was not present for the procedure she said that pets want you there to comfort them so they know you loved them. Reading some articles on the web, many are saying the same. Now my guilt has set in and I am dwelling on this. I let him down at the last moments. While he laid on the table for an exam, I petted him, kissed him and scratched his head and told him I loved him. My husband also did the same and in fact Henry put his chin on my husbands hand. Neither of us stayed for the procedure, but I did see him after it was over and he looked so peaceful. But I can’t get the guilt out of my mind. You have all been such a comfort to me. Thank you.
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